best audio engineering podcasts

Overview of Audio Engineering Podcasts

Audio engineering is a fascinating field that plays a crucial role in the creation and delivery of high-quality audio experiences across various industries. From music production and film to broadcasting and live sound, audio engineers are the masterminds behind the scenes, ensuring that every sound is captured, mixed, and mastered to perfection. With the advancements in technology and the ever-evolving audio landscape, staying up-to-date with the latest techniques, trends, and industry insights is essential for audio engineers looking to excel in their craft.

In this digital age, podcasts have emerged as a popular medium for learning and sharing information. With their accessibility and convenience, podcasts have become a go-to resource for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Audio engineering podcasts, in particular, have gained significant traction, providing a wealth of knowledge, tips, and experiences directly from industry experts. Whether you are a beginner exploring the fundamentals or an experienced audio engineer looking to refine your skills, audio engineering podcasts offer a treasure trove of valuable content.

The purpose of this comprehensive blog post is to introduce you to the best audio engineering podcasts available, covering a wide range of topics and catering to different levels of expertise. We understand the importance of finding reputable and engaging podcasts that not only educate but also inspire and connect you with a community of like-minded individuals. Therefore, we have curated an extensive list of podcasts that encompass everything from the basics of audio engineering to advanced techniques, cutting-edge technologies, and industry trends.

Throughout this blog post, we will explore the benefits of listening to audio engineering podcasts, delve into the world of audio engineering, evaluate the top podcasts for beginners, intermediate-level listeners, and advanced professionals. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to maximize the benefits of audio engineering podcasts, supplement your learning with other resources, and harness the knowledge gained to enhance your audio engineering skills.

So, whether you are a student, a hobbyist, or a seasoned professional, get ready to embark on an exciting audio engineering journey through the realm of podcasts. Let’s dive in and discover the best audio engineering podcasts that will help you expand your knowledge, refine your techniques, and connect with fellow audio enthusiasts and industry experts.

Benefits of Listening to Audio Engineering Podcasts

Podcasts have revolutionized the way we consume information and entertainment. With their convenience and accessibility, podcasts have become a popular medium for learning and staying informed about various subjects. When it comes to audio engineering, podcasts offer a multitude of benefits that can greatly enhance your skills and broaden your understanding of the industry.

Advantages of Learning Through Podcasts

One of the primary benefits of audio engineering podcasts is the flexibility they offer. Unlike traditional forms of learning, such as books or courses, podcasts allow you to learn on the go. Whether you’re commuting to work, exercising at the gym, or simply relaxing at home, you can tune in and absorb valuable audio engineering knowledge. This flexibility makes podcasts a convenient option for busy professionals and those with packed schedules.

Moreover, podcasts provide a unique learning experience by immersing you in real-world discussions and conversations. Many audio engineering podcasts feature industry experts, renowned audio engineers, and professionals sharing their insights, experiences, and tips. By listening to these conversations, you gain exclusive access to their wealth of knowledge, learning not only the technical aspects of audio engineering but also the practical insights that can only come from years of hands-on experience.

Industry Insights and Trends

Keeping up with the latest industry trends and developments is crucial for any audio engineer. Podcasts offer a valuable platform for industry experts and thought leaders to discuss emerging technologies, innovative techniques, and current trends. By regularly listening to audio engineering podcasts, you can stay updated on the ever-evolving audio landscape. From discussing advancements in audio processing software to exploring the potential of immersive audio and virtual reality, podcasts provide a window into the future of audio engineering.

Networking and Community Building

Audio engineering podcasts not only provide educational content but also foster a sense of community. Many podcasts have dedicated listener communities where you can connect with fellow audio engineers, enthusiasts, and even the podcast hosts themselves. These communities offer opportunities for networking, sharing experiences, and collaborating on projects. Engaging with like-minded individuals can provide valuable insights, support, and even potential job opportunities within the audio engineering industry.

Diverse Range of Topics

The beauty of audio engineering podcasts lies in their ability to cover a vast array of topics. Whether you’re a beginner looking to grasp the fundamentals or an experienced professional seeking advanced techniques, there is a podcast out there tailored to your needs. From microphone selection and recording techniques to mixing, mastering, and sound design, audio engineering podcasts offer in-depth discussions and practical tips across the entire audio production process. By exploring different podcasts, you can find the ones that align with your interests, skill level, and specific areas of focus.

Continuous Learning and Inspiration

Audio engineering, like any creative field, requires continuous learning and inspiration. Podcasts provide a constant stream of new ideas, perspectives, and inspiration to fuel your creativity. Through interviews with industry leaders and successful audio engineers, you can gain insights into their creative processes, problem-solving techniques, and approaches to audio engineering challenges. This exposure to diverse perspectives can spark new ideas and push the boundaries of your own audio engineering capabilities.

In conclusion, audio engineering podcasts offer a multitude of benefits for anyone interested in the field. They provide flexible learning options, industry insights, networking opportunities, a diverse range of topics, and continuous inspiration. So, whether you’re a budding audio engineer looking to start your journey or a seasoned professional seeking to expand your knowledge, tuning into audio engineering podcasts is a smart and valuable investment in your growth and development within the audio engineering industry.

Understanding Audio Engineering

Audio engineering is a multifaceted discipline that involves the technical and creative aspects of capturing, manipulating, and reproducing sound. It plays a pivotal role in various industries, including music production, film and television, live sound reinforcement, broadcasting, and gaming. To truly appreciate the world of audio engineering podcasts, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the field itself.

What is Audio Engineering?

Audio engineering can be defined as the application of scientific and technical principles to the recording, mixing, editing, and reproduction of sound. It encompasses a wide range of activities, such as selecting and setting up audio equipment, operating recording consoles and software, adjusting sound levels, and ensuring the quality and fidelity of recorded audio.

Audio engineers are responsible for capturing sound in the best possible way, while also considering factors such as acoustics, microphone placement, and signal processing. They work closely with musicians, producers, directors, and other creatives to achieve the desired sonic outcome and enhance the overall audio experience.

Roles and Responsibilities of Audio Engineers

In different fields of audio engineering, professionals may have various roles and responsibilities. Let’s take a closer look at a few key roles:

  • Music Production: Audio engineers involved in music production collaborate with artists, producers, and songwriters to record, mix, and master music tracks. They are responsible for capturing the musicians’ performances, selecting and positioning microphones, and creating a balanced and polished final mix.

  • Film and Television: Audio engineers in the film and television industry work on location or in post-production studios. They handle tasks such as recording dialogue, capturing ambient sounds, creating sound effects, and mixing audio elements to ensure clear and immersive soundtracks for films, TV shows, documentaries, and commercials.

  • Live Sound Reinforcement: Live sound engineers are responsible for setting up and operating sound systems during live performances, concerts, and events. They work closely with musicians, technical crews, and venue staff to ensure clear and balanced sound for the audience.

  • Broadcasting: Audio engineers in broadcasting oversee the technical aspects of radio and television broadcasts. They handle tasks such as operating broadcast consoles, managing audio levels, and ensuring the quality of sound during live broadcasts and pre-recorded shows.

Technical Aspects of Audio Engineering

Audio engineering involves a deep understanding of technical concepts and equipment. Here are some key technical aspects:

  • Recording: The process of capturing sound using microphones and recording devices. Audio engineers must understand microphone types, polar patterns, and placement techniques to achieve the desired sound.

  • Mixing: The art of blending multiple audio tracks together to create a balanced and compelling final mix. This involves adjusting levels, panning, EQ, dynamics processing, and effects to create a cohesive and pleasing sonic image.

  • Mastering: The final step in the audio production process, where the mix is refined and prepared for distribution. Mastering involves enhancing the overall sound quality, optimizing levels, applying dynamic processing, and ensuring consistency across multiple tracks or an entire album.

  • Signal Processing: The use of audio processors and effects to shape and manipulate sound. This includes equalization (EQ), compression, reverb, delay, modulation effects, and more.

Audio engineers must be proficient in using digital audio workstations (DAWs) and other software tools for recording, editing, mixing, and mastering. They also need to understand concepts such as acoustics, psychoacoustics, and audio signal flow to optimize sound quality and troubleshoot technical issues.

Understanding the fundamentals of audio engineering is crucial for anyone interested in delving into the world of audio engineering podcasts. With this knowledge as a foundation, you’ll be better equipped to comprehend the discussions, techniques, and tips shared by industry experts in the podcasts we will explore further in this blog post.

Evaluating the Best Audio Engineering Podcasts

With the growing popularity of audio engineering podcasts, it’s important to navigate through the vast sea of options and identify the ones that offer the most valuable content. When evaluating audio engineering podcasts, there are certain criteria to consider to ensure that you are investing your time in high-quality and informative shows. In this section, we will explore the factors to consider when selecting the best audio engineering podcasts and provide examples of podcasts that cater to different levels of expertise.

Criteria for Selecting the Best Audio Engineering Podcasts

  1. Content Quality: The content of a podcast should be informative, well-researched, and engaging. Look for podcasts that provide practical tips, insights, and in-depth discussions on audio engineering topics. The hosts and guests should have a solid understanding of the subject matter and be able to communicate it effectively.

  2. Host Credibility: Consider the background and experience of the podcast hosts. Look for hosts who have a track record in the audio engineering industry and possess the necessary expertise to provide valuable insights. Hosts who have worked on notable projects or have a reputable presence in the industry are more likely to deliver high-quality content.

  3. Guest Expertise: Many audio engineering podcasts feature guest interviews with industry professionals, renowned audio engineers, and experts. Assess the expertise and credibility of the guests. Are they well-respected figures in the industry? Do they bring unique perspectives and experiences to the discussions? Guests with a diverse range of backgrounds and specialties can provide valuable insights and broaden your understanding of audio engineering.

  4. Consistency and Frequency: Consistency is key when it comes to podcasts. Look for shows that release episodes on a regular schedule. This ensures that you have a steady stream of content to learn from. Additionally, the frequency of episodes can also indicate the level of commitment and dedication the podcast hosts have towards delivering valuable content to their audience.

  5. Targeted Audience: Consider the target audience of the podcast. Some podcasts cater to beginners, providing foundational knowledge and tips, while others target intermediate or advanced listeners. Choosing podcasts that align with your current skill level will ensure that you are receiving content that is relevant and beneficial to your own growth as an audio engineer.

  6. Format and Style: Podcasts can vary in their format, style, and presentation. Some podcasts feature interviews with industry professionals, while others may have solo discussions or case studies. Consider the format that resonates with your preferred learning style. Whether you enjoy in-depth conversations or concise, focused episodes, choose podcasts that deliver content in a way that captivates and engages you.

Top Audio Engineering Podcasts for Beginners

For those just starting their audio engineering journey, it’s crucial to find podcasts that provide a solid foundation of knowledge and practical tips. Here are a few examples of podcasts that cater specifically to beginners:

  1. “The Recording Revolution”: Hosted by Graham Cochrane, this podcast focuses on teaching beginners how to record and produce high-quality music with limited resources. Graham shares tips, techniques, and strategies for achieving professional-sounding results in home studio environments.

  2. “Recording Studio Rockstars”: Hosted by Lij Shaw, this podcast features interviews with renowned audio engineers, producers, and musicians. While it covers a wide range of topics, it also offers insights and advice specifically targeted at beginners who are looking to improve their recording skills.

  3. “The Mastering Show”: Hosted by Ian Shepherd, this podcast focuses on the art of audio mastering. It offers practical guidance and tips for beginners looking to understand the mastering process and improve the quality of their final mixes.

These podcasts provide a solid foundation for beginners, covering topics such as equipment selection, recording basics, and mixing techniques. They offer valuable insights and guidance to help beginners navigate the world of audio engineering and develop their skills.

Intermediate-level Audio Engineering Podcasts

Once you have gained a solid foundation and understanding of audio engineering, you may be ready to dive deeper into more advanced techniques, theories, and industry insights. Intermediate-level audio engineering podcasts cater to those who have grasped the basics and are looking to expand their knowledge and refine their skills. These podcasts offer in-depth discussions and practical tips that can take your audio engineering expertise to the next level. Here are a few examples of podcasts that cater specifically to intermediate-level listeners:

  1. “The UBK Happy Funtime Hour”: Hosted by Gregory Scott and Nathan Daniel, this podcast offers a unique blend of humor and practical advice for audio engineers. They delve into advanced topics such as mixing techniques, sound design, and creative problem-solving. The hosts share their experiences and insights gained from years of working in the industry, offering valuable guidance for intermediate-level audio engineers.

  2. “The Pro Audio Files”: Hosted by Dan Comerchero, this podcast covers a wide range of audio engineering topics, from mixing and mastering to recording techniques and music production. The episodes often feature interviews with industry professionals who share their expertise and provide insights into advanced techniques and workflows.

  3. “The Mastering Show”: While also suitable for beginners, this podcast hosted by Ian Shepherd explores more advanced aspects of audio mastering. It delves into topics such as loudness, dynamics processing, and the intricacies of delivering a polished and professional final product. The discussions provide valuable insights for intermediate-level audio engineers looking to enhance their mastering skills.

These podcasts go beyond the basics and offer a deeper exploration of advanced techniques and concepts in audio engineering. By listening to these shows, you can gain a deeper understanding of topics such as advanced mixing strategies, mastering techniques, sound design principles, and creative approaches to audio engineering challenges. The hosts and guests share their experiences, tips, and industry insights, allowing you to refine your skills and expand your horizons as an intermediate-level audio engineer.

Advanced Audio Engineering Podcasts

For audio engineers who have advanced their skills and are seeking to stay at the forefront of the industry, there are podcasts tailored specifically to their needs. These podcasts delve into complex topics, cutting-edge techniques, emerging technologies, and industry trends. They provide a platform for renowned audio engineers, industry leaders, and experts to share their experiences, insights, and knowledge. Here are a few examples of podcasts that cater to advanced audio engineers:

  1. “Mixing with the Masters”: This podcast features interviews with some of the most accomplished and respected audio engineers and producers in the industry. It explores their mixing techniques, creative approaches, and philosophy behind their work. This podcast provides valuable insights and inspiration for advanced audio engineers looking to push the boundaries of their craft.

  2. “The Mastering Show”: While suitable for beginners and intermediate listeners as well, this podcast also delves into advanced mastering techniques and explores complex topics such as loudness normalization, high-resolution audio, and the future of audio formats. It features discussions with mastering engineers, scientists, and industry professionals who share their expertise and shed light on the latest developments in audio mastering.

  3. “The Audio Programmer Podcast”: This podcast focuses on the intersection of audio engineering and programming. It explores advanced topics in audio software development, DSP algorithms, and audio plugin design. The discussions dive deep into technical aspects, making it an ideal choice for audio engineers with a programming background or those interested in the technical side of audio engineering.

These podcasts cater to the advanced audio engineer who is seeking to expand their knowledge, explore cutting-edge techniques, and stay informed about the latest advancements in the field. They offer a wealth of information, insights, and inspiration from industry leaders and experts, providing a platform for advanced audio engineers to refine their skills, challenge their creativity, and stay ahead of the curve.

By tuning into these advanced audio engineering podcasts, you can gain a deeper understanding of complex topics such as acoustics, audio restoration, immersive audio, spatial audio, and more. The discussions and interviews provide invaluable insights into the techniques, tools, and workflows employed by the industry’s top professionals. Listening to these podcasts can help you take your audio engineering skills to new heights and become a true master of your craft.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Audio Engineering Podcasts

Listening to audio engineering podcasts can be a valuable tool for expanding your knowledge, improving your skills, and staying connected with the audio engineering community. To make the most out of your podcast listening experience, here are some tips that will help you maximize the benefits:

Effective Ways to Listen to Audio Engineering Podcasts

  1. Create a Conducive Listening Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on the podcast without distractions. Consider using headphones to fully immerse yourself in the audio and eliminate any external noises that may interfere with your listening experience.

  2. Practice Active Listening: Treat podcast listening as an active learning experience. Take notes while listening to important points, techniques, or resources mentioned by the hosts or guests. This will help you retain the information and allow you to refer back to it later.

  3. Utilize Podcast Show Notes: Many podcasts provide detailed show notes that accompany each episode. These show notes often include links to resources, tools, and additional information mentioned in the podcast. Take advantage of these show notes to supplement your learning and explore further on the topics discussed.

  4. Engage with the Podcast Community: Most podcasts have an online community or social media presence where listeners can connect and engage with hosts and fellow listeners. Join these communities to ask questions, share insights, and participate in discussions. Networking with like-minded individuals can provide valuable opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Supplementing Podcast Learning with Other Resources

While audio engineering podcasts offer a wealth of knowledge, it’s important to supplement your learning with other resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field. Here are some additional resources to consider:

  1. Books: Explore authoritative books on audio engineering, mixing, mastering, and related topics. Books provide in-depth explanations, technical details, and a structured approach to learning.

  2. Online Courses: Enroll in online courses that offer structured curriculum and hands-on exercises. These courses provide a more interactive learning experience and allow you to apply the concepts you learn in real-world scenarios.

  3. Forums and Online Communities: Participate in audio engineering forums and online communities where you can engage in discussions, ask questions, and learn from experienced professionals. These platforms provide a space for knowledge-sharing and networking.

  4. Hands-on Experiences and Internships: Seek opportunities to gain hands-on experience in audio engineering. This can be through internships, volunteering for local events, or working on personal projects. Practical application of your skills will reinforce what you learn from podcasts and other resources.

By incorporating these additional resources into your audio engineering learning journey, you can gain a well-rounded education and develop a deeper understanding of the concepts, techniques, and principles discussed in audio engineering podcasts.

Continuous Learning and Practical Application

Listening to audio engineering podcasts is just the beginning of your learning journey. To truly benefit from the knowledge gained, it’s important to apply what you learn in practical situations. Here are some suggestions for continuous learning and practical application:

  1. Experiment and Practice: Set aside dedicated time to practice the techniques and concepts you learn from podcasts. Whether it’s recording, mixing, or mastering, hands-on practice will reinforce your understanding and improve your skills.

  2. Stay Curious and Open-Minded: Keep exploring new podcasts, topics, and techniques. The audio engineering field is constantly evolving, and there is always something new to learn. Stay curious, embrace new ideas, and be open to experimenting with different approaches.

  3. Attend Workshops and Conferences: Look for audio engineering workshops, seminars, or conferences in your area. These events provide opportunities to learn from industry experts, network with professionals, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

  4. Seek Feedback and Mentorship: Share your work with trusted peers or mentors who can provide constructive feedback and guidance. Seek mentorship from experienced audio engineers who can help you refine your skills and offer valuable insights.

In conclusion, maximizing the benefits of audio engineering podcasts requires active engagement, supplementing learning with other resources, and practical application of the knowledge gained. By implementing these tips, you can enhance your learning experience, deepen your understanding of audio engineering concepts, and continue to grow and improve as an audio engineer.


