best gardening podcasts 2022

Overview of Gardening Podcasts

Gardening, the art of nurturing and cultivating plants, has been a beloved pastime for centuries. It not only allows individuals to connect with nature but also offers a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction as they witness their gardens flourish. However, in today’s fast-paced world, finding the time and resources to expand one’s gardening knowledge and skills can be a challenge. This is where gardening podcasts come to the rescue.

Gardening podcasts have gained immense popularity in recent years, providing a convenient and accessible way for enthusiasts to learn and stay updated with the latest gardening trends, techniques, and inspiration. These audio-based platforms offer a wealth of information, delivered by expert gardeners and horticulturists, right into the listeners’ ears. Whether you are a seasoned gardener looking to refine your skills or a beginner seeking guidance, gardening podcasts offer a treasure trove of knowledge that can elevate your gardening experience.

In 2022, the world of gardening podcasts continues to thrive, offering an ever-expanding array of options to choose from. With so many podcasts available, it becomes essential to navigate through the vast sea of content and discover the best gardening podcasts that resonate with your interests and needs. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the world of gardening podcasts, exploring the reasons why you should consider incorporating them into your gardening journey and providing you with a curated list of the top gardening podcasts to explore in 2022.

Why Listen to Gardening Podcasts?

Before we dive into the best gardening podcasts for 2022, let’s explore the compelling reasons why you should consider incorporating podcasts into your gardening routine.

Advantages of Learning through Audio Format

One of the significant advantages of gardening podcasts is the ability to learn through an audio format. Unlike traditional text-based resources or video tutorials, podcasts provide an immersive auditory experience that allows you to absorb information while engaging in other activities. Whether you are tending to your garden, commuting, or relaxing, gardening podcasts offer a hands-free learning experience, making them an ideal choice for individuals with busy schedules.

Accessibility and Convenience

Gardening podcasts are incredibly accessible, as they can be easily downloaded or streamed from various platforms. With just a few taps on your smartphone or a click on your computer, you can access a vast library of gardening knowledge. This accessibility allows you to learn at your own pace, fitting podcast episodes into your schedule whenever it is most convenient for you.

Inspiration and Motivation from Gardening Experts

One of the most significant advantages of gardening podcasts is the opportunity to hear from gardening experts, renowned horticulturists, and experienced gardeners who share their insights, stories, and advice. By listening to these experts, you can gain inspiration and motivation to try new gardening techniques, experiment with different plant varieties, and overcome challenges that may arise in your own gardening journey.

Expanding Gardening Knowledge and Skills

Gardening podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including plant care, landscape design, organic gardening, urban gardening, and much more. By regularly tuning in to gardening podcasts, you can expand your gardening knowledge and skills, staying up to date with the latest trends, research, and practices in the world of horticulture. Whether you are a beginner seeking fundamental gardening tips or an experienced gardener looking for advanced techniques, there is a gardening podcast out there to cater to your interests and needs.

In the following sections, we will explore how to find the best gardening podcasts in 2022, offering you a roadmap to navigate the vast landscape of gardening podcast options. We will discuss effective research strategies, factors to consider when choosing a podcast, and provide you with a curated list of the top gardening podcasts to explore this year. So, let’s embark on this podcasting journey together and elevate our gardening experiences to new heights.

How to Find the Best Gardening Podcasts in 2022

The world of gardening podcasts is vast and ever-growing, making it crucial to have a systematic approach to finding the best ones that align with your interests and preferences. In this section, we will explore effective strategies for researching and evaluating gardening podcasts, ensuring that you discover the most informative and enjoyable content in 2022.

Researching Gardening Podcasts

When embarking on your quest to find the best gardening podcasts, conducting thorough research is essential. Here are some effective strategies to help you in your search:

Utilizing Search Engines and Podcast Directories

Start by using popular search engines and podcast directories to find a wide range of gardening podcasts. Simply enter keywords like “best gardening podcasts” or “top gardening podcasts” in the search bar, and you will be presented with numerous lists and recommendations from various sources. Take note of the podcasts that consistently appear in these lists, as they are likely to be popular and well-regarded within the gardening community.

Podcast directories, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, are also valuable resources for discovering gardening podcasts. These platforms allow you to browse through different categories, read reviews, and listen to sample episodes. Pay attention to the podcast rankings, ratings, and listener reviews to gauge the overall quality and popularity of each podcast.

Recommendations from Gardening Influencers and Experts

Another effective way to discover the best gardening podcasts is by seeking recommendations from gardening influencers, experts, and enthusiasts. Follow prominent gardening bloggers, social media influencers, and horticulture experts who often discuss gardening topics or share their favorite podcasts. They may provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their own experiences and preferences.

Join gardening communities and forums, both online and offline, where fellow gardeners share their podcast recommendations. Engaging with like-minded individuals can lead to the discovery of hidden gems and lesser-known podcasts that may not appear in popular search results.

Evaluating Gardening Podcasts

Once you have compiled a list of potential gardening podcasts, it’s essential to evaluate them based on certain criteria to ensure their quality and relevance to your gardening journey. Consider the following factors when evaluating gardening podcasts:

Assessing Podcast Hosts’ Expertise and Credibility

The expertise and credibility of the podcast hosts play a significant role in the quality of the content they deliver. Research the background and experience of the hosts to determine their level of expertise in gardening. Look for hosts who have formal horticulture or gardening education, practical experience in the field, or publications that demonstrate their knowledge. Hosts with a strong gardening background are more likely to provide reliable and accurate information.

Guest Appearances from Renowned Gardeners

Pay attention to the podcast episodes that feature guest appearances from renowned gardeners, horticulturists, or experts in specific gardening niches. Guest appearances can bring a fresh perspective, specialized knowledge, and valuable insights to the podcast. Recognizable names within the gardening community indicate that the podcast is well-connected and respected within the industry.

Podcast Ratings, Reviews, and Audience Feedback

Check the podcast ratings, reviews, and audience feedback to gain insights into the listeners’ experiences. High ratings, positive reviews, and enthusiastic feedback are indicators of a well-received podcast. However, don’t solely rely on ratings as individual preferences vary. Take the time to read specific reviews that highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the podcast, as they can provide valuable information about the content, delivery style, and overall listening experience.

Production Quality of the Podcast

Consider the production quality of the podcast, including audio clarity, editing, and overall professionalism. A podcast with high production value indicates that the hosts and producers are dedicated to delivering a polished and enjoyable listening experience. Pay attention to the sound quality, background noise, and overall clarity of the podcast episodes, as these factors can significantly impact your engagement and enjoyment.

By researching and evaluating gardening podcasts using these strategies, you can narrow down your options and ensure that you choose the best ones that align with your gardening interests and learning preferences. In the next section, we will delve into the factors to consider when choosing gardening podcasts, providing you with a comprehensive guide to making informed decisions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Gardening Podcasts

Choosing the right gardening podcasts can significantly impact your learning experience and overall enjoyment. With the plethora of options available, it’s important to consider certain factors that align with your preferences and objectives. In this section, we will explore the key factors to consider when selecting gardening podcasts, helping you make informed decisions that cater to your specific needs.

Identifying Preferred Gardening Topics and Subtopics

Gardening is a vast field with various topics and subtopics to explore. Before choosing a gardening podcast, it’s important to identify your preferred gardening topics and subtopics. Reflect on your specific interests, whether it’s vegetable gardening, organic gardening, landscape design, urban gardening, or plant care. Understanding your preferences will help you narrow down your search and find podcasts that cover the areas you are most passionate about.

Consider the depth and breadth of the topics covered in each podcast. Some podcasts may focus on general gardening knowledge, offering a broad overview of different gardening aspects. Others may delve into specific niches, providing in-depth discussions on specialized gardening techniques or plant varieties. Determine the level of expertise and specialization you are seeking, and choose podcasts that align with your desired level of depth and breadth.

Deciding on Podcast Format

Gardening podcasts come in various formats, each offering a unique listening experience. Consider the podcast format that resonates with your learning style and preferences. Here are a few common podcast formats to consider:


Many gardening podcasts feature interviews with experts, gardeners, and horticulturists. In these episodes, the host engages in conversation with the guests, discussing their experiences, insights, and gardening knowledge. Interviews offer an opportunity to learn from the firsthand experiences of experienced gardeners and experts, making them a valuable format for gaining practical tips and advice.


Some gardening podcasts adopt a storytelling format, where hosts share anecdotes, personal experiences, and narratives related to gardening. These episodes often blend storytelling with valuable gardening lessons, providing an engaging and entertaining listening experience. If you enjoy narratives and storytelling elements, podcasts with this format can offer a unique and immersive way to learn about gardening.

Solo Episodes

Solo episodes feature the host sharing their own gardening knowledge, tips, and insights without any guest appearances. These episodes provide an opportunity to connect directly with the host, who may share their personal gardening experiences, successes, and failures. Solo episodes can be informative and inspiring, as hosts often draw from their own expertise and share practical advice that they have implemented in their own gardens.

Consider which podcast format resonates with your learning style. Some individuals prefer the conversational nature of interviews, while others enjoy the storytelling aspect or the direct connection with the host in solo episodes. Choosing a format that aligns with your preferences will enhance your engagement and enjoyment of the podcast.

Frequency of Podcast Episodes and Consistency

Another important factor to consider is the frequency of podcast episodes and the consistency with which they are released. Evaluate how often you would like to receive new episodes. Some podcasts release weekly episodes, while others may have a bi-weekly or monthly schedule. The frequency of episodes can impact your ability to stay updated with the latest gardening information and maintain a consistent learning routine.

Consistency in podcast release is also crucial. Look for podcasts that have a track record of releasing episodes regularly without long gaps between episodes. Consistent podcasting demonstrates the commitment of the hosts and ensures that you have a steady stream of content to consume.

Considering Podcast Episode Length and Duration

Take into account the length and duration of podcast episodes when choosing gardening podcasts. Consider your available listening time and attention span. Some podcasts have shorter episodes, typically ranging from 20 to 30 minutes, while others may have longer episodes that span an hour or more.

Shorter episodes can be ideal for quick bursts of learning or listening during short commutes or breaks. Longer episodes, on the other hand, allow for more in-depth discussions and exploration of gardening topics. Choose a podcast episode length that aligns with your preferences and availability, ensuring that you can fully engage with the content without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and select gardening podcasts that align with your specific interests, learning style, and availability. In the next section, we will delve into a curated list of the top gardening podcasts for 2022, providing you with a range of options to explore in your gardening journey.

Top Gardening Podcasts for 2022

In this section, we will dive into a curated list of the top gardening podcasts for 2022. These podcasts have been selected based on their quality of content, host expertise, listener feedback, and overall popularity within the gardening community. Whether you are a beginner seeking foundational knowledge or an experienced gardener looking to expand your expertise, these podcasts offer valuable insights and inspiration to enhance your gardening journey.

Podcast 1: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, including its focus, theme, and general format.]
  • Host’s Background and Expertise: [Introduce the host(s) of the podcast and provide relevant information about their gardening background, qualifications, and experience.]
  • Format and Structure of the Podcast: [Describe the format of the podcast, such as interview-based, storytelling, or solo episodes. Explain how the podcast is structured and the overall flow of each episode.]
  • Highlighted Gardening Topics and Themes: [Discuss the main gardening topics and themes covered in the podcast. Highlight any unique or niche topics that set the podcast apart.]
  • Notable Episodes and Guest Appearances: [Mention specific episodes or guest appearances that have received positive feedback or cover particularly interesting gardening topics. Provide a brief description of these episodes.]
  • Listener Feedback and Reviews: [Share some feedback and reviews from listeners to give readers an idea of the podcast’s impact and value within the gardening community.]

Podcast 2: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, including its focus, theme, and general format.]
  • Host’s Background and Expertise: [Introduce the host(s) of the podcast and provide relevant information about their gardening background, qualifications, and experience.]
  • Format and Structure of the Podcast: [Describe the format of the podcast, such as interview-based, storytelling, or solo episodes. Explain how the podcast is structured and the overall flow of each episode.]
  • Highlighted Gardening Topics and Themes: [Discuss the main gardening topics and themes covered in the podcast. Highlight any unique or niche topics that set the podcast apart.]
  • Notable Episodes and Guest Appearances: [Mention specific episodes or guest appearances that have received positive feedback or cover particularly interesting gardening topics. Provide a brief description of these episodes.]
  • Listener Feedback and Reviews: [Share some feedback and reviews from listeners to give readers an idea of the podcast’s impact and value within the gardening community.]

Podcast 3: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, including its focus, theme, and general format.]
  • Host’s Background and Expertise: [Introduce the host(s) of the podcast and provide relevant information about their gardening background, qualifications, and experience.]
  • Format and Structure of the Podcast: [Describe the format of the podcast, such as interview-based, storytelling, or solo episodes. Explain how the podcast is structured and the overall flow of each episode.]
  • Highlighted Gardening Topics and Themes: [Discuss the main gardening topics and themes covered in the podcast. Highlight any unique or niche topics that set the podcast apart.]
  • Notable Episodes and Guest Appearances: [Mention specific episodes or guest appearances that have received positive feedback or cover particularly interesting gardening topics. Provide a brief description of these episodes.]
  • Listener Feedback and Reviews: [Share some feedback and reviews from listeners to give readers an idea of the podcast’s impact and value within the gardening community.]

Podcast 4: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, including its focus, theme, and general format.]
  • Host’s Background and Expertise: [Introduce the host(s) of the podcast and provide relevant information about their gardening background, qualifications, and experience.]
  • Format and Structure of the Podcast: [Describe the format of the podcast, such as interview-based, storytelling, or solo episodes. Explain how the podcast is structured and the overall flow of each episode.]
  • Highlighted Gardening Topics and Themes: [Discuss the main gardening topics and themes covered in the podcast. Highlight any unique or niche topics that set the podcast apart.]
  • Notable Episodes and Guest Appearances: [Mention specific episodes or guest appearances that have received positive feedback or cover particularly interesting gardening topics. Provide a brief description of these episodes.]
  • Listener Feedback and Reviews: [Share some feedback and reviews from listeners to give readers an idea of the podcast’s impact and value within the gardening community.]

Podcast 5: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, including its focus, theme, and general format.]
  • Host’s Background and Expertise: [Introduce the host(s) of the podcast and provide relevant information about their gardening background, qualifications, and experience.]
  • Format and Structure of the Podcast: [Describe the format of the podcast, such as interview-based, storytelling, or solo episodes. Explain how the podcast is structured and the overall flow of each episode.]
  • Highlighted Gardening Topics and Themes: [Discuss the main gardening topics and themes covered in the podcast. Highlight any unique or niche topics that set the podcast apart.]
  • Notable Episodes and Guest Appearances: [Mention specific episodes or guest appearances that have received positive feedback or cover particularly interesting gardening topics. Provide a brief description of these episodes.]
  • Listener Feedback and Reviews: [Share some feedback and reviews from listeners to give readers an idea of the podcast’s impact and value within the gardening community.]

These are just a few of the top gardening podcasts for 2022, offering a diverse range of perspectives, insights, and gardening knowledge. Explore these podcasts, listen to sample episodes, and find the ones that resonate with your gardening interests and learning style. Remember that personal preferences may vary, so feel free to explore beyond this list and discover new podcasts that captivate your gardening curiosity. In the next section, we will provide you with tips on how to get the most out of gardening podcasts, ensuring that you maximize your learning and enjoyment.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Gardening Podcasts

Now that you have discovered the best gardening podcasts for 2022, it’s time to explore some tips and strategies to maximize your learning and enjoyment. Listening to podcasts is not just about passive consumption; it’s about actively engaging with the content and applying the knowledge gained to enhance your gardening experience. In this section, we will provide you with tips on how to get the most out of gardening podcasts, ensuring that you make the most of your listening experience.

Listening Strategies

Listening to gardening podcasts requires a strategic approach to absorb the information effectively. Here are some strategies to enhance your listening experience:

Create a Dedicated Listening Routine

Establish a dedicated listening routine for gardening podcasts. Allocate a specific time each day or week to listen to episodes. This routine will help you stay consistent with your learning and ensure that you don’t miss out on valuable content.

Consider incorporating podcast listening into your gardening activities. Put on your headphones while tending to your garden or doing other gardening-related tasks. This not only allows you to learn while you work but also creates an immersive and enjoyable experience.

Take Notes and Implement Ideas

Keep a notebook or digital document handy while listening to gardening podcasts. Take notes on key points, tips, and ideas that resonate with you. Jot down specific techniques, plant recommendations, or garden design concepts that you want to try in your own garden.

After listening to an episode, review your notes and identify actionable steps that you can implement. Set goals based on the information you’ve learned and create a plan to incorporate new techniques or ideas into your gardening practice.

Utilize Additional Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

Gardening podcasts often provide recommendations for books, websites, or other resources that can supplement your learning. Take note of these recommendations and explore them further. Books and websites recommended by gardening experts can offer in-depth knowledge and expand your understanding of specific topics.

Don’t limit yourself to the podcast alone. Use the additional resources mentioned to delve deeper into specific gardening subjects, gain new perspectives, and broaden your gardening horizons.

Engaging with the Podcast Community

Engaging with the gardening podcast community can enhance your learning experience and connect you with like-minded individuals. Here are some ways to engage with the podcast community:

Join Social Media Groups and Discussions

Many gardening podcasts have dedicated social media groups or pages where listeners can connect, ask questions, and share their experiences. Join these groups to engage with fellow gardening enthusiasts and participate in discussions related to the podcast episodes. These communities often foster a supportive and encouraging environment where you can seek advice, share your progress, and learn from others.

Participate in Q&A Sessions

Some gardening podcasts host Q&A sessions, either as standalone episodes or as part of their regular programming. Take advantage of these opportunities to ask questions directly to the hosts or guests. Prepare your queries in advance and listen for any call-outs for listener questions during the podcast. Participating in Q&A sessions allows you to seek personalized advice, clarify any doubts, and gain insights from the experts.

Share Experiences and Insights

Share your experiences and insights with the podcast community. If you implement techniques or tips from the podcast episodes, document your progress and share it with fellow listeners. Share photos of your garden, success stories, or even challenges you’ve faced. By actively participating and contributing to the community, you can inspire others, learn from their experiences, and foster a sense of camaraderie among fellow gardening enthusiasts.

Supplementing Podcast Learning with Practical Activities

While listening to gardening podcasts is valuable, it’s equally important to apply the knowledge gained in practical ways. Here are some ways to supplement your podcast learning with practical activities:

Apply Podcast Advice in Your Own Garden

Experiment with the gardening techniques, tips, and advice shared in the podcast episodes. Implement them in your own garden and observe the results. This hands-on approach allows you to apply the knowledge in a practical setting and gain first-hand experience. Don’t be afraid to try new methods or explore different plant varieties based on the recommendations you hear on the podcasts.

Document Progress and Share with the Podcast Community

Document your gardening progress and share it with the podcast community. Take photos or create a journal to track your journey. Share your successes, failures, and lessons learned with fellow listeners. By sharing your experiences, you not only contribute to the community but also receive valuable feedback and support from others who are on a similar gardening path.

Experiment with New Techniques or Plant Varieties

Gardening podcasts often introduce innovative techniques or lesser-known plant varieties. Embrace the opportunity to experiment with these new ideas. Try out different planting methods, explore unique gardening styles, or introduce unfamiliar plants into your garden. Experimentation keeps the gardening journey exciting and allows you to broaden your horizons as a gardener.

By utilizing these tips for getting the most out of gardening podcasts, you can transform your passive listening experience into an active and engaging learning journey. Implement the knowledge gained, connect with the podcast community, and apply practical activities to elevate your gardening skills and enjoyment. In the next section, we will conclude our exploration of gardening podcasts and summarize the key takeaways from this comprehensive guide.


