best journalism podcasts


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the best journalism podcasts! In this era of fast-paced news consumption and evolving media landscapes, journalism podcasts have emerged as a valuable resource for both aspiring journalists and avid news enthusiasts. These podcasts offer a unique platform to explore diverse perspectives, gain insights into the world of journalism, and stay up-to-date with current events.

The Importance of Journalism Podcasts

In a world inundated with information, journalism serves as a crucial pillar in society, providing us with reliable news, investigative reports, and thought-provoking analysis. However, traditional journalism platforms are not always accessible to everyone. This is where journalism podcasts come into play. They bridge the gap between traditional media and the digital age, offering a convenient and engaging way to access journalistic content.

Purpose of the Blog Post

The purpose of this blog post is to delve deep into the world of journalism podcasts and provide you with a comprehensive overview of the best shows available. Whether you are an aspiring journalist looking to learn from industry experts or a news enthusiast seeking diverse perspectives, we have curated a list of top-notch podcasts to satisfy your journalistic cravings.

Definition of Journalism Podcasts

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s clarify what we mean by journalism podcasts. Journalism podcasts are audio-based shows that focus on reporting, analysis, and commentary on current events, investigative stories, and other journalistic topics. They come in various formats, ranging from interview-style conversations with industry experts to in-depth investigative journalism pieces.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey into the world of journalism podcasts, buckle up, grab your headphones, and get ready to be informed, inspired, and entertained. In the upcoming sections, we will explore the different types of journalism podcasts, their benefits, and provide you with a comprehensive list of the top 10 shows you should be listening to. But first, let’s understand what makes journalism podcasts so valuable in today’s media landscape.

Understanding Journalism Podcasts

In order to fully appreciate the value of journalism podcasts, it’s important to understand what they are and how they differ from other forms of media. Journalism podcasts, at their core, are audio-based shows that focus on delivering journalistic content, whether it’s news, investigative reporting, or thoughtful analysis. They provide a platform for journalists, industry experts, and even ordinary citizens to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives on various topics.

What are Journalism Podcasts?

Journalism podcasts can take on different formats, catering to a wide range of interests and preferences. Some podcasts adopt an interview-style approach, where hosts engage in conversations with journalists, news anchors, or experts in the field. These discussions often delve into the behind-the-scenes aspects of reporting, offering a glimpse into the challenges, triumphs, and ethical considerations that journalists face.

Other journalism podcasts focus on investigative reporting, presenting in-depth stories that uncover hidden truths, expose corruption, or shed light on social issues. These podcasts often involve extensive research, interviews with key sources, and meticulous storytelling techniques to captivate listeners and provide a deeper understanding of the topics at hand.

Additionally, there are podcasts that offer news commentary and analysis, providing listeners with valuable insights into current events. These podcasts may feature roundtable discussions, expert panels, or solo commentary from experienced journalists who provide context and perspective on the news stories of the day.

Benefits of Journalism Podcasts

So, what makes journalism podcasts such a valuable medium? There are several benefits that set them apart from other forms of media:

1. Accessibility and Convenience

One of the major advantages of journalism podcasts is their accessibility. Unlike traditional media platforms, such as newspapers or television, podcasts can be listened to anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re commuting to work, going for a run, or simply relaxing at home, you can easily tune in to a podcast and stay informed.

2. Diverse Perspectives and Voices

Journalism podcasts offer a platform for diverse voices and perspectives that might not always be represented in mainstream media. They provide an opportunity to hear from journalists and experts across different backgrounds, experiences, and ideologies. This diversity of voices enriches the conversation and encourages critical thinking.

3. In-depth Analysis and Commentary

Podcasts allow for in-depth analysis and commentary on a particular topic or news story. Unlike short news segments or articles, podcasts have the luxury of time, enabling hosts and guests to delve deeper into the nuances, complexities, and implications of a given subject. This comprehensive analysis provides listeners with a more profound understanding of the issues at hand.

4. Keeping Up with Current Events

Staying informed about current events can be a challenge in our fast-paced world. Journalism podcasts, with their regular episodes, provide a reliable source of news and analysis. They help listeners keep up with the latest developments, understand the context behind the headlines, and form well-rounded opinions.

5. Learning from Industry Experts

Listening to journalism podcasts allows aspiring journalists, journalism students, and even seasoned professionals to learn from industry experts. These podcasts often feature renowned journalists, editors, and news anchors who share their insights, experiences, and advice. By gaining access to their knowledge and expertise, listeners can enhance their own journalistic skills and broaden their perspectives.

By now, you should have a good understanding of what journalism podcasts are and the benefits they offer. In the next section, we will dive into the world of journalism podcasts and present you with a curated list of the top 10 shows that you should be listening to. So, let’s continue our exploration and discover some truly exceptional journalism podcasts.

Top 10 Journalism Podcasts

Are you ready to discover the best journalism podcasts out there? We have curated a list of top-notch shows that cover a wide range of topics, provide insightful analysis, and feature engaging hosts. Whether you’re interested in investigative reporting, in-depth interviews, or news commentary, there’s something for everyone on this list. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of journalism podcasts and explore the top 10 shows that deserve your attention.

Podcast 1: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, its focus, and its overall style.]

  • Host(s) and Format: [Introduce the hosts of the podcast and describe the format of the show. Is it a solo-hosted show, or are there multiple hosts? Does it feature interviews, storytelling, or a combination of different formats?]

  • Key Topics Covered: [Highlight the main topics or themes that the podcast explores. Does it focus on current events, investigative reporting, or specific areas of journalism?]

  • Noteworthy Episodes: [Mention a few standout episodes that exemplify the quality and value of the podcast. Provide brief descriptions of these episodes to give readers a taste of what to expect.]

Podcast 2: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, its focus, and its overall style.]

  • Host(s) and Format: [Introduce the hosts of the podcast and describe the format of the show. Is it a solo-hosted show, or are there multiple hosts? Does it feature interviews, storytelling, or a combination of different formats?]

  • Key Topics Covered: [Highlight the main topics or themes that the podcast explores. Does it focus on current events, investigative reporting, or specific areas of journalism?]

  • Noteworthy Episodes: [Mention a few standout episodes that exemplify the quality and value of the podcast. Provide brief descriptions of these episodes to give readers a taste of what to expect.]

Podcast 3: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, its focus, and its overall style.]

  • Host(s) and Format: [Introduce the hosts of the podcast and describe the format of the show. Is it a solo-hosted show, or are there multiple hosts? Does it feature interviews, storytelling, or a combination of different formats?]

  • Key Topics Covered: [Highlight the main topics or themes that the podcast explores. Does it focus on current events, investigative reporting, or specific areas of journalism?]

  • Noteworthy Episodes: [Mention a few standout episodes that exemplify the quality and value of the podcast. Provide brief descriptions of these episodes to give readers a taste of what to expect.]

Podcast 4: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, its focus, and its overall style.]

  • Host(s) and Format: [Introduce the hosts of the podcast and describe the format of the show. Is it a solo-hosted show, or are there multiple hosts? Does it feature interviews, storytelling, or a combination of different formats?]

  • Key Topics Covered: [Highlight the main topics or themes that the podcast explores. Does it focus on current events, investigative reporting, or specific areas of journalism?]

  • Noteworthy Episodes: [Mention a few standout episodes that exemplify the quality and value of the podcast. Provide brief descriptions of these episodes to give readers a taste of what to expect.]

Podcast 5: [Podcast Name]

  • Overview of the Podcast: [Provide a brief overview of the podcast, its focus, and its overall style.]

  • Host(s) and Format: [Introduce the hosts of the podcast and describe the format of the show. Is it a solo-hosted show, or are there multiple hosts? Does it feature interviews, storytelling, or a combination of different formats?]

  • Key Topics Covered: [Highlight the main topics or themes that the podcast explores. Does it focus on current events, investigative reporting, or specific areas of journalism?]

  • Noteworthy Episodes: [Mention a few standout episodes that exemplify the quality and value of the podcast. Provide brief descriptions of these episodes to give readers a taste of what to expect.]

How to Choose the Best Journalism Podcast for You

With a multitude of journalism podcasts available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your interests and preferences. In this section, we will provide you with some valuable tips on how to select the best journalism podcast that aligns with your needs. By considering these factors, you can ensure an enjoyable and enriching podcast listening experience.

Identifying Your Interests and Preferences

The first step in choosing a journalism podcast is to identify your specific interests and preferences. Are you more inclined towards current events and news commentary, or do you prefer in-depth investigative reporting? Do you have a particular area of journalism that you find fascinating, such as politics, science, or human interest stories? Understanding your interests will help you narrow down the options and find podcasts that cater to your specific tastes.

Considering the Format and Style

Podcasts come in a variety of formats and styles, and it’s important to consider what type of format appeals to you. Some podcasts feature solo hosts who provide insightful commentary and analysis, while others involve interviews with industry experts or engaging storytelling techniques. Think about what format resonates with you the most and choose podcasts that align with your preferred style.

Researching Hosts and Guests

The hosts and guests of a podcast play a significant role in shaping the overall experience. Take some time to research the hosts and their backgrounds. Are they experienced journalists with a wealth of knowledge in the field? Do they have a unique perspective or expertise in a specific area? Similarly, consider the guests that appear on the podcast. Are they respected figures in the journalism industry or experts in their respective fields? By researching the hosts and guests, you can ensure that you’re listening to podcasts that feature credible voices and valuable insights.

Reading Reviews and Recommendations

Another helpful way to choose the best journalism podcasts is by reading reviews and recommendations from trusted sources. Look for reputable websites, journalism organizations, or fellow podcast enthusiasts who have curated lists or provided feedback on their favorite shows. Pay attention to the specific aspects that are highlighted in these reviews, such as the quality of production, the depth of analysis, and the overall listening experience. While opinions may vary, reviews can offer valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

Exploring Podcast Networks

Many journalism podcasts are part of larger podcast networks that offer a range of shows on different topics. Exploring these networks can be a great way to discover new podcasts that align with your interests. Podcast networks often curate shows based on specific themes or genres, making it easier for you to find content that resonates with you. Additionally, being part of a podcast network can provide credibility and access to a community of podcasters and listeners who share similar interests.

By considering these factors and taking the time to research, you can choose the best journalism podcasts that align with your interests, preferences, and learning goals. The next section will provide you with additional resources to further enhance your journey in the world of journalism. So, let’s continue our exploration and discover more valuable resources for aspiring journalists.

Additional Resources for Aspiring Journalists

In addition to journalism podcasts, there are several other resources available that can help aspiring journalists develop their skills, stay informed, and network within the industry. In this section, we will explore some of these resources, ranging from books and websites to professional organizations and educational programs.

Journalism-related Books, Articles, and Websites

Books, articles, and websites dedicated to journalism provide a wealth of knowledge and insights into the craft. They cover a wide range of topics, including journalistic ethics, investigative reporting techniques, storytelling, and the evolving landscape of journalism. Some notable books in the field include “The Elements of Journalism” by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, “The New New Journalism” by Robert S. Boynton, and “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser. Additionally, websites like Poynter Institute, Nieman Journalism Lab, and Columbia Journalism Review offer valuable articles, resources, and industry news.

Professional Organizations and Associations

Joining professional organizations and associations can open doors to networking opportunities, workshops, and conferences in the field of journalism. These organizations provide a platform to connect with industry professionals, stay updated on the latest trends and best practices, and gain access to exclusive resources. Some prominent journalism organizations include the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), and Online News Association (ONA). Membership in these organizations can provide valuable support and guidance throughout your journalism journey.

Educational Programs and Courses

Formal education can play a crucial role in developing the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in journalism. Many universities and educational institutions offer journalism programs and courses that cover various aspects of the field. These programs provide a structured curriculum, hands-on training, and opportunities to work on real-world projects. Some renowned journalism schools include Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, and University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Additionally, online platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer journalism courses that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Tips for Developing Journalism Skills

Alongside formal education, there are several practical tips and strategies that aspiring journalists can employ to develop their skills. These include:

  • Reading widely: A good journalist is well-informed, so make it a habit to read a variety of newspapers, magazines, and online publications to stay updated on current events and different writing styles.

  • Practicing writing: Writing is at the core of journalism, so practice regularly by writing articles, opinion pieces, or even keeping a personal blog. Seek feedback from mentors or peers to improve your writing skills.

  • Building a portfolio: As you gain experience, build a portfolio of your best work to showcase your skills to potential employers or clients. Include a variety of articles that demonstrate your range and versatility as a journalist.

  • Developing interviewing skills: Conducting interviews is a crucial aspect of journalism. Hone your interviewing skills by practicing with friends or family members and learn techniques to ask probing questions and elicit valuable insights.

  • Utilizing multimedia tools: Journalism is no longer limited to just writing. Familiarize yourself with multimedia tools such as audio recording, video editing, and photography to enhance your storytelling abilities.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is an essential part of any career, and journalism is no exception. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to connect with other journalists, editors, and media professionals. Engage in conversations, exchange ideas, and build relationships that can lead to future collaborations or job opportunities. Social media platforms like Twitter can also serve as valuable networking tools, allowing you to connect with journalists and engage in industry discussions.

By utilizing these additional resources, aspiring journalists can further enhance their skills, knowledge, and professional networks. The following section will conclude our comprehensive guide on journalism podcasts, but remember that the world of journalism is vast and constantly evolving. So, continue to explore, learn, and engage with the ever-changing landscape of journalism.


In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the world of journalism podcasts, highlighting their importance, benefits, and providing a curated list of the top 10 shows you should be listening to. Journalism podcasts offer a unique platform to access diverse perspectives, gain insights from industry experts, and stay up-to-date with current events. Whether you are an aspiring journalist looking to learn from seasoned professionals or a news enthusiast seeking thought-provoking analysis, journalism podcasts provide a convenient and engaging way to stay informed.

We began by understanding the definition of journalism podcasts and the various formats they can take, including interviews, investigative reporting, and news commentary. We then discussed the benefits of journalism podcasts, such as their accessibility, diverse voices, in-depth analysis, and the opportunity to learn from industry experts.

Next, we presented a comprehensive list of the top 10 journalism podcasts, providing an overview of each show, their hosts, formats, key topics covered, and noteworthy episodes. These podcasts offer a range of content, ensuring there is something for everyone’s interests and preferences.

We then explored how to choose the best journalism podcast for you, emphasizing the importance of identifying your interests and preferences, considering the format and style of the podcast, researching hosts and guests, reading reviews and recommendations, and exploring podcast networks. These factors will help you make an informed decision and find the podcast that resonates with you.

Additionally, we provided additional resources for aspiring journalists, including books, articles, and websites dedicated to journalism, professional organizations and associations, educational programs and courses, tips for developing journalism skills, and networking opportunities. These resources will further support your growth and development as a journalist, providing avenues for learning, networking, and staying updated on industry trends.

In conclusion, journalism podcasts offer an invaluable resource for both aspiring journalists and news enthusiasts. They deliver informative, thought-provoking, and engaging content that can enhance your understanding of the world and the craft of journalism. So, grab your headphones, explore the recommended podcasts, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of journalism. Continue to learn, evolve, and engage with this dynamic field, and remember that the power of journalism lies in the voices and stories we share.

Additional Resources for Aspiring Journalists

In addition to journalism podcasts, there are several other resources available that can help aspiring journalists develop their skills, stay informed, and network within the industry. In this section, we will explore some of these resources, ranging from books and websites to professional organizations and educational programs.

Journalism-related Books, Articles, and Websites

Books, articles, and websites dedicated to journalism provide a wealth of knowledge and insights into the craft. They cover a wide range of topics, including journalistic ethics, investigative reporting techniques, storytelling, and the evolving landscape of journalism. Some notable books in the field include “The Elements of Journalism” by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, “The New New Journalism” by Robert S. Boynton, and “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser. Additionally, websites like Poynter Institute, Nieman Journalism Lab, and Columbia Journalism Review offer valuable articles, resources, and industry news.

Professional Organizations and Associations

Joining professional organizations and associations can open doors to networking opportunities, workshops, and conferences in the field of journalism. These organizations provide a platform to connect with industry professionals, stay updated on the latest trends and best practices, and gain access to exclusive resources. Some prominent journalism organizations include the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), and Online News Association (ONA). Membership in these organizations can provide valuable support and guidance throughout your journalism journey.

Educational Programs and Courses

Formal education can play a crucial role in developing the skills and knowledge necessary for a career in journalism. Many universities and educational institutions offer journalism programs and courses that cover various aspects of the field. These programs provide a structured curriculum, hands-on training, and opportunities to work on real-world projects. Some renowned journalism schools include Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism, and University of California, Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Additionally, online platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer journalism courses that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Tips for Developing Journalism Skills

Alongside formal education, there are several practical tips and strategies that aspiring journalists can employ to develop their skills. These include:

  • Reading widely: A good journalist is well-informed, so make it a habit to read a variety of newspapers, magazines, and online publications to stay updated on current events and different writing styles.

  • Practicing writing: Writing is at the core of journalism, so practice regularly by writing articles, opinion pieces, or even keeping a personal blog. Seek feedback from mentors or peers to improve your writing skills.

  • Building a portfolio: As you gain experience, build a portfolio of your best work to showcase your skills to potential employers or clients. Include a variety of articles that demonstrate your range and versatility as a journalist.

  • Developing interviewing skills: Conducting interviews is a crucial aspect of journalism. Hone your interviewing skills by practicing with friends or family members and learn techniques to ask probing questions and elicit valuable insights.

  • Utilizing multimedia tools: Journalism is no longer limited to just writing. Familiarize yourself with multimedia tools such as audio recording, video editing, and photography to enhance your storytelling abilities.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is an essential part of any career, and journalism is no exception. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to connect with other journalists, editors, and media professionals. Engage in conversations, exchange ideas, and build relationships that can lead to future collaborations or job opportunities. Social media platforms like Twitter can also serve as valuable networking tools, allowing you to connect with journalists and engage in industry discussions.

By utilizing these additional resources, aspiring journalists can further enhance their skills, knowledge, and professional networks. The journalism field is constantly evolving, and it is crucial to stay updated and adapt to the changing landscape. So, continue to explore, learn, and engage with the resources available to you. With dedication, passion, and a commitment to journalistic excellence, you can make a meaningful impact in the world of journalism.


