best missing persons podcast


Missing persons podcasts have become a captivating and powerful medium for shedding light on unsolved cases and bringing attention to individuals who have mysteriously vanished. As the true crime genre continues to gain popularity, podcasts dedicated to missing persons have emerged as a unique and effective way to raise awareness, provide a platform for discussion, and potentially aid in solving these perplexing mysteries.

In recent years, the podcasting world has witnessed an exponential growth in the number of shows dedicated to covering missing persons cases. This surge can be attributed to the inherent human fascination with unsolved mysteries, the desire for justice, and the hope of bringing closure to families awaiting answers. These podcasts offer a deep dive into the lives of those who have disappeared, often amplifying their stories through compelling storytelling techniques and thought-provoking interviews.

The appeal of missing persons podcasts lies in their ability to engage listeners on an emotional and intellectual level. By incorporating personal narratives, audio recordings, and interviews with key individuals connected to the cases, these podcasts create an immersive experience for the audience. Listeners become invested in the lives of the missing, their families, and the ongoing search for answers.

Moreover, the rise of missing persons podcasts can be attributed to the advancements in technology and the accessibility of podcasting platforms. With the advent of smartphones and portable listening devices, people can tune in to these gripping narratives anytime, anywhere. This accessibility has enabled missing persons podcasts to reach a wider audience, fostering a sense of community and encouraging active participation in the pursuit of truth.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of missing persons podcasts in detail. We will delve into the factors that make a podcast stand out, including production quality, research and investigative approach, and sensitivity towards the families involved. By understanding these key elements, we can identify the best missing persons podcasts and appreciate their impact on raising awareness and potentially solving cases.

Additionally, we will provide in-depth reviews of some of the top missing persons podcasts, highlighting their unique features, notable episodes, and success stories. Through these reviews, we aim to showcase the diverse approaches taken by podcast hosts and the impact their work has had on the missing persons community.

Furthermore, we will provide additional resources for those interested in supporting missing persons cases, including non-profit organizations, online communities, and recommended books and documentaries. By engaging with these resources, individuals can play an active role in spreading awareness, supporting families, and helping to bring missing persons cases to light.

In conclusion, missing persons podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium for raising awareness and seeking justice for those who have vanished without a trace. Through their captivating storytelling, meticulous research, and dedication to the families involved, these podcasts have the potential to make a significant impact in solving these perplexing mysteries. Join us as we embark on this journey into the world of missing persons podcasts and explore the compelling stories that lie at their heart.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Missing Persons Podcast

When it comes to selecting the best missing persons podcast, several factors come into play. Each podcast has its unique style, approach, and content, making it crucial for listeners to consider various aspects before diving into a new series. By evaluating factors such as production quality, research and investigative approach, and sensitivity and ethics, individuals can ensure they find a podcast that resonates with them and effectively raises awareness for missing persons cases.

Production Quality and Storytelling

One of the key elements that sets a great missing persons podcast apart is its production quality and storytelling techniques. The hosts’ ability to engage listeners through compelling narratives and well-crafted episodes is crucial in keeping the audience invested in the stories being told. By employing a combination of interviews, audio recordings, and other multimedia elements, podcasts can create a rich and immersive experience for their listeners.

In addition to captivating storytelling, the credibility and expertise of the podcast hosts play a significant role. Hosts who have a background in journalism, true crime, or investigative reporting often bring a level of professionalism and credibility to their podcasts. Their expertise can be invaluable in presenting the facts accurately, conducting thorough research, and providing insightful analysis.

Research and Investigative Approach

Another important factor to consider when choosing a missing persons podcast is the level of research and investigative approach employed by the hosts. The best podcasts go beyond surface-level information and delve deep into the cases they cover. They conduct extensive research, fact-check their findings, and often interview key individuals involved in the cases, such as family members, law enforcement officials, and experts in relevant fields.

By offering a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances surrounding a missing person’s case, these podcasts provide listeners with a more complete picture and allow them to form their own opinions. The thoroughness of their investigations can also lead to the discovery of new information or perspectives, potentially contributing to the resolution of the cases being covered.

Sensitivity and Ethics

While missing persons podcasts aim to entertain and raise awareness, it is essential that they do so with sensitivity and ethical considerations. The families of missing persons often endure immense pain and emotional turmoil, and it is crucial for podcasts to handle their stories with care and respect. Sensationalism and exploitation have no place in these narratives, as they can further traumatize the families and hinder the search for truth and justice.

The best missing persons podcasts strike a delicate balance between entertainment and empathy. They approach the cases with compassion, recognizing the human lives behind the mysteries. Additionally, these podcasts prioritize obtaining consent from the families involved and respecting their boundaries when sharing personal information.

By considering these factors – production quality and storytelling, research and investigative approach, and sensitivity and ethics – individuals can make informed choices when selecting the best missing persons podcast to listen to. These factors ensure that the chosen podcast not only captivates and entertains but also contributes positively to the ongoing efforts to solve missing persons cases and provide closure to the families affected.

Top Missing Persons Podcasts: In-depth Reviews

In the ever-expanding landscape of missing persons podcasts, several standout shows have garnered substantial followings and critical acclaim. These podcasts have captivated audiences with their compelling narratives, meticulous research, and dedication to shedding light on unsolved cases. In this section, we will provide in-depth reviews of some of the top missing persons podcasts, showcasing their unique features, notable episodes, and success stories.

“The Vanished”

“The Vanished” stands as one of the most popular and influential missing persons podcasts. Hosted by Marissa Jones, this podcast focuses on sharing the stories of individuals who have disappeared without a trace, often exploring cases that have received little media attention. Marissa’s empathetic approach and thorough research have made “The Vanished” a go-to resource for those seeking to understand the complexities of missing persons cases.

What sets “The Vanished” apart is its ability to humanize the victims and their families. Marissa delves deep into each case, often conducting interviews with family members, law enforcement officials, and experts. By giving a voice to those affected by these disappearances, “The Vanished” brings much-needed attention to often overlooked cases. Notable episodes include the disappearance of Tara Grinstead, the case of Kyron Horman, and the mysterious vanishing of Bryce Laspisa.

“Missing Maura Murray”

“Missing Maura Murray” is a podcast hosted by investigative journalist Tim Pilleri and filmmaker Lance Reenstierna. This podcast centers around the perplexing case of Maura Murray, a young woman who vanished in 2004 after a car accident in New Hampshire. Tim and Lance’s dedication to uncovering the truth behind Maura’s disappearance has made their podcast a must-listen for true crime enthusiasts.

What sets “Missing Maura Murray” apart is the hosts’ extensive research and the community they have built around the case. Tim and Lance have conducted countless interviews with family members, friends, and experts, examining every possible angle of the case. They have also engaged their listeners in the investigation, encouraging them to share tips and theories. Notable episodes include interviews with Maura’s father, Fred Murray, and discussions on potential theories surrounding her disappearance.

“Up and Vanished”

“Up and Vanished,” hosted by investigative filmmaker Payne Lindsey, gained rapid popularity after its debut in 2016. This podcast focuses on cold cases and has played a significant role in generating renewed interest and potential leads in some of the cases covered. Payne’s engaging storytelling and dogged determination to uncover the truth have made “Up and Vanished” a prominent name in the true crime podcasting world.

What sets “Up and Vanished” apart is its unique approach of revisiting and reinvestigating cold cases. Payne immerses himself in the cases, conducting interviews, visiting locations, and uncovering new evidence. Notable episodes include the disappearance of Tara Grinstead, the investigation into Kristal Reisinger’s vanishing, and the examination of the unsolved murder of Kristin Smart.


While not exclusively focused on missing persons cases, “Criminal” has earned its place among the top true crime podcasts due to its exceptional storytelling and thought-provoking exploration of various criminal phenomena. Hosted by Phoebe Judge, this podcast covers a wide range of topics, including missing persons cases, with a unique perspective and attention to detail.

What sets “Criminal” apart is its ability to humanize both the perpetrators and the victims of crimes. By delving into the motivations, emotions, and complexities surrounding criminal acts, Phoebe Judge creates a nuanced and thought-provoking narrative. Notable episodes include the disappearance of Sneha Anne Philip, the vanishing of Rico Harris, and the unsolved case of the Lady of the Dunes.


“Unfound,” hosted by Ed Dentzel, is another notable missing persons podcast that focuses on lesser-known cases. Ed’s empathetic approach and dedication to thorough research make “Unfound” an essential listen for anyone interested in the world of missing persons cases.

What sets “Unfound” apart is its commitment to telling the stories of those who may not have received significant media attention. Ed delves deep into each case, often conducting interviews with family members, friends, and experts. By giving a voice to the families affected by these disappearances, “Unfound” raises awareness and encourages listeners to engage with these cases. Notable episodes include the disappearance of Jennifer Kesse, the case of Jason Jolkowski, and the vanishing of Brian Shaffer.

These reviews provide a glimpse into the diverse approaches taken by missing persons podcasts and the impact they have had on raising awareness and potentially solving cases. By exploring these shows, listeners can find a podcast that resonates with them and join the dedicated community of individuals seeking justice for the missing.

Additional Resources for Missing Persons Cases

In addition to listening to missing persons podcasts, there are several other resources available to those interested in supporting these cases. Non-profit organizations, online communities, books, documentaries, and active involvement can all play a crucial role in raising awareness and aiding in the search for missing persons. In this section, we will explore some additional resources that can assist individuals in their quest for justice and closure.

Non-profit organizations and online communities

Non-profit organizations dedicated to missing persons cases provide valuable resources, support, and advocacy for both the families of the missing and the general public. One such organization is the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), which serves as a centralized database for missing persons and unidentified remains. NamUs offers assistance to law enforcement agencies, families, and the public in resolving these cases.

Another notable organization is the Doe Network, a volunteer-driven non-profit organization that focuses on matching unidentified remains with missing persons. With an extensive network of volunteers and resources, the Doe Network has been instrumental in solving numerous cold cases.

Online communities, including dedicated subreddits on platforms like Reddit, have also emerged as valuable resources for sharing information, discussing theories, and supporting families affected by missing persons cases. These communities provide a space for individuals to connect, collaborate, and contribute to ongoing investigations.

Books and documentaries

Books and documentaries have played a significant role in shedding light on missing persons cases, bringing attention to these mysteries, and raising awareness. One notable book is “Missing 411” by David Paulides, which explores unexplained disappearances in national parks and forests. Paulides’s meticulous research and data analysis have sparked debates and investigations into these mysterious cases.

Michelle McNamara’s “I’ll Be Gone in the Dark” is another compelling book that focuses on the Golden State Killer, a serial killer responsible for numerous crimes. While not exclusively about missing persons, the book delves into the impact of these crimes on the victims and their families, highlighting the importance of solving such cases.

Documentaries, such as “The Keepers,” have also brought attention to missing persons cases and the broader issues surrounding them. “The Keepers” examines the unsolved murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a Baltimore nun, and the subsequent allegations of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Documentaries like this can inspire public interest, leading to potential breakthroughs in investigations.

Tips for supporting missing persons cases

Beyond consuming content and engaging with resources, individuals can actively support missing persons cases by taking several steps. One way to contribute is by spreading awareness through social media. Sharing information about missing persons, their stories, and relevant updates can help reach a wider audience and potentially generate leads.

Volunteering with organizations dedicated to missing persons is another impactful way to get involved. Many non-profit organizations rely on volunteers for various tasks, such as assisting with searches, distributing flyers, or providing support to families. By offering time and skills, volunteers play an essential role in the ongoing efforts to solve these cases.

Lastly, if individuals possess any information or tips related to missing persons cases, it is crucial to report it to the authorities promptly. Even seemingly insignificant details can sometimes provide critical leads that may help bring closure to a case.

By utilizing these additional resources and actively engaging in the search for missing persons, individuals can make a tangible difference. Collaboration between the public, law enforcement, and dedicated organizations is vital in solving these mysteries and providing answers to the families who have suffered for far too long.


In conclusion, missing persons podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium for raising awareness, providing a platform for discussion, and potentially aiding in the resolution of unsolved cases. Through their captivating storytelling, thorough research, and dedication to the families involved, these podcasts have made a significant impact in the true crime genre and beyond.

Choosing the best missing persons podcast involves considering factors such as production quality, research and investigative approach, and sensitivity and ethics. The podcast hosts’ credibility, engaging storytelling techniques, and use of interviews and multimedia elements contribute to the overall quality of the show. Thorough research, fact-checking, and the pursuit of new information distinguish exceptional podcasts from the rest. Sensitivity and ethical considerations are crucial in respecting the privacy and emotions of the families affected by these cases.

Among the top missing persons podcasts are “The Vanished,” “Missing Maura Murray,” “Up and Vanished,” “Criminal,” and “Unfound.” These shows have captivated audiences with their compelling narratives, meticulous research, and dedication to shedding light on unsolved cases. Through their unique approaches and dedication to telling the stories of the missing, they have made a significant impact in raising awareness and potentially aiding in solving these perplexing mysteries.

In addition to listening to missing persons podcasts, individuals can also support these cases by engaging with non-profit organizations, online communities, books, documentaries, and active involvement. Non-profit organizations like NamUs and the Doe Network provide valuable resources and support, while online communities offer spaces for discussion and collaboration. Books and documentaries further contribute to raising awareness and understanding the complexities surrounding missing persons cases.

By spreading awareness through social media, volunteering with organizations, and reporting any relevant information to the authorities, individuals can actively participate in the search for missing persons and provide support to the families affected.

In the end, the impact of missing persons podcasts goes beyond entertainment. They have the potential to bring justice, closure, and solace to families who have endured the unimaginable pain of having a loved one vanish without a trace. By engaging with these podcasts and supporting the broader efforts to solve missing persons cases, we can contribute to a world where every missing person is remembered, their stories heard, and their search for truth and justice continues.

Additional Resources for Missing Persons Cases

In addition to missing persons podcasts, there are several other resources available for those interested in supporting missing persons cases. These resources include non-profit organizations, online communities, books, documentaries, and tips for actively engaging with missing persons cases. By utilizing these resources, individuals can play an active role in raising awareness, providing support, and potentially aiding in the resolution of these unsolved mysteries.

Non-profit organizations and online communities

Non-profit organizations dedicated to missing persons cases play a vital role in providing support, resources, and advocacy for both the families of the missing and the general public. One prominent organization is the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs), a national centralized database that provides a platform for sharing and comparing information on missing persons and unidentified remains. NamUs collaborates with law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and the public to facilitate the resolution of these cases.

Another notable organization is the Doe Network, a volunteer-driven non-profit organization that focuses on matching unidentified remains with missing persons. The Doe Network has successfully resolved numerous cold cases through its extensive network of volunteers, who tirelessly work to bring closure to families affected by these mysteries.

Online communities, particularly on platforms like Reddit, have also become valuable resources for sharing information, discussing theories, and providing support to those involved in missing persons cases. These communities offer a space for individuals to connect, collaborate, and contribute to ongoing investigations. By engaging with online communities, individuals can stay updated on developments, offer their insights, and provide support to the families affected by these cases.

Books and documentaries

Books and documentaries have played a significant role in shedding light on missing persons cases, raising awareness, and fostering discussions surrounding these mysteries. These mediums offer an in-depth exploration of specific cases, often providing insights and perspectives that may not be covered in other sources.

One noteworthy book is “Missing 411” by David Paulides. This investigative work focuses on unexplained disappearances in national parks and forests, examining patterns, potential explanations, and raising questions about these puzzling cases. Paulides’s meticulous research and data analysis have sparked debates and investigations into these mysterious disappearances.

Documentaries, too, have contributed to the understanding and awareness of missing persons cases. For example, “The Keepers” is a documentary series that delves into the unsolved murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik, a Baltimore nun, and explores the potential cover-up of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Documentaries like this not only shed light on individual cases but also raise broader questions about systemic issues that may hinder the resolution of missing persons cases.

Tips for supporting missing persons cases

In addition to consuming content and engaging with resources, individuals can actively support missing persons cases through various means. One crucial way to contribute is by spreading awareness through social media platforms. By sharing information about missing persons, their stories, and relevant updates, individuals can reach a broader audience and potentially generate leads or new information that may aid in the investigation.

Volunteering with organizations dedicated to missing persons is another impactful way to get involved. Many non-profit organizations rely on volunteers to assist with search efforts, distribute flyers, provide support to families, or aid in administrative tasks. By offering their time and skills, volunteers play an essential role in the ongoing efforts to solve these cases and support the families affected.

Furthermore, if individuals possess any information or tips related to missing persons cases, it is crucial to report it promptly to the appropriate authorities. Even seemingly insignificant details can sometimes provide critical leads that may help bring closure to a case.

By utilizing these additional resources and actively engaging with missing persons cases, individuals can make a tangible difference. Collaboration between the public, law enforcement agencies, and dedicated organizations is vital in solving these mysteries and providing answers to the families who have endured the pain of having a loved one vanish without a trace.


In conclusion, missing persons podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium for raising awareness, providing a platform for discussion, and potentially aiding in the resolution of unsolved cases. These podcasts captivate audiences with their compelling storytelling, meticulous research, and dedication to shedding light on the mysteries surrounding missing persons.

When choosing the best missing persons podcast, factors such as production quality, research and investigative approach, and sensitivity and ethics should be considered. The production quality and storytelling techniques employed by the podcast hosts contribute to the overall experience and engagement of the audience. Thorough research and an investigative approach that goes beyond surface-level information are crucial in presenting a comprehensive understanding of the cases being covered. Sensitivity and ethical considerations are vital in respecting the privacy and emotions of the families affected by these disappearances.

Among the top missing persons podcasts are “The Vanished,” “Missing Maura Murray,” “Up and Vanished,” “Criminal,” and “Unfound.” These podcasts have garnered substantial followings and acclaim for their exceptional storytelling, extensive research, and dedication to raising awareness for missing persons cases. Through their unique approaches, they have made a significant impact in the true crime genre and contributed to the ongoing efforts to solve these perplexing mysteries.

In addition to listening to missing persons podcasts, individuals can also support these cases by engaging with non-profit organizations, online communities, books, documentaries, and actively participating in related activities. Non-profit organizations like NamUs and the Doe Network provide valuable resources, while online communities offer spaces for discussion and collaboration. Books and documentaries further contribute to raising awareness and understanding the complexities surrounding missing persons cases.

By utilizing these additional resources and actively engaging with missing persons cases, individuals can play an active role in raising awareness, providing support, and potentially aiding in the resolution of these unsolved mysteries. Together, we can make a difference by amplifying the voices of the missing, supporting their families, and working towards the goal of finding answers and bringing closure to these cases.

Remember, the impact of missing persons podcasts extends beyond entertainment. They have the potential to bring justice, closure, and solace to families who have endured the unimaginable pain of having a loved one vanish without a trace. By engaging with these podcasts and supporting the broader efforts to solve missing persons cases, we can contribute to a world where every missing person is remembered, their stories heard, and their search for truth and justice continues.


