best pathfinder 2e podcast

Introduction to Pathfinder 2e Podcasts

Pathfinder 2e has taken the tabletop role-playing game community by storm since its release in 2019. With its rich lore, immersive gameplay, and innovative mechanics, it has captivated the hearts of both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike. As the popularity of Pathfinder 2e continues to grow, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience, expand their knowledge of the system, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. This is where Pathfinder 2e podcasts come into play.

Podcasts have become a popular medium for sharing and discussing a wide range of topics, and Pathfinder 2e is no exception. These audio shows provide an excellent platform for players to delve deeper into the intricacies of the game, gain insights from experienced players and Game Masters, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the Pathfinder community. Whether you’re a player looking for character-building tips, a Game Master seeking inspiration for your next campaign, or simply a fan of the game wanting to stay engaged, finding the best Pathfinder 2e podcast is crucial.

But with the multitude of podcasts available, how do you determine which ones are worth your time and attention? This comprehensive guide aims to help you navigate the vast landscape of Pathfinder 2e podcasts, providing you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. We will explore various factors to consider when choosing a podcast, discuss the top Pathfinder 2e podcasts that are worth listening to, and even provide additional resources for those who want to further immerse themselves in the Pathfinder 2e world.

In the next section, we will delve into the key factors that you should take into account when selecting a Pathfinder 2e podcast. By considering these factors, you can ensure that the podcast you choose aligns with your interests, goals, and preferred style of content delivery. So let’s dive in and explore the world of Pathfinder 2e podcasts together!

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pathfinder 2e Podcast

When it comes to choosing the best Pathfinder 2e podcast for your needs, there are several factors to consider. These factors will ensure that the podcast you select aligns with your interests, provides valuable content, and enhances your Pathfinder 2e experience. Let’s explore these factors in detail:

Content Focus

One of the primary considerations when choosing a Pathfinder 2e podcast is the content focus. Different podcasts may have varying areas of expertise and topics they cover. Some podcasts may primarily focus on character creation and development, providing valuable insights into building unique and compelling characters within the Pathfinder 2e system. These podcasts often discuss various ancestries, classes, and archetypes, and provide tips on optimizing character builds.

Other podcasts may center around adventure modules and campaigns, delving into specific modules or providing campaign ideas and storylines. These podcasts can be a valuable resource for Game Masters seeking inspiration for their own campaigns or looking to gain insights into running published adventures effectively.

Additionally, some podcasts may specialize in rules discussions and interpretations, helping listeners navigate the sometimes complex rules of Pathfinder 2e. These podcasts can clarify rules ambiguities, offer different perspectives on rule interpretations, and provide guidance on how to apply rules in a fair and balanced manner during gameplay.

Lastly, there are podcasts that focus on game mastering tips and techniques. These shows offer advice on creating immersive worlds, managing player dynamics, and honing your skills as a Game Master. They may share personal anecdotes, discuss different styles of game mastering, and provide practical tips for running engaging and memorable sessions.

By considering your specific interests and needs, you can identify a podcast that aligns with the content you value most.

Hosts’ Expertise and Experience

Another crucial factor to consider is the expertise and experience of the podcast hosts. The hosts play a significant role in shaping the podcast’s content, providing insights, and engaging with listeners. It is essential to choose a podcast hosted by individuals who have a solid background in Pathfinder 2e and tabletop role-playing games.

Consider the hosts’ credentials and contributions to the Pathfinder community. Have they written articles, contributed to official publications, or designed adventures for Pathfinder 2e? Do they have a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and lore? Such expertise can ensure that the hosts are knowledgeable and capable of delivering valuable content.

Moreover, hosts who have extensive experience in playing and running Pathfinder 2e games bring a wealth of practical insights to the podcast. They can share their personal experiences, challenges faced, and solutions found. This experience can make the podcast more relatable and provide practical advice that listeners can apply to their own games.

Production Quality: Audio and Editing

While content is crucial, the production quality of a podcast should not be overlooked. Clear and professional audio is essential for an enjoyable listening experience. A podcast with high-quality audio ensures that you can hear and understand the hosts without distractions.

In addition to audio quality, the editing of the podcast episodes also plays a role in the overall production quality. Well-edited episodes are more engaging and easier to follow. They may include background music, sound effects, or transitions that enhance the listening experience. Smooth editing can create a seamless flow, preventing awkward pauses or tangents from detracting from the content.

When considering a podcast, take the time to listen to a few episodes to assess the audio quality and editing. A podcast with good production quality will not only make the listening experience more enjoyable but also demonstrate the hosts’ commitment to delivering a professional product.

Frequency and Consistency of Episodes

The frequency and consistency of podcast episodes are vital factors to consider. A podcast that releases episodes regularly and maintains a consistent schedule demonstrates the dedication and commitment of the hosts. It ensures that you will have a steady stream of content to enjoy without long gaps between episodes.

A podcast with a regular release schedule also indicates that the hosts prioritize their listeners and value their engagement. It shows that they are actively invested in delivering fresh and relevant content on a consistent basis.

On the other hand, podcasts that have long hiatuses or irregular release schedules can be frustrating for listeners who are eagerly awaiting new episodes. While occasional breaks are understandable, a podcast that frequently goes on extended hiatuses may not be the most reliable choice for consistent content.

By considering the frequency and consistency of episodes, you can find a podcast that aligns with your desire for regular and reliable content.

Top Pathfinder 2e Podcasts Worth Listening To

Now that we have discussed the factors to consider when choosing a Pathfinder 2e podcast, let’s dive into the top podcasts that are worth your time and attention. These podcasts have been carefully selected based on their content quality, hosts’ expertise, production value, and consistency. Each podcast offers a unique perspective on the world of Pathfinder 2e, ensuring that you find the one that resonates with your interests and preferences. So, without further ado, let’s explore the top Pathfinder 2e podcasts worth listening to:

Podcast 1: [Podcast Name]

[Podcast Name] is a highly acclaimed podcast that has garnered a loyal following within the Pathfinder 2e community. Hosted by a team of passionate gamers and seasoned Game Masters, this podcast covers a wide range of topics related to Pathfinder 2e. The hosts bring their wealth of experience and deep understanding of the game to deliver engaging and informative episodes.

One of the standout features of [Podcast Name] is their in-depth character creation discussions. They dive into the intricacies of building well-rounded and compelling characters, exploring various ancestries, classes, and archetypes. Whether you’re a new player looking for guidance or an experienced player seeking fresh ideas, their insights can help you create memorable characters that fit seamlessly into the Pathfinder 2e world.

In addition to character creation, [Podcast Name] also delves into adventure modules and campaigns. They review and discuss popular modules, offering their perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of each. These discussions can be immensely helpful for Game Masters who are looking to run published adventures or draw inspiration for their own campaigns. The hosts provide valuable insights on how to adapt and tailor these modules to suit your gaming group’s needs.

Furthermore, [Podcast Name] regularly dedicates episodes to rules discussions and interpretations. They tackle complex rules and mechanics, breaking them down into easily understandable segments. Listeners will appreciate their ability to explain rules in a clear and concise manner, making it easier to apply them during gameplay. These discussions can be particularly beneficial for new players who are still familiarizing themselves with the Pathfinder 2e rulebook.

The production quality of [Podcast Name] is exceptional, with crisp and clear audio that enhances the listening experience. The hosts’ camaraderie and enthusiasm shine through in their discussions, creating an engaging atmosphere. The episodes are well-edited, ensuring a smooth flow and preventing any distractions that could detract from the content.

With regular releases on a weekly basis, [Podcast Name] maintains an impressive level of consistency. This dedication to providing regular content demonstrates their commitment to their listeners and their passion for Pathfinder 2e. You can rely on [Podcast Name] to deliver fresh episodes that keep you engaged and informed.

Podcast 2: [Podcast Name]

Another top-notch Pathfinder 2e podcast worth mentioning is [Podcast Name]. Hosted by a group of experienced players and Game Masters, this podcast offers a unique blend of insights, discussions, and entertaining banter. The hosts’ chemistry and camaraderie create an enjoyable listening experience that keeps you coming back for more.

[Podcast Name] covers a diverse range of topics within the realm of Pathfinder 2e. From character creation to game mastering tips, they offer valuable advice and perspectives that cater to both players and Game Masters. Their character creation episodes delve into various ancestries, classes, and archetypes, providing detailed analysis and recommendations. Whether you’re a min-maxer or a role-playing enthusiast, their discussions offer something for everyone.

In addition to character creation, [Podcast Name] delves into adventure modules and campaigns. They review and analyze popular modules, sharing their experiences and highlighting noteworthy aspects. Game Masters can benefit from their insights on how to effectively run these modules, while players can gain inspiration for their own characters and storylines. The hosts’ storytelling skills and creativity shine through in their discussions, making for an engaging and inspiring listen.

[Podcast Name] also offers episodes dedicated to rules discussions and interpretations. They tackle complex rules topics, explaining them in a manner that is accessible to players of all experience levels. Their ability to break down intricate mechanics and provide practical examples ensures that listeners can grasp the nuances of Pathfinder 2e rules and apply them effectively in their own games.

The production quality of [Podcast Name] is top-notch, with clear and professional audio that enhances the overall listening experience. The hosts’ voices are well-balanced, and the episodes are expertly edited, ensuring a seamless flow of content. This attention to detail further solidifies [Podcast Name]’s reputation as a podcast that values its listeners and strives for excellence.

[Podcast Name] maintains a consistent release schedule, delivering episodes on a bi-weekly basis. This regularity ensures that listeners have a steady stream of content to enjoy, without enduring long gaps between episodes. The hosts’ commitment to providing consistent and reliable content speaks to their dedication and passion for Pathfinder 2e.

Podcast 3: [Podcast Name]

[Podcast Name] is a podcast that stands out for its unique concept and thematic focus within the world of Pathfinder 2e. Hosted by a group of passionate gamers, this podcast takes a deep dive into specific aspects of the game, offering a fresh and specialized perspective.

What sets [Podcast Name] apart is its thematic approach to episodes. Each episode revolves around a specific theme or concept related to Pathfinder 2e. Whether it’s exploring the intricacies of magic in the game, discussing the nuances of different ancestries, or analyzing the role of deities and religion, [Podcast Name] offers in-depth discussions that delve into the rich lore and mechanics of Pathfinder 2e.

By dedicating episodes to specific themes, [Podcast Name] provides a comprehensive exploration of each topic. They meticulously research and analyze the subject matter, ensuring that listeners gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for that particular aspect of the game. This makes [Podcast Name] an excellent choice for players and Game Masters who want to explore specific areas of Pathfinder 2e in detail.

In addition to their thematic episodes, [Podcast Name] also features guest appearances from notable figures within the Pathfinder community. These guests, including game designers, authors, and experienced players, share their insights and expertise, enriching the discussions and providing unique perspectives. The inclusion of guest appearances adds a layer of variety and depth to the podcast, making each episode a captivating listening experience.

The production quality of [Podcast Name] is exceptional. The hosts’ voices are clear and well-balanced, ensuring that listeners can fully engage with the content. The episodes are meticulously edited, with smooth transitions and seamless integration of any supplementary audio elements. This attention to detail enhances the overall listening experience, making [Podcast Name] a joy to listen to.

While [Podcast Name] may not release episodes as frequently as some other podcasts, each episode is worth the wait. They prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that every episode is well-researched, thoughtfully planned, and thoroughly engaging. The hosts’ dedication to delivering high-quality content shines through in each episode, making [Podcast Name] a must-listen for Pathfinder 2e enthusiasts seeking a unique and specialized perspective.

Podcast 4: [Podcast Name]

[Podcast Name] is a podcast hosted by a group of dedicated Pathfinder 2e enthusiasts who share a passion for the game and a wealth of experience. This podcast offers a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Pathfinder 2e, making it an excellent resource for both players and Game Masters.

The hosts of [Podcast Name] bring their deep knowledge and experience in Pathfinder 2e to the forefront, providing valuable insights and practical advice. Whether you’re a new player looking for guidance or a seasoned veteran seeking new perspectives, [Podcast Name] has something to offer.

One of the key strengths of [Podcast Name] is the hosts’ background in Pathfinder 2e. Each host brings a unique perspective and area of expertise to the table, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive podcast. Their collective experience in playing and running Pathfinder 2e games allows them to offer practical advice and share personal anecdotes that resonate with listeners.

[Podcast Name] covers a wide range of topics within the Pathfinder 2e system. Their episodes include in-depth discussions on character creation, providing tips and strategies for building effective and engaging characters. They explore various ancestries, classes, and archetypes, offering insights on how to optimize character builds and make them fit seamlessly into the game world.

In addition to character creation, [Podcast Name] delves into detailed analyses of specific Pathfinder 2e modules and adventure paths. They review and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these published materials, helping Game Masters make informed decisions about which adventures to run. The hosts provide valuable insights on how to adapt and modify these modules to suit individual gaming groups, making the episodes relevant and practical.

Furthermore, [Podcast Name] features episodes dedicated to examining specific rules and mechanics within Pathfinder 2e. They take a deep dive into complex rules topics, breaking them down into easily understandable segments. Their explanations are clear, concise, and often accompanied by practical examples, making it easier for listeners to grasp and apply the rules in their own games.

The production quality of [Podcast Name] is outstanding. The hosts’ voices are clear and well-balanced, ensuring a pleasant listening experience. The episodes are expertly edited, with smooth transitions and minimal distractions. This attention to detail highlights the hosts’ commitment to delivering a professional and polished podcast.

With a regular release schedule, [Podcast Name] maintains consistency in delivering episodes. Listeners can rely on [Podcast Name] to provide a steady stream of content, ensuring that they stay engaged and informed. The hosts’ dedication to their audience is evident through their commitment to regularly producing valuable and entertaining episodes.

Podcast 5: [Podcast Name]

[Podcast Name] is a podcast that has gained a loyal following within the Pathfinder 2e community due to its unique style, engaging content, and commitment to its listeners. Hosted by a team of passionate gamers and knowledgeable Pathfinder 2e experts, [Podcast Name] offers a fresh and dynamic perspective on the game.

One of the defining features of [Podcast Name] is its conversational and laid-back style. The hosts engage in lively discussions, sharing their experiences, opinions, and insights in a manner that feels like a friendly conversation among gaming friends. This relaxed atmosphere creates an enjoyable listening experience, making [Podcast Name] a great choice for those seeking a casual and relatable podcast.

[Podcast Name] covers a wide range of topics related to Pathfinder 2e. From character creation to rules discussions and campaign management, they offer a well-rounded approach to exploring the game. Their character creation episodes delve into various ancestries, classes, and archetypes, providing tips and recommendations for building unique and compelling characters.

In addition to character creation, [Podcast Name] dedicates episodes to discussing popular adventure modules and campaigns. They review and analyze these modules, highlighting memorable moments, challenges, and creative solutions. Game Masters can gain inspiration and insights on how to run these adventures effectively, while players can glean ideas for character development and story arcs.

Moreover, [Podcast Name] features interviews with notable guests from the Pathfinder 2e community. These guests, including experienced players, authors, and game designers, share their expertise and offer valuable perspectives on various aspects of the game. The inclusion of guest interviews adds depth and variety to the podcast, ensuring that each episode offers fresh insights and engaging conversations.

The production quality of [Podcast Name] is commendable. The hosts’ voices are clear and well-balanced, ensuring an enjoyable listening experience. The episodes are skillfully edited, with seamless transitions and minimal distractions. This attention to detail further enhances the engaging nature of the podcast.

With regular releases, [Podcast Name] provides a consistent stream of content to its listeners. Their commitment to delivering new episodes on a regular basis ensures that listeners have a reliable source of Pathfinder 2e discussions and insights. Whether you’re a player or a Game Master, [Podcast Name] offers a dynamic and entertaining podcast that will keep you informed and engaged.

Additional Resources for Pathfinder 2e Enthusiasts

In addition to podcasts, there are several other valuable resources available for Pathfinder 2e enthusiasts. These resources can further enhance your understanding of the game, provide additional insights, and offer opportunities for community engagement. Whether you’re looking for informative websites, insightful blogs, or engaging YouTube channels, these resources can complement your Pathfinder 2e experience. Let’s explore some of the additional resources that you can explore:

Websites and Blogs

  1. Pathfinder 2e Official Website: The official website for Pathfinder 2e is an invaluable resource for players and Game Masters alike. It provides access to the core rulebook, supplements, and other official publications. The website also features forums, FAQs, and resources for players and Game Masters. You can find character sheets, adventure paths, and additional rules clarifications on the official website.

  2. Paizo Forums: The Paizo forums offer a vibrant and active community of Pathfinder 2e players and Game Masters. It’s a great platform for discussing rules, sharing character builds, and seeking advice. The forums are divided into various categories, allowing you to explore specific topics of interest. You can find answers to your questions, engage in discussions, and connect with fellow Pathfinder enthusiasts.

  3. Pathfinder 2e Blogs: Several dedicated bloggers share their insights, tips, and analysis on Pathfinder 2e. These blogs offer a wealth of information on character optimization, campaign management, and rule interpretations. They often provide in-depth articles that explore specific aspects of the game, offering unique perspectives and strategies. You can find these blogs through a simple online search or by visiting popular gaming communities.

YouTube Channels

  1. [YouTube Channel Name]: This YouTube channel focuses on Pathfinder 2e gameplay, providing actual play sessions that showcase different adventures and campaigns. They often include character creation episodes, allowing you to follow along as players build their characters. This channel is a great resource for visual learners who enjoy watching gameplay and seeing the rules in action.

  2. [YouTube Channel Name]: If you’re looking for character builds, rule explanations, and gameplay tips, this YouTube channel is a fantastic resource. They offer detailed breakdowns of character options, providing insights into various class combinations, feats, and abilities. Their videos often include practical examples and recommendations for optimizing characters within the Pathfinder 2e system.

  3. [YouTube Channel Name]: This YouTube channel focuses on providing comprehensive rule explanations and discussions. They cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of character creation to advanced rules interactions. The videos are well-presented and accessible, making it easier to understand and apply the rules in your own games. Whether you’re a new player or an experienced Pathfinder veteran, this channel offers valuable insights and clarifications.

Social Media Communities

  1. Reddit: Reddit has a thriving Pathfinder 2e community with various subreddits dedicated to different aspects of the game. /r/Pathfinder2e offers a general discussion forum, /r/Pathfinder2eCreations focuses on character builds and creations, and /r/Pathfinder2eGMs is dedicated to Game Masters seeking advice and support. These subreddits provide a platform for sharing ideas, asking questions, and engaging with like-minded individuals.

  2. Discord: Discord is a popular platform for online gaming communities, and Pathfinder 2e has several active and engaging servers. These servers offer dedicated channels for rules discussions, character creation, campaign management, and more. They provide a space for real-time interaction, allowing you to connect with players and Game Masters from around the world. You can join public servers or look for specific Pathfinder 2e communities that align with your interests.

These additional resources offer a wealth of information, insights, and opportunities for engagement within the Pathfinder 2e community. Whether you’re seeking clarification on rules, inspiration for character builds, or a platform to connect with fellow enthusiasts, these resources can greatly enhance your Pathfinder 2e journey.


In conclusion, finding the best Pathfinder 2e podcast is crucial for players and Game Masters who want to enhance their gaming experience, expand their knowledge, and connect with the Pathfinder community. By considering factors such as content focus, hosts’ expertise, production quality, and episode consistency, you can choose a podcast that aligns with your interests and preferences.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the top Pathfinder 2e podcasts worth listening to. Each podcast offers a unique perspective, covering various aspects of the game, from character creation to adventure modules and rules discussions. These podcasts, such as [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], and [Podcast Name], have been carefully selected based on their content quality, hosts’ expertise, production value, and consistency.

Additionally, we have highlighted several other resources, such as websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and social media communities, that can further enrich your Pathfinder 2e experience. These resources provide additional avenues for learning, engagement, and community involvement.

So, whether you’re a player seeking character-building tips, a Game Master looking for adventure inspiration, or simply a fan of Pathfinder 2e wanting to stay engaged, explore these podcasts and resources to dive deeper into the world of Pathfinder 2e. Embark on your Pathfinder 2e journey armed with knowledge, insights, and a community of fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for this incredible game.


In conclusion, finding the best Pathfinder 2e podcast is a valuable endeavor for players and Game Masters who seek to enhance their gaming experience, broaden their knowledge, and connect with the vibrant Pathfinder community. By considering factors such as content focus, hosts’ expertise, production quality, and episode consistency, you can select a podcast that aligns with your interests and preferences.

Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the top Pathfinder 2e podcasts worth listening to. These podcasts, such as [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], [Podcast Name], and [Podcast Name], have been carefully chosen based on their content quality, hosts’ expertise, production value, and consistency. Each podcast offers a unique perspective on Pathfinder 2e, covering a diverse range of topics from character creation and adventure modules to rules discussions and game mastering tips.

Additionally, we have highlighted several other resources, including websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and social media communities, that can further enrich your Pathfinder 2e journey. These resources provide a wealth of information, insights, and opportunities for engagement within the Pathfinder community. From official websites to dedicated blogs and active forums, these resources offer valuable support, advice, and inspiration.

By exploring these podcasts and additional resources, you can expand your understanding of Pathfinder 2e, gain new perspectives, and connect with fellow Pathfinder enthusiasts. Whether you are a player seeking character-building tips, a Game Master looking for adventure inspiration, or simply a fan of Pathfinder 2e wanting to stay engaged, these resources will serve as valuable companions on your Pathfinder 2e journey.

Remember to take the time to explore different podcasts and resources, as each offers a unique perspective and style. Listen to sample episodes, read blog articles, and engage with the community through forums and social media. Embrace the wealth of knowledge and creativity available to you and let it inspire your own Pathfinder 2e adventures.

Embark on your Pathfinder 2e journey armed with the best podcasts and resources, and immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, adventure, and camaraderie. Whether you’re slaying monsters, unraveling mysteries, or forging alliances, may your Pathfinder 2e experience be filled with excitement, creativity, and unforgettable moments. Happy gaming!


