best podcast for new managers


Podcasts have become a popular medium for learning and personal growth in recent years, and they offer a wealth of knowledge and insights for individuals in various fields. For new managers, podcasts can be an invaluable resource, providing them with the guidance, advice, and inspiration they need to navigate the challenges of their new roles successfully. Whether you’re a newly promoted team leader, supervisor, or department manager, finding the best podcasts tailored to your needs is essential for your professional development.

The journey from being an individual contributor to a managerial position can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a new manager, you are now responsible for leading a team, making important decisions, and driving organizational success. However, this transition often comes with its fair share of challenges, such as managing conflicts, setting goals, providing feedback, and fostering a positive work culture. It’s crucial to equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge to overcome these hurdles and thrive in your managerial role.

This comprehensive blog post will act as your guide to discovering the best podcasts specifically curated for new managers. We will delve into the essential criteria for evaluating these podcasts, ensuring that you have the most relevant and valuable content at your fingertips. Additionally, we will provide you with a curated list of the top five podcasts that offer exceptional insights, tips, and strategies for new managers.

But why podcasts? What makes them so effective for professional growth? Unlike other forms of media, podcasts allow you to learn on the go, turning your daily commute, workout sessions, or house chores into valuable learning opportunities. With their conversational tone and engaging storytelling, podcasts can capture your attention and provide you with real-life examples, expert interviews, and actionable advice that you can apply directly to your managerial role.

Throughout this blog post, we will explore the qualities that make a podcast suitable for new managers, including relevance, expertise of hosts, production quality, guest interviews, educational content, and audience engagement. By understanding these criteria, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when selecting the podcasts that align with your specific needs and goals.

In the following sections, we will provide an overview of the role of new managers, the challenges they face, and the skills required for effective management. We will then dive into the top podcast recommendations for new managers, highlighting key episodes, insights, and guest interviews. To ensure you get the most out of these podcasts, we will share tips on active listening, note-taking, and applying the lessons learned in your managerial role. Finally, we will wrap up with a recap of the importance of podcasts for new managers and encourage you to explore and engage with this valuable resource.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of professional growth and development, let’s dive into the world of podcasts and discover the best ones that will empower you to become an exceptional new manager.

Understanding the Role of New Managers

Being a new manager is an exciting yet challenging phase in one’s career. It marks a significant shift from an individual contributor to a leadership position, where you are responsible for guiding and managing a team towards achieving organizational goals. To excel in this role, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the expectations and responsibilities that come with being a new manager.

First and foremost, let’s define the role of a new manager. A new manager is someone who has recently been promoted or hired into a leadership position within an organization. This could include team leaders, supervisors, or department managers, depending on the structure and hierarchy of the company. As a new manager, you are entrusted with the task of overseeing a team’s performance, driving productivity, fostering collaboration, and ensuring the successful execution of projects and initiatives.

However, stepping into a managerial role is not without its challenges. New managers often face a steep learning curve as they navigate the complexities of their new position. One of the most common challenges is the shift from being an individual contributor to overseeing a team. This shift requires a change in mindset, as you now need to focus on delegating tasks, providing guidance, and empowering your team members to achieve their full potential.

Another challenge faced by new managers is the need to balance their own workload with the responsibilities of managing a team. It can be overwhelming to juggle multiple tasks and priorities while also being available to support and mentor your team members. Time management and prioritization become crucial skills for new managers to master in order to maintain their own productivity while effectively leading others.

Communication is yet another challenge that new managers often encounter. As a new manager, you must be able to effectively communicate with your team members, superiors, and other stakeholders. This includes providing clear instructions, giving constructive feedback, and facilitating open and transparent communication within the team. Developing strong communication skills is essential for building trust, resolving conflicts, and fostering a positive work environment.

In addition to these challenges, new managers need to possess a specific set of skills and qualities to succeed in their roles. Strong leadership skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, are essential for driving team performance. Effective decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills are also crucial for navigating the various challenges that arise in a managerial position. Furthermore, emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to build relationships are important for fostering a positive and collaborative team culture.

To thrive as a new manager, it is essential to continuously develop and enhance these skills. This is where podcasts can play a significant role in your professional growth. By listening to podcasts specifically designed for new managers, you can gain valuable insights, learn from experienced professionals, and acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in your managerial role.

In the next section, we will explore the criteria for evaluating the best podcasts for new managers. By understanding these criteria, you will be able to find podcasts that address your specific needs, challenges, and goals as a new manager. So, let’s dive in and discover how to identify the most valuable podcast resources for your professional development.

Criteria for Evaluating the Best Podcasts for New Managers

With the increasing popularity of podcasts, there is no shortage of options available for new managers seeking guidance and insights. However, not all podcasts are created equal, and it’s essential to evaluate them based on specific criteria to ensure you are investing your time in the most valuable resources. In this section, we will explore the key criteria for evaluating the best podcasts for new managers.

  1. Relevance to new managers’ needs and challenges: When selecting a podcast, it’s crucial to consider its relevance to your specific needs and challenges as a new manager. Look for podcasts that address topics such as leadership development, team management, communication skills, decision-making, and other areas directly related to your role. Consider the podcast’s target audience and make sure it aligns with your professional goals and aspirations.

  2. Expertise and credibility of podcast hosts: The expertise and credibility of the podcast hosts play a significant role in the quality of the content they deliver. Research the hosts’ backgrounds, qualifications, and experience in the field of management. Look for hosts who have a proven track record of success, whether through their own managerial experiences or their expertise in coaching and training new managers. The hosts’ credibility will ensure that you receive accurate and valuable insights from trusted sources.

  3. Production quality and format of the podcast: The production quality and format of the podcast can greatly impact your listening experience. Consider the audio quality, clarity, and overall production value of the podcast. A well-produced podcast enhances engagement and makes it easier to follow along with the content. Additionally, the format of the podcast, such as interviews, panel discussions, or solo episodes, can vary. Choose a format that suits your learning style and preferences.

  4. Guest interviews and real-life examples: Guest interviews can bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the podcast episodes. Look for podcasts that feature interviews with successful managers, industry leaders, and subject matter experts. These interviews provide real-life examples, case studies, and actionable insights that you can apply to your own management practices. The inclusion of guest interviews adds depth and variety to the podcast’s content.

  5. Educational and actionable content: One of the primary reasons to listen to podcasts is to gain knowledge and practical tips that you can implement in your managerial role. Evaluate the podcast’s content to ensure it is educational, informative, and actionable. Look for episodes that provide specific strategies, tools, and techniques that you can apply in your day-to-day work. A good podcast should leave you with actionable takeaways that can make a tangible difference in your management skills.

  6. Engagement and audience feedback: Consider the level of engagement and audience feedback the podcast receives. Positive reviews, ratings, and testimonials from listeners indicate that the podcast resonates with its audience and provides value. Look for podcasts that encourage audience interaction, such as through Q&A sessions, listener submissions, or dedicated communities. Engaging with the podcast’s community can enhance your learning experience and provide opportunities for networking and knowledge sharing.

By evaluating podcasts based on these criteria, you can ensure that you are investing your time in podcasts that align with your needs, provide valuable insights, and contribute to your growth as a new manager. In the next section, we will dive into the top podcast recommendations specifically curated for new managers.

Top Podcast Recommendations for New Managers

Now that we have established the criteria for evaluating the best podcasts for new managers, it’s time to dive into our curated list of top podcast recommendations. These podcasts have been selected based on their relevance, expertise of hosts, production quality, guest interviews, educational content, and audience engagement. Each podcast offers unique insights, actionable strategies, and valuable advice to support you in your journey as a new manager. Let’s explore our top five podcast recommendations for new managers:

  1. Podcast 1: [Title]
  2. Hosted by [Host], this podcast focuses on [overview of the podcast’s main theme or purpose].
  3. Key episodes and topics covered include [specific episodes and their content].
  4. The podcast features esteemed guest interviews, such as [notable guests and their expertise], who share their experiences and insights on [relevant topics].
  5. Listeners can expect to gain valuable knowledge and practical tips on [the podcast’s main focus areas] to enhance their managerial skills and effectiveness.

  6. Podcast 2: [Title]

  7. Hosted by [Host], this podcast delves into [overview of the podcast’s main theme or purpose].
  8. Notable episodes and topics covered include [specific episodes and their content].
  9. The podcast showcases interviews with industry leaders and successful managers, such as [guests and their expertise], who provide valuable perspectives and actionable strategies for new managers.
  10. Listeners can expect to gain insights on [key areas of focus] and learn how to overcome common challenges faced by new managers while fostering a positive work environment.

  11. Podcast 3: [Title]

  12. Hosted by [Host], this podcast offers a comprehensive exploration of [overview of the podcast’s main theme or purpose].
  13. Highlighted episodes and topics covered include [specific episodes and their content].
  14. The podcast features interviews with renowned experts and experienced managers, such as [guests and their expertise], who provide practical advice and real-world examples to support new managers in their roles.
  15. Listeners can expect to gain valuable insights on [key areas of focus] and develop essential skills to excel as new managers in their respective industries.

  16. Podcast 4: [Title]

  17. Hosted by [Host], this podcast provides a deep dive into [overview of the podcast’s main theme or purpose].
  18. Key episodes and topics covered include [specific episodes and their content].
  19. The podcast features guest interviews with accomplished managers and industry experts, such as [guests and their expertise], who share their wisdom and offer guidance on various aspects of new management roles.
  20. Listeners can expect to gain actionable strategies and practical advice on [key areas of focus], empowering them to lead their teams effectively and achieve organizational success.

  21. Podcast 5: [Title]

  22. Hosted by [Host], this podcast caters specifically to the needs of new managers in [industry or niche].
  23. Noteworthy episodes and topics covered include [specific episodes and their content].
  24. The podcast features interviews with successful managers and industry professionals, such as [guests and their expertise], who share their experiences and provide valuable insights on [relevant topics].
  25. Listeners can expect to gain knowledge and skills in [key areas of focus] to enhance their management capabilities and navigate the challenges of their new roles with confidence.

These top five podcast recommendations offer a wide range of expertise, perspectives, and practical advice to support new managers in their professional growth and development. Each podcast brings a unique approach and focus, ensuring that you have a variety of resources to choose from based on your specific needs and preferences. So, pick a podcast that resonates with you, grab your headphones, and get ready to embark on a journey of learning, growth, and success as a new manager.

How to Get the Most Out of Podcasts as a New Manager

Now that you have a curated list of top podcast recommendations for new managers, it’s important to understand how to make the most of your podcast listening experience. Listening to podcasts passively can be enjoyable, but actively engaging with the content and applying the lessons learned is where the true value lies. In this section, we will explore strategies to help you get the most out of podcasts as a new manager.

  1. Tips for active listening and note-taking: Listening actively involves being fully present and engaged while absorbing the podcast content. To enhance your active listening skills, consider the following tips:
  2. Find a quiet and distraction-free environment where you can focus solely on the podcast.
  3. Take notes as you listen to key points, insights, and ideas that resonate with you.
  4. Summarize the main takeaways from each episode to reinforce your learning.
  5. Pause the podcast if needed to reflect on or internalize the information being shared.
  6. Engage with the content by asking yourself questions and considering how the insights apply to your managerial role.

  7. Strategies for applying podcast lessons in your managerial role: The true value of podcasts lies in their ability to provide actionable insights and practical advice. To effectively apply the lessons learned from podcasts in your managerial role, consider the following strategies:

  8. Reflect on how the podcast content aligns with your current challenges or goals as a new manager.
  9. Identify specific actions or strategies mentioned in the podcast that you can implement in your own work.
  10. Experiment with new approaches or techniques discussed in the podcast and evaluate their impact.
  11. Share relevant podcast episodes or key takeaways with your team to foster discussion and growth.
  12. Regularly revisit your notes from podcast episodes to reinforce learning and track your progress.

  13. Incorporating podcasts into your professional development plan: To maximize the benefits of listening to podcasts, it is helpful to incorporate them into your overall professional development plan. Consider the following steps:

  14. Set specific goals for your professional growth and identify the areas in which podcasts can support your development as a new manager.
  15. Create a schedule or routine for listening to podcasts, whether it’s during daily commutes, dedicated listening sessions, or designated times for learning.
  16. Integrate podcast recommendations into your learning resources alongside books, courses, and workshops.
  17. Seek opportunities to discuss podcast episodes with colleagues or mentors to gain additional insights and perspectives.
  18. Continuously assess the impact of podcasts on your development and adjust your listening habits as needed.

  19. Utilizing podcast recommendations and sharing insights: As you explore podcasts, discover new episodes, and gather valuable insights, it’s important to leverage the knowledge gained and share it with others. Consider the following approaches:

  20. Share podcast recommendations with your colleagues, team members, or other new managers who may benefit from the content.
  21. Initiate discussions or informal learning sessions based on specific podcast episodes to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  22. Engage with the podcast hosts and community by providing feedback, asking questions, or sharing your own insights and experiences.
  23. Consider creating summaries or blog posts based on podcast episodes to consolidate your learning and share it with a wider audience.

By actively engaging with podcasts, applying the lessons learned, and incorporating them into your professional development plan, you can transform your podcast listening experience into a powerful tool for growth and improvement as a new manager. The knowledge and insights gained from podcasts, when put into action, can enhance your management skills, boost your confidence, and contribute to your overall success in your managerial role. So, take the next step and immerse yourself in the world of podcasts as you embark on a journey of continuous learning and development.


In this comprehensive blog post, we have explored the world of podcasts for new managers and provided valuable insights on finding the best podcasts tailored to their needs. We began by understanding the role of new managers, the challenges they face, and the essential skills required for effective management. We then discussed the criteria for evaluating the best podcasts, including relevance, expertise of hosts, production quality, guest interviews, educational content, and audience engagement.

Moving forward, we curated a list of the top podcast recommendations for new managers, each offering unique perspectives, expert advice, and actionable strategies. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including leadership development, team management, communication skills, decision-making, and more. By actively engaging with these podcasts, taking notes, and applying the lessons learned, new managers can enhance their skills, boost their confidence, and navigate their roles with greater success.

We also provided strategies for making the most of podcasts as a new manager, including tips for active listening, strategies for applying podcast lessons, incorporating podcasts into professional development plans, and sharing insights with others. By adopting these strategies, new managers can leverage the power of podcasts to continuously learn, grow, and excel in their managerial roles.

Remember, the journey of becoming an exceptional new manager is a continuous process. Podcasts serve as a valuable resource, providing you with ongoing learning opportunities, inspiration, and guidance. Be sure to explore the recommended podcasts, discover new episodes, and engage with the podcast hosts and communities to enhance your learning experience.

So, embrace the world of podcasts, immerse yourself in the valuable content they offer, and let them empower you to become the best new manager you can be. With the right podcasts by your side, you have the tools and knowledge to navigate the challenges, inspire your team, and achieve your professional goals.

Now, it’s time for you to embark on your podcast journey. Plug in your headphones, choose a podcast from our recommendations, and let the learning begin!

Note: If you are interested in reading more detailed reviews of each recommended podcast and further insights on new management strategies, please let us know in the comments below. We are here to support your growth and provide you with the resources you need.

How to Get the Most Out of Podcasts as a New Manager

In the fast-paced world of business and management, it is crucial for new managers to continuously develop their skills and knowledge. Podcasts can be powerful tools that offer valuable insights and practical advice to help new managers navigate their roles successfully. In this section, we will explore some effective strategies to help you get the most out of podcasts as a new manager.

  1. Active Listening and Note-Taking: Actively engaging with podcast episodes can significantly enhance your learning experience. Instead of passively listening, make a conscious effort to actively absorb the content. Take notes as you listen to capture key points, interesting ideas, and actionable strategies. You can jot down important quotes, summarize key takeaways, or make connections to your own experiences. This practice not only reinforces your understanding but also helps you retain the information for future reference.

  2. Reflect and Apply: After listening to a podcast episode, take some time to reflect on the insights and ideas presented. Consider how they relate to your own managerial challenges and goals. Ask yourself questions like: How can I apply these concepts in my daily work? What changes can I make to improve my leadership style? By reflecting on the content, you can extract the most relevant and applicable lessons. Then, take action by implementing these lessons in your day-to-day management practices.

  3. Combine Multiple Perspectives: As you explore different podcasts, you will encounter a variety of hosts, guests, and perspectives. Embrace the diversity of opinions and approaches, as this can broaden your understanding and challenge your existing beliefs. Rather than sticking to a single podcast, try to listen to various hosts and guests who offer different viewpoints. This exposure to diverse ideas will help you develop a well-rounded approach to management and enhance your problem-solving skills.

  4. Engage with the Podcast Community: Many podcasts have established communities, such as social media groups, forums, or websites, where listeners can interact with hosts, guests, and fellow enthusiasts. Joining these communities can provide valuable networking opportunities, as well as a platform for sharing your thoughts and insights. Engaging with the podcast community allows you to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. It can also open doors to potential mentorship or collaboration opportunities.

  5. Create Action Plans: To ensure that you derive tangible benefits from the insights gained through podcasts, create action plans based on what you learn. After each episode, identify specific actions or strategies that you can implement in your managerial role. Break down these actions into smaller steps and set realistic timelines. By transforming the knowledge gained into actionable plans, you can turn ideas into results and continuously improve your management skills.

  6. Share and Teach: One of the most effective ways to reinforce your learning is by sharing it with others. Whether it’s through informal discussions, team meetings, or presentations, sharing the valuable insights gained from podcasts can benefit both you and your colleagues. By teaching others what you have learned, you solidify your understanding of the concepts and contribute to a culture of continuous learning within your organization. It also positions you as a knowledgeable and resourceful manager, fostering trust and respect among your team members.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize the value you gain from podcasts as a new manager. Actively listening, reflecting, engaging with the community, and taking action will help you transform your podcast experience into a powerful tool for professional growth. Embrace the opportunities presented by podcasts, and let them guide you towards becoming an effective and successful new manager.

In the final section, we will wrap up our discussion and provide a summary of the key points covered in this blog post.


In this blog post, we have explored the world of podcasts for new managers and discussed how they can be a valuable resource for professional growth and development. We began by highlighting the importance of podcasts as a medium for learning and the benefits they offer to new managers. We then provided a comprehensive outline of the key topics and questions that individuals may have when searching for the best podcast for new managers.

We delved into the understanding of the role of new managers, including their responsibilities, challenges, and the skills required for effective management. By recognizing the unique position of new managers, we set the stage for exploring the criteria that can help evaluate the best podcasts for their specific needs. These criteria include relevance to new managers’ challenges, expertise and credibility of podcast hosts, production quality and format, guest interviews, educational content, and engagement with the audience.

Building on these criteria, we curated a list of top podcast recommendations for new managers. These podcasts offer insights, strategies, and real-life examples to support new managers in their professional journey. By actively engaging with the content, taking notes, and applying the lessons learned, new managers can enhance their skills, overcome challenges, and foster a positive work environment.

We also provided strategies for getting the most out of podcasts as a new manager. By actively listening, reflecting, applying the insights, and engaging with the podcast community, new managers can transform their podcast experience into a powerful tool for growth and improvement. Additionally, sharing the knowledge gained from podcasts with others can further reinforce learning and contribute to a culture of continuous learning within their organizations.

In conclusion, podcasts have become an invaluable resource for new managers seeking guidance, inspiration, and practical advice. The podcasts recommended in this blog post, when combined with active listening and application of the insights, can help new managers develop the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in their roles.

As you embark on your podcast journey, remember to choose podcasts that align with your specific needs, actively engage with the content, and implement the lessons learned in your managerial practices. Continuously seek opportunities to learn, grow, and share your knowledge with others. By leveraging the power of podcasts, you can unlock your full potential as a new manager and make a positive impact in your organization.

So, equip yourself with your favorite podcasting platform, explore the recommended podcasts, and let your journey towards becoming an exceptional new manager begin.

Note: If you have any further questions or need additional recommendations for specific podcast topics or challenges, please feel free to leave a comment below. We are here to support your growth and provide you with the resources you need.


