best podcasts for black women


Podcasts have taken the world by storm, revolutionizing the way we consume information, entertainment, and personal stories. With their convenience and accessibility, podcasts have become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a wealth of knowledge and entertainment at our fingertips. However, while the podcasting industry has experienced remarkable growth, the voices and experiences of marginalized communities have often been overlooked. That’s why it is crucial to highlight and celebrate podcasts that cater specifically to the interests and experiences of black women.

Representation and diversity are essential components of any media landscape, including podcasting. Black women have unique perspectives, experiences, and stories that deserve to be heard and amplified. By exploring podcasts that focus on the experiences, achievements, and challenges faced by black women, we can gain a deeper understanding of their narratives and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse podcasting community.

In this comprehensive blog post, we aim to provide an exhaustive list of the best podcasts for black women. We have curated a diverse range of podcasts that cover various genres, including personal development, lifestyle, business, social commentary, and entertainment. Each podcast on this list has been carefully selected based on its content quality, representation, relevance, and positive reviews from the black women community.

But why is it important to have a dedicated list of podcasts specifically for black women? The answer lies in the power of representation. When black women see themselves reflected in the media they consume, it not only validates their experiences but also inspires and empowers them. By hearing the stories and insights of other black women, they can find relatable and uplifting content that speaks directly to their unique struggles and triumphs.

Furthermore, these podcasts provide a platform for black women to share their expertise, knowledge, and perspectives on a wide range of topics. From personal growth and self-care to entrepreneurship and social justice, these podcasts offer a wealth of information and inspiration for black women who are seeking guidance and support in navigating various aspects of their lives.

In the following sections, we will delve into the different categories of podcasts for black women, highlighting key shows and episodes that exemplify the best in each genre. We will also discuss the criteria we used to curate this list, emphasizing the importance of supporting black women podcasters and creators. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of podcasts that celebrate and empower black women!

Categories of Podcasts for Black Women

Representation matters, and when it comes to podcasts, it is essential to have content that speaks directly to the interests and experiences of black women. In this section, we will explore different categories of podcasts that cater to the diverse needs and preferences of black women.

Personal Development and Empowerment

At the core of personal development and empowerment podcasts for black women is the belief that every individual has the power to grow, thrive, and create positive change in their lives. These podcasts offer valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiration to help black women navigate various aspects of their personal and professional journeys.

One example of a powerful personal development podcast is “The Black Girl Bravado” hosted by Gia and Sapph. Through candid conversations and interviews, Gia and Sapph explore topics like self-love, confidence, and conquering fears. They provide actionable steps and strategies for black women to build the life they desire, while also addressing the unique challenges faced by black women in society.

Another noteworthy podcast in this category is “Black Girl In Om” hosted by Lauren Ash and Deun Ivory. This podcast focuses on holistic wellness and self-care for black women. From discussions on mental health and spirituality to interviews with wellness experts, the hosts create a safe space for black women to prioritize their well-being and embrace self-love.

Lifestyle and Wellness

The lifestyle and wellness category encompasses podcasts that cover a wide range of topics relevant to black women’s lives. From health and beauty to fashion and relationships, these podcasts offer advice, insights, and relatable stories that resonate with black women’s experiences.

One popular podcast in this category is “The Friend Zone” hosted by Fran, Assante, and Dustin. Known for its humor and authenticity, this podcast tackles various lifestyle topics while incorporating mental health and self-care. With conversations on everything from pop culture to mental wellness, “The Friend Zone” provides a refreshing and relatable perspective on the everyday experiences of black women.

Another notable podcast is “Getting Grown” hosted by Jade and Keia. This podcast focuses on the challenges and triumphs of adulting as a black woman. With episodes covering topics like financial literacy, career advancement, and navigating relationships, Jade and Keia offer practical advice and share their personal experiences to help black women thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Business and Entrepreneurship

In the world of business and entrepreneurship, it is crucial to have podcasts that specifically address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by black women. These podcasts highlight the achievements, strategies, and insights of successful black women entrepreneurs, while also providing valuable resources for aspiring business owners.

One outstanding podcast in this category is “Side Hustle Pro” hosted by Nicaila Matthews Okome. Focused on black women entrepreneurs, this podcast shares inspiring stories and practical advice from black women who have turned their side hustles into successful businesses. From funding to marketing, Nicaila provides valuable tips and resources to help black women thrive in the entrepreneurial world.

Another noteworthy podcast is “Black Women Talk Tech” hosted by Esosa Ighodaro, Lauren Washington, and Regina Gwynn. This podcast highlights the experiences and accomplishments of black women in the tech industry. With interviews, panel discussions, and expert insights, “Black Women Talk Tech” offers a platform for black women to share their journeys, challenges, and successes in the tech and startup world.

Social and Cultural Commentary

The social and cultural commentary category of podcasts explores the intersectionality of race, gender, and identity, providing a platform for black women to discuss and analyze pressing social issues and advocate for change. These podcasts amplify the voices and stories of black women, fostering critical thinking and dialogue.

One impactful podcast in this category is “Another Round” hosted by Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton. Known for its humor and thought-provoking conversations, this podcast tackles a wide range of topics, including race, politics, and pop culture. Heben and Tracy engage in candid and insightful discussions with guests, challenging societal norms and amplifying underrepresented voices.

Another notable podcast is “Intersectionality Matters!” hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw. As a leading scholar and advocate for intersectionality, Kimberlé explores how intersecting social identities shape our experiences and opportunities. Through interviews with influential figures and deep dives into important topics, “Intersectionality Matters!” provides a thought-provoking and educational platform for black women to understand and navigate the complexities of their identities.

Entertainment and Pop Culture

The entertainment and pop culture category of podcasts celebrates the contributions and achievements of black women in various creative industries. From movies and TV shows to music and literature, these podcasts offer insightful discussions, interviews, and recommendations that highlight the importance of black women’s representation in the entertainment world.

One exceptional podcast in this category is “The Read” hosted by Kid Fury and Crissle. Known for its wit and unfiltered commentary, “The Read” covers the latest in pop culture with a focus on black entertainment. From dissecting music albums to discussing TV shows and movies, Kid Fury and Crissle provide a humorous and engaging take on the world of entertainment.

Another noteworthy podcast is “Black Girl Nerds” hosted by Jamie Broadnax. This podcast celebrates the intersection of blackness and nerd culture, exploring various aspects of geekdom from a black female perspective. With interviews, reviews, and discussions on comics, sci-fi, and gaming, “Black Girl Nerds” creates a space where black women can embrace their passions and find community.

Criteria for Selection

As we curated the list of the best podcasts for black women, we considered several essential factors to ensure the inclusion of high-quality, impactful shows. In this section, we will discuss the criteria we used to select the podcasts featured in this blog post and emphasize the importance of supporting black women podcasters and creators.

Factors to Consider When Curating the List

  1. Quality of Content and Production Value: We prioritized podcasts that offer well-researched, engaging content with high production standards. These podcasts are not only informative but also provide a pleasant listening experience for their audience. The hosts’ expertise, storytelling abilities, and the overall production value of the podcast were key considerations.

  2. Representation and Diversity: We believe in the power of diverse voices and perspectives. The podcasts selected for this list feature black women as hosts or prominently feature black women as guests. Representation matters, and it is crucial to amplify the voices and experiences of black women in podcasting.

  3. Relevance and Relatability: Each podcast on this list explores topics and themes that are relevant and relatable to the experiences and interests of black women. From personal development to social justice, these podcasts address the unique challenges and triumphs faced by black women, creating a sense of community and understanding.

  4. Positive Reviews and Recommendations: We took into account the feedback and recommendations from the black women community. We scoured online platforms, social media, and podcast review websites to gauge the overall positive reception and impact of these podcasts. Listener engagement, positive reviews, and recommendations from the target audience played a significant role in our selection process.

Importance of Supporting Black Women Podcasters and Creators

It is important to recognize and support the creators behind the podcasts we enjoy. Black women podcasters face unique challenges in the industry, including limited representation, access to resources, and funding opportunities. By actively supporting and promoting black women-led podcasts, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse podcasting landscape.

Supporting black women podcasters goes beyond simply listening to their shows. Here are a few ways you can make a meaningful impact:

  1. Share and Promote: Spread the word about your favorite podcasts for black women. Share episodes on social media, recommend them to friends and family, and engage with the content by leaving reviews or comments. Word-of-mouth promotion is a powerful tool that can help these podcasts reach a wider audience.

  2. Engage and Interact: Many podcasts have social media accounts or online communities where listeners can connect and engage with the hosts and other listeners. Take advantage of these platforms to share your thoughts, ask questions, and participate in discussions. Your engagement can foster a sense of community and support for black women podcasters.

  3. Leave Reviews: Positive reviews not only provide valuable feedback to the podcasters but also increase their visibility on podcast platforms. Take a few minutes to leave a review or rating on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Podchaser. This simple act can go a long way in boosting the visibility and credibility of black women-led podcasts.

  4. Attend Live Events and Support Merchandise: Many podcasts host live events or offer merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, or stickers. Attending live events or purchasing merchandise not only supports the podcast financially but also allows you to connect with the hosts and fellow listeners in person.

By actively supporting black women podcasters, we contribute to a more diverse and inclusive podcasting landscape, ensuring that their voices continue to be heard and valued.

Top Podcast Recommendations

After careful consideration and extensive research, we have curated a list of the top podcasts for black women across various categories. These podcasts have been selected based on their content quality, representation, relevance, and positive reviews from the black women community. Whether you are seeking personal development, entertainment, or thought-provoking discussions, these podcasts offer a diverse range of perspectives and experiences that resonate with black women.

Personal Development and Empowerment

  1. The Black Girl Bravado – Hosted by Gia and Sapph, this podcast focuses on personal growth, self-care, and empowerment specifically tailored for black women. Through candid conversations and interviews, Gia and Sapph provide actionable advice, tips, and inspiration to help black women build the life they desire.

  2. Black Girl In Om – Hosted by Lauren Ash and Deun Ivory, this podcast embraces holistic wellness and self-care for black women. From discussions on mental health and spirituality to interviews with wellness experts, Lauren and Deun create a safe space for black women to prioritize their well-being and embrace self-love.

Lifestyle and Wellness

  1. The Friend Zone – Hosted by Fran, Assante, and Dustin, this podcast tackles various lifestyle topics while incorporating mental health and self-care. With humor and authenticity, the hosts engage in conversations on everything from pop culture to mental wellness, providing a refreshing and relatable perspective on the everyday experiences of black women.

  2. Getting Grown – Hosted by Jade and Keia, this podcast explores the challenges and triumphs of adulting as a black woman. From financial literacy to career advancement and navigating relationships, Jade and Keia offer practical advice and share their personal experiences to help black women thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Business and Entrepreneurship

  1. Side Hustle Pro – Hosted by Nicaila Matthews Okome, this podcast is dedicated to black women entrepreneurs. Nicaila shares inspiring stories and practical advice from black women who have turned their side hustles into successful businesses. From funding to marketing, Side Hustle Pro provides valuable tips and resources to help black women thrive in the entrepreneurial world.

  2. Black Women Talk Tech – Hosted by Esosa Ighodaro, Lauren Washington, and Regina Gwynn, this podcast highlights the experiences and accomplishments of black women in the tech industry. With interviews, panel discussions, and expert insights, Black Women Talk Tech offers a platform for black women to share their journeys, challenges, and successes in the tech and startup world.

Social and Cultural Commentary

  1. Another Round – Hosted by Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton, this podcast combines humor and thought-provoking conversations. From race and politics to pop culture, Heben and Tracy engage in candid discussions with guests, challenging societal norms and amplifying underrepresented voices.

  2. Intersectionality Matters! – Hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, this podcast explores the importance of intersectionality in understanding the complexities of identity. Through interviews and deep dives into important topics, Kimberlé provides a thought-provoking and educational platform for black women to navigate the intersection of race, gender, and identity.

Entertainment and Pop Culture

  1. The Read – Hosted by Kid Fury and Crissle, this podcast covers the latest in pop culture with a focus on black entertainment. From dissecting music albums to discussing TV shows and movies, Kid Fury and Crissle provide a humorous and engaging take on the world of entertainment.

  2. Black Girl Nerds – Hosted by Jamie Broadnax, this podcast celebrates the intersection of blackness and nerd culture. With interviews, reviews, and discussions on comics, sci-fi, and gaming, Black Girl Nerds creates a space where black women can embrace their passions and find community.

These podcasts represent just a fraction of the incredible content available for black women. Each show offers a unique perspective, valuable insights, and a sense of community. We encourage you to explore these podcasts and discover the ones that resonate with you. Remember to support and uplift black women podcasters by engaging with their content, leaving reviews, and sharing their shows with others. Together, we can amplify diverse voices and create a more inclusive podcasting landscape.

Effective Communication and Order Management

In the world of business, effective communication and efficient order management are key factors for success. For black women entrepreneurs and professionals, having the necessary skills and tools to navigate these areas is crucial. In this section, we will explore the importance of effective communication and order management and provide insights and strategies to help black women excel in these areas.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful venture. It involves conveying ideas, information, and messages clearly and concisely to ensure mutual understanding and collaboration. For black women navigating professional spaces, effective communication skills can help break down barriers, foster positive relationships, and advance their careers.

One important aspect of effective communication is assertiveness. As black women, societal stereotypes and biases can sometimes lead to being overlooked or underestimated. Developing assertiveness skills can help black women confidently express their thoughts, ideas, and boundaries in professional settings. It involves speaking up, advocating for oneself, and asserting one’s value and contributions.

Active listening is another crucial aspect of effective communication. Actively listening to others demonstrates respect, empathy, and a willingness to understand different perspectives. Black women can leverage active listening skills to build strong professional relationships, foster collaboration, and gain valuable insights from colleagues and mentors.

In addition to verbal communication, non-verbal cues also play a significant role. Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice can convey messages and emotions. Being mindful of non-verbal cues and ensuring they align with the intended message can enhance effective communication and help black women navigate professional interactions with confidence.

Order Management

Efficient order management is essential for businesses, especially for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It involves the coordination and organization of various processes, from inventory management to customer relations, to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction. For black women entrepreneurs, effective order management strategies can contribute to business growth and success.

One key aspect of order management is inventory management. Black women entrepreneurs need to have a clear understanding of their inventory levels, demand patterns, and supply chain logistics. By implementing inventory management systems and practices, they can optimize their stock levels, reduce waste, and ensure timely product delivery to customers.

Customer relationship management (CRM) is another critical component of order management. Building strong relationships with customers is vital for business growth and customer loyalty. Black women entrepreneurs can utilize CRM tools to manage customer interactions, track sales and marketing activities, and provide personalized experiences to their customers. By nurturing customer relationships, they can enhance brand loyalty and drive repeat business.

Efficient order fulfillment is also crucial for black women entrepreneurs. Streamlining the order fulfillment process, from receiving orders to shipping products, is essential for customer satisfaction. Implementing tools and systems that automate and track the fulfillment process can help streamline operations, reduce errors, and ensure timely and accurate order delivery.

In addition to these key aspects, effective order management for black women entrepreneurs also involves financial management, supply chain optimization, and strategic planning. By investing time and resources into developing efficient order management practices, black women entrepreneurs can focus on growing their businesses, meeting customer demands, and achieving long-term success.

In conclusion, effective communication and order management are vital skills for black women navigating professional spaces and running successful businesses. By honing their communication skills, black women can assert themselves, actively listen, and leverage non-verbal cues to effectively convey their ideas and value. In terms of order management, implementing efficient processes across inventory management, customer relationship management, and order fulfillment can contribute to business growth and customer satisfaction. With these skills and strategies in place, black women entrepreneurs can confidently navigate professional spaces and build thriving businesses.

Importance of Representation in Podcasting

Representation is a fundamental aspect of any media landscape, including podcasting. It goes beyond simply having diverse voices present; it is about ensuring that underrepresented communities, including black women, have a platform to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives. In this section, we will explore the importance of representation in podcasting and its impact on both the creators and listeners.

Amplifying Diverse Voices

Representation in podcasting is about amplifying diverse voices, particularly those that have historically been marginalized or underrepresented. Black women, in particular, have faced numerous challenges in having their voices heard and their stories shared. By providing a platform for black women to host their own podcasts or appear as guests on existing shows, podcasting offers an opportunity to address this imbalance.

Representation allows black women to share their experiences and perspectives authentically, giving them agency over their narratives. It breaks down stereotypes, challenges societal biases, and provides a more nuanced understanding of the black female experience. Podcasting allows black women to define themselves and shape the conversations around their lives, interests, and achievements.

Creating a Sense of Belonging and Community

Representation in podcasting creates a sense of belonging and community for black women. When black women see and hear others who share their experiences and struggles, it validates their own feelings and challenges. It provides a sense of comfort, knowing that they are not alone in their journeys.

Moreover, representation in podcasting fosters a community where black women can connect, support, and uplift one another. Podcasts that cater specifically to the interests and experiences of black women serve as safe spaces for dialogue, celebration, and empowerment. They provide a sense of camaraderie and solidarity, allowing black women to find like-minded individuals who share their passions and aspirations.

Inspiring and Empowering Future Generations

Representation in podcasting has the power to inspire and empower future generations of black women. By showcasing diverse role models and success stories, podcasts can encourage young black girls to dream big, pursue their passions, and overcome societal barriers. When black women see others who have achieved success in various fields, it opens up possibilities for what they can achieve themselves.

Furthermore, representation challenges societal norms and expands the collective imagination. It encourages black women to step outside of prescribed roles and pursue their ambitions, regardless of the limitations imposed by society. By highlighting the accomplishments of black women in various industries and fields, podcasts serve as beacons of hope and inspiration for those who aspire to follow in their footsteps.

Fostering Understanding and Empathy

Representation in podcasting also plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and empathy among listeners. By sharing their stories and experiences, black women provide insights into their unique struggles, triumphs, and perspectives. This exposure to diverse narratives helps break down stereotypes, combat prejudice, and promote empathy and understanding.

Listening to podcasts by and about black women allows listeners to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by this community. It helps dispel misconceptions, challenge biases, and promotes a more inclusive society. Representation in podcasting encourages listeners to actively engage with diverse voices, expand their perspectives, and become advocates for equality and justice.

In conclusion, representation in podcasting is not just about numbers and diversity quotas; it is about providing a platform for underrepresented voices, including black women, to be heard, celebrated, and empowered. By amplifying diverse voices, creating a sense of community, inspiring future generations, and fostering understanding, representation in podcasting has the power to reshape narratives, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. As listeners, we have the responsibility to actively seek out and support podcasts that prioritize representation, ensuring that black women’s voices continue to be heard and valued in the podcasting landscape.


