best podcasts for new moms

Best Podcasts for New Moms

Parenthood is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and countless precious moments. However, it is also a time of immense change and challenges, particularly for new moms. The early stages of motherhood can be overwhelming, leaving new moms seeking guidance, support, and a sense of community. This is where podcasts come in as a valuable resource for new moms, offering a wealth of information, advice, and inspiration.

The Importance of Podcasts for New Moms

Podcasts have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. They provide an accessible and convenient way to consume content while multitasking. For new moms, this is especially beneficial as they can listen to podcasts while nursing, doing household chores, or simply taking a well-deserved break. Unlike books or videos, podcasts allow moms to engage with valuable information through audio, making it a perfect medium for busy moms on the go.

Furthermore, podcasts offer a sense of companionship and community. They provide a platform for new moms to connect with experts, fellow moms, and parenting professionals who understand the challenges and triumphs of motherhood. Listening to these podcasts can make new moms feel less alone in their journey and provide reassurance that they are not alone in their experiences.

Support, Advice, and Information

One crucial aspect of podcasts for new moms is the wealth of support, advice, and information they provide. There are a plethora of podcasts dedicated to addressing the specific needs and concerns of new moms. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including postpartum depression, breastfeeding, sleep training, and navigating the early stages of motherhood.

Listening to these podcasts can provide new moms with expert guidance and practical tips from experienced professionals in the field. The hosts of these podcasts often invite renowned experts, pediatricians, lactation consultants, and psychologists to share their expertise and answer common questions. This invaluable information can empower new moms, boost their confidence, and help them make informed decisions regarding their child’s well-being.

Entertainment and Inspiration

While support and advice are crucial, motherhood is also about finding joy and inspiration amidst the challenges. Podcasts for new moms also offer a delightful escape and a source of entertainment. Some podcasts feature interviews with inspiring moms who share their stories of overcoming obstacles, finding balance, and embracing the journey of motherhood. These narratives provide a sense of encouragement and motivation, reminding new moms that they are capable of navigating the ups and downs of parenthood.

Additionally, there are podcasts that focus on humor, relatable experiences, and parenting hacks to bring a smile to new moms’ faces. These lighthearted podcasts offer a break from the seriousness of parenting and allow moms to laugh and find solace in the shared experiences of others. Furthermore, podcasts exploring child development and psychology can provide insights on raising confident and resilient children, giving moms the tools they need to support their child’s growth.

Finding the Right Podcast for You

With the vast array of podcasts available, finding the right one for your needs and interests can be a daunting task. It is essential to identify your specific concerns and goals as a new mom. Are you seeking practical advice, emotional support, or simply a lighthearted escape? Once you have determined your preferences, it’s time to research podcast options.

Consider factors such as the host’s expertise, the podcast’s format and style, and the length of the episodes. Some moms may prefer shorter episodes that can be consumed during short breaks, while others may enjoy longer, in-depth discussions. Reading reviews and listening to sample episodes can help you get a sense of whether a podcast aligns with your needs and resonates with your parenting style and values.

Additional Resources for New Moms

Apart from podcasts, there are numerous other resources available to support new moms on their parenting journey. Websites, blogs, and online communities provide a wealth of information, articles, and forums for connecting with fellow moms. Books and audiobooks dedicated to motherhood offer in-depth insights and practical advice on various aspects of parenting. Additionally, attending support groups, both online and offline, can provide a valuable sense of community and a safe space to share experiences and seek guidance.

In conclusion, podcasts are a valuable tool for new moms, providing support, advice, entertainment, and inspiration. They offer a unique and convenient way to access expert knowledge, connect with like-minded individuals, and find solace in the shared experiences of others. By exploring the best podcasts for new moms, you can embark on your parenting journey with confidence, knowledge, and a sense of camaraderie.

Top Podcasts for New Moms – Support and Advice

Being a new mom comes with a myriad of challenges and questions. From navigating postpartum depression to breastfeeding struggles and sleepless nights, it can be overwhelming to find the right information and support. Fortunately, there are several podcasts specifically tailored to address the concerns and provide valuable advice for new moms. In this section, we will explore some of the top podcasts that offer support, guidance, and expert advice to help new moms navigate the early stages of motherhood.

Podcast 1: [Podcast Name]

One of the top podcasts for new moms is [Podcast Name]. This podcast covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to new moms, providing support and advice from experts in the field. The podcast delves into the challenges of postpartum depression and offers strategies for coping with this common condition. It also addresses common breastfeeding issues and provides tips for successful breastfeeding journeys.

The host of [Podcast Name] invites renowned experts, such as pediatricians, lactation consultants, and psychologists, to share their insights and expertise. These experts provide evidence-based information and practical tips to help new moms navigate the various aspects of motherhood. With their guidance, new moms can gain confidence in their abilities and make informed decisions for their own well-being and that of their child.

Listeners of [Podcast Name] appreciate the depth of knowledge shared by the experts and find the discussions highly informative and relatable. The podcast has received rave reviews for its ability to address common concerns and provide actionable advice that new moms can implement in their daily lives.

Podcast 2: [Podcast Name]

Another noteworthy podcast for new moms is [Podcast Name]. This podcast focuses on providing support and advice to help new moms navigate the challenges they face. From self-care practices to managing mental health during the postpartum period, [Podcast Name] covers a wide range of topics that are crucial for new moms’ well-being.

The podcast features candid conversations with experts in the fields of psychology, self-care, and parenting. The host invites therapists, life coaches, and experienced moms to share their wisdom and strategies for maintaining a healthy mindset and emotional balance. Listeners appreciate the vulnerability and authenticity of the discussions, finding solace and inspiration in the stories shared by guests.

[Podcast Name] also addresses practical parenting tips, helping new moms find effective strategies for managing daily routines, establishing healthy sleep habits, and fostering positive parent-child relationships. The podcast strikes a balance between providing valuable advice and creating a supportive, non-judgmental space for new moms to seek guidance and validation.

Podcast 3: [Podcast Name]

When it comes to finding support and advice as a new mom, [Podcast Name] is a go-to resource. This podcast covers a wide range of topics relevant to new moms, from newborn care to baby milestones and parenting hacks. The host of [Podcast Name] is a seasoned parent who shares personal experiences and insights, making the discussions relatable and engaging.

[Podcast Name] also invites experts in child development and psychology to provide in-depth knowledge and guidance for new moms. These experts share evidence-based strategies for fostering healthy development and nurturing strong parent-child bonds. From understanding developmental milestones to managing tantrums and promoting positive discipline, [Podcast Name] offers valuable information and practical tips for new moms.

The podcast has garnered positive feedback from listeners who appreciate the warmth and empathy of the host, as well as the rich content provided by the experts. [Podcast Name] creates a sense of community and camaraderie among new moms, reassuring them that they are not alone in their experiences and offering them support and guidance throughout their parenting journey.


These top podcasts for new moms offer a wealth of support, advice, and information to help navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood. From addressing postpartum depression and breastfeeding concerns to providing practical parenting tips and promoting self-care, these podcasts cover a wide range of topics essential to new moms. With expert insights and relatable anecdotes, these podcasts create a sense of community and provide valuable resources for new moms seeking guidance and support.

Top Podcasts for New Moms – Entertainment and Inspiration

While support and advice are crucial for new moms, it’s also essential to find moments of joy, inspiration, and entertainment amidst the challenges of motherhood. Podcasts that focus on entertainment and inspiration can provide a much-needed escape and a source of motivation for new moms. In this section, we will explore some of the top podcasts that offer entertainment, inspiration, and relatable experiences for new moms.

Podcast 4: [Podcast Name]

One podcast that stands out in terms of entertainment and inspiration for new moms is [Podcast Name]. This podcast features interviews with inspiring moms who share their personal stories of triumph, resilience, and growth. These interviews delve into the challenges and joys of motherhood, providing new moms with relatable experiences and a sense of solidarity.

Guests on [Podcast Name] come from diverse backgrounds and share a wide range of experiences. Some may have faced significant obstacles and overcome them, while others may have found unique approaches to parenting that have brought them joy and fulfillment. These conversations highlight the resilience of mothers and serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is strength and growth.

The host of [Podcast Name] facilitates these conversations with empathy and curiosity, allowing guests to share their stories authentically. Listeners appreciate the opportunity to connect with these inspiring moms and find solace in the shared experiences. The podcast serves as a reminder that motherhood is a journey filled with ups and downs, and that every mom has her own unique path.

Podcast 5: [Podcast Name]

For new moms seeking a lighthearted and humorous take on parenting, [Podcast Name] is a fantastic choice. This podcast injects humor into everyday parenting experiences, offering relatable anecdotes and a dose of laughter. The host of [Podcast Name] shares her own humorous mishaps and invites guests to share their funny parenting stories, creating a space for moms to laugh and find solace in the shared experiences of others.

[Podcast Name] explores the challenges and triumphs of parenting in a light and entertaining manner. It offers practical parenting hacks and tips for busy moms who are seeking ways to make their lives easier. The podcast strikes a balance between humor and practicality, providing new moms with a sense of camaraderie and the reassurance that they are not alone in their parenting struggles.

Listeners of [Podcast Name] appreciate the relatability of the content and find themselves nodding along and laughing at the shared experiences. The podcast reminds new moms that it’s okay to embrace imperfection and find humor in the chaos of parenting. It is a refreshing break from the seriousness of motherhood and a reminder to find joy in the little moments.

Podcast 6: [Podcast Name]

[Podcast Name] is a podcast that offers a unique blend of entertainment and inspiration for new moms. This podcast explores the psychological and emotional aspects of parenting, providing insights from experts in child development and psychology. The discussions on [Podcast Name] delve into topics such as raising confident and resilient children, fostering healthy parent-child relationships, and promoting positive discipline.

The host of [Podcast Name] invites renowned experts in the field to share their expertise and research findings. These experts provide evidence-based strategies for navigating the challenges of parenting and raising emotionally intelligent children. The discussions on [Podcast Name] are thought-provoking and provide new moms with valuable insights and actionable tips.

Listeners of [Podcast Name] appreciate the depth of knowledge shared by the experts and find the discussions highly engaging and informative. The podcast helps new moms gain a deeper understanding of child development and provides them with tools to support their child’s emotional well-being. It serves as a reminder that parenting is a journey of growth, both for the child and the parent.


These top podcasts for new moms offer a delightful mix of entertainment, inspiration, and relatable experiences. Whether it’s through interviews with inspiring moms, humorous anecdotes, or insightful discussions on child development, these podcasts provide new moms with a sense of camaraderie, motivation, and a much-needed break from the challenges of motherhood. By tuning in to these podcasts, new moms can find joy, inspiration, and a reminder that they are not alone in their journey.

How to Choose the Right Podcast for You

With a plethora of podcasts available, it can be overwhelming for new moms to choose the right one that aligns with their interests and needs. However, finding the perfect podcast doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following a few simple steps and considering key factors, new moms can find podcasts that resonate with their parenting style, values, and personal preferences. Here are some tips to help you choose the right podcast for you:

Identifying Your Needs and Interests as a New Mom

The first step in finding the right podcast is to identify your specific needs and interests as a new mom. Take some time to reflect on what topics or areas you would like to explore. Are you seeking practical advice on newborn care, breastfeeding, or sleep training? Do you want to learn more about self-care, mental health, or parenting techniques? By pinpointing your specific concerns and goals, you can narrow down your search and find podcasts that cater to your needs.

Researching Podcast Options

Once you have identified your needs and interests, it’s time to start researching podcast options. There are various platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher, where you can explore different genres and categories. Use the search function to look for podcasts that align with your identified needs. Read podcast descriptions and episode summaries to get a sense of the content and format.

Additionally, consider seeking recommendations from trusted sources. Ask other moms, join parenting forums or Facebook groups, or consult parenting websites and blogs for podcast recommendations. These sources can provide valuable insights and help you discover hidden gems that may not be as well-known.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Podcast

When evaluating potential podcasts, there are several factors to consider that can help you make an informed decision:

  1. Host’s Expertise: Look for podcasts hosted by individuals who have expertise in the field of parenting, child development, or related topics. A host with professional qualifications or personal experience can bring credibility and depth to the discussions.

  2. Episode Length: Consider the length of the podcast episodes and whether it fits your schedule and preferences. Some moms may prefer shorter episodes that they can listen to during short breaks, while others may enjoy longer, in-depth discussions.

  3. Guests and Expertise: Pay attention to the guests and experts featured on the podcast. Are they professionals in their respective fields? Do they provide valuable insights and practical advice? Consider whether the expertise of the guests aligns with your interests and needs.

  4. Listener Reviews and Feedback: Read reviews and feedback from other listeners to get a sense of their experiences with the podcast. Positive reviews can indicate that the podcast is informative, engaging, and relevant to new moms.

Tips for Finding Podcasts that Align with Your Parenting Style and Values

Beyond the practical considerations, it’s important to find podcasts that align with your parenting style and values. Here are a few tips to help you in this process:

  1. Listen to Sample Episodes: Most podcasts offer sample episodes or trailers that you can listen to before committing to the entire series. Take advantage of these samples to get a feel for the podcast’s tone, style, and content. This will help you determine whether it resonates with your parenting style and values.

  2. Check the Podcast’s Website or Social Media: Visit the podcast’s website or social media pages to learn more about the host’s perspective and values. Look for any mission statements or descriptions that outline the podcast’s goals and objectives. This information can give you insights into whether the podcast aligns with your own beliefs and parenting approach.

  3. Experiment and Explore: Don’t be afraid to try out different podcasts and explore various topics. Every mom is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Give yourself the freedom to experiment and find the podcasts that truly resonate with you. You may discover hidden gems or unexpected favorites along the way.

By considering these factors and following these tips, you can find podcasts that provide valuable support, inspiration, and entertainment, while aligning with your parenting style and values.


Choosing the right podcast as a new mom can be a rewarding experience that enhances your parenting journey. By identifying your needs and interests, researching podcast options, and considering factors such as the host’s expertise and episode length, you can narrow down your choices and find podcasts that resonate with you. Additionally, don’t forget to explore podcasts that align with your parenting style and values, as this will further enhance your listening experience. With the right podcast, you can gain valuable insights, find support, and enjoy moments of entertainment and inspiration throughout your motherhood journey.

Additional Resources for New Moms

In addition to podcasts, there are a plethora of resources available to support new moms on their parenting journey. These resources can provide further information, guidance, and a sense of community. Whether you’re seeking online communities, informative websites, books, or support groups, there are various avenues to explore. Here are some additional resources that can complement your podcast listening and provide valuable support:

Websites, Blogs, and Online Communities for New Moms

The internet offers a wealth of websites, blogs, and online communities dedicated to supporting new moms. These platforms provide a space for moms to connect, share experiences, and seek advice. Many websites offer articles and blog posts on a wide range of parenting topics, from newborn care and breastfeeding to self-care and mental health. These resources can provide valuable information, tips, and insights, helping new moms navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood.

Online communities, such as parenting forums and Facebook groups, can be a valuable source of support and camaraderie. Joining these communities allows you to connect with other moms who are going through similar experiences. You can ask questions, share your own stories, and seek advice from a supportive network of individuals who understand the ups and downs of motherhood.

Books and Audiobooks for New Moms

Books and audiobooks are timeless resources that can provide in-depth knowledge and guidance for new moms. There is a vast selection of titles available, covering a wide range of topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Whether you’re seeking practical advice, personal stories, or expert insights, there is a book out there for every new mom.

Consider books authored by renowned parenting experts, psychologists, or experienced moms. These authors offer evidence-based advice and strategies to help you navigate the challenges and joys of motherhood. Additionally, memoirs and personal narratives written by other moms can provide a sense of connection and inspiration as you journey through your own experiences.

Audiobooks are an excellent option for busy moms who may not have the time to sit down and read. You can listen to audiobooks while breastfeeding, going for a walk, or doing household chores. Many popular parenting books are available in audio format, allowing you to absorb the information and insights on the go.

Other Relevant Podcast Episodes or Series

While exploring podcasts for new moms, you may come across individual episodes or series that provide additional value and insights. These episodes may delve deeper into specific topics or feature guest experts who offer unique perspectives. Make note of these episodes and consider exploring them alongside your regular podcast subscriptions.

Some podcasts also have dedicated series or special episodes that tackle specific subjects in depth. These series may focus on topics such as postpartum health, parenting techniques, or managing work-life balance as a new mom. Take advantage of these specialized episodes to gain a deeper understanding of particular areas of interest.

Support Groups, Online and Offline

Support groups can be a valuable resource for new moms seeking connection, guidance, and emotional support. There are both online and offline support groups available, catering to various needs and preferences.

Online Support Groups: Online support groups offer the convenience of connecting with other moms virtually. These groups allow you to share your experiences, seek advice, and offer support to fellow moms. Many online support groups have moderators who ensure a safe and respectful environment for sharing and discussing sensitive topics.

Offline Support Groups: Offline support groups, also known as mom groups or parenting classes, provide an opportunity to connect with other moms face-to-face. These groups often meet in community centers, hospitals, or local organizations. Joining an offline support group allows you to interact with other moms in your area, build friendships, and access expert-led discussions and workshops.


In addition to podcasts, there are numerous resources available to support new moms on their parenting journey. Websites, blogs, and online communities offer valuable information, advice, and a sense of community. Books and audiobooks provide in-depth knowledge and personal stories that can inspire and guide new moms. Other relevant podcast episodes or series can provide specialized insights into specific topics. Finally, support groups, both online and offline, offer a sense of connection, guidance, and emotional support. By exploring these additional resources, new moms can expand their support network, access valuable information, and find a sense of community on their motherhood journey.


