best podcasts to learn economics

Introduction to Learning Economics through Podcasts

In today’s fast-paced world, where time is of the essence, finding efficient and accessible ways to learn is crucial. When it comes to mastering complex subjects like economics, podcasts have emerged as a powerful tool for education and self-improvement. With their convenience, versatility, and engaging audio format, podcasts offer a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of economics and expand our understanding of the world.

The Importance of Podcasts in the Learning Process

Podcasts have revolutionized the way we consume information and continue our education. Unlike traditional learning methods that may require dedicated study time or physical resources, podcasts allow us to learn on the go, fitting seamlessly into our busy lives. Whether you’re commuting, exercising, or simply relaxing at home, podcasts provide a valuable opportunity to learn and grow without sacrificing precious time.

The audio format of podcasts also plays a significant role in enhancing the learning experience. Research has shown that auditory learning can be particularly effective for retaining information, as it engages both our hearing and cognitive faculties. By listening to podcasts, we can absorb complex economic concepts, theories, and real-world examples in a more engaging and memorable way.

Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Economics

Podcasts offer numerous benefits for those seeking to learn about economics. Here are some key advantages:

1. Accessibility and Convenience:

Podcasts are easily accessible through various platforms, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. With just a few taps on your smartphone or computer, you can access a vast library of economics-related content. Additionally, podcasts can be downloaded for offline listening, allowing you to learn even when internet connectivity is limited.

2. Expert Insights and Diverse Perspectives:

Top economics podcasts often feature renowned economists, professors, industry experts, and thought leaders who share their expertise and insights. This exposure to diverse perspectives helps broaden our understanding of economic theories, policies, and their real-world implications. By listening to different viewpoints, we can develop a more comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.

3. Engaging and Entertaining Content:

Podcasts are known for their conversational and storytelling nature, making even complex economic concepts more accessible and enjoyable. Hosts and guests often use real-life examples, anecdotes, and relatable language to explain intricate ideas, ensuring that listeners remain engaged throughout the episodes. This engaging format can help sustain our interest and motivation to continue learning economics.

4. Current and Timely Information:

Many economics podcasts explore current events, economic trends, and policy changes, providing listeners with up-to-date knowledge about the ever-evolving world of economics. Staying informed about the latest developments in the field is essential for understanding the practical applications of economic theories and their impact on society.

5. Supplemental Learning Resource:

Podcasts can serve as a supplemental learning resource to complement traditional methods of studying economics. By listening to podcasts, you can reinforce your understanding of concepts learned through textbooks, online courses, or academic lectures. The conversational format of podcasts often allows for a deeper exploration of topics and a practical perspective that complements theoretical knowledge.

How to Choose the Best Podcasts for Learning Economics

With the growing popularity of podcasts, it can be overwhelming to find the most suitable ones for learning economics. To ensure you make the most of your podcast learning experience, consider the following factors when choosing podcasts:

1. Relevance to Your Interests and Goals:

Identify your specific interests within the field of economics. Are you interested in macroeconomics, microeconomics, behavioral economics, or specific subtopics like finance or international trade? Determine your learning goals and seek podcasts that align with your areas of interest to maximize the value of your listening experience.

2. Credibility and Expertise:

Look for podcasts hosted by credible individuals with expertise in economics. Research the hosts’ backgrounds, credentials, and experience in the field to ensure you are learning from reputable sources. You can also check if the podcast has received recognition, awards, or positive reviews from the economics community or trusted organizations.

3. Production Quality and Format:

Consider the production quality and format of the podcasts. High-quality podcasts with clear audio, well-structured episodes, and engaging hosts can significantly enhance the learning experience. Additionally, consider the podcast’s format, such as interviews, panel discussions, or narrative storytelling, and choose a style that resonates with your learning preferences.

4. Varied Perspectives and Depth:

Look for podcasts that offer diverse perspectives and delve into a range of economic topics. A mix of introductory episodes for beginners and in-depth discussions for advanced learners can provide a well-rounded learning experience. Seek podcasts that explore not only theoretical concepts but also practical applications and real-world examples.

5. Consistency and Frequency:

Consistency and frequency of podcast episodes are essential for maintaining a steady learning routine. Look for podcasts that release episodes regularly, as this ensures a continuous flow of new content to support your learning journey. However, prioritize quality over quantity, as podcasts with well-researched and thoughtfully produced episodes can offer more value than those with a high episode count but lack substance.

In the following sections, we will explore some of the best podcasts available for learning economics, catering to both beginners and those seeking advanced insights. Whether you are new to the subject or looking to deepen your understanding, these podcasts will serve as invaluable resources on your journey to mastering economics. Let’s dive into the world of economics podcasts and unlock a wealth of knowledge and insights.

Understanding the Basics of Economics

Before diving into the best podcasts for learning economics, it is essential to establish a strong foundation by understanding the basics of economics. Economics is the study of how societies allocate scarce resources to fulfill their unlimited wants and needs. It provides a framework for analyzing and understanding the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Introduction to Economics: Definition and Scope

At its core, economics seeks to answer fundamental questions about how individuals, businesses, and governments make choices in a world with limited resources. It explores concepts such as scarcity, opportunity cost, and trade-offs. Economics encompasses a wide range of topics, including microeconomics, which focuses on individual decision-making, and macroeconomics, which examines the overall behavior of an economy.

Microeconomics delves into the analysis of individual markets, supply and demand dynamics, consumer behavior, production, costs, and market structures. It helps us understand how individuals and firms make decisions regarding resource allocation, pricing, and production levels. On the other hand, macroeconomics examines the broader aspects of the economy, such as inflation, unemployment, economic growth, fiscal and monetary policies, and international trade.

Key Economic Concepts and Principles

To grasp the intricacies of economics, it is essential to familiarize yourself with key economic concepts and principles that form the building blocks of the discipline. Some of these concepts include:

1. Supply and Demand:

The concept of supply and demand lies at the heart of economics. Supply refers to the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to offer at a given price. Demand, on the other hand, represents the quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price. The interaction between supply and demand influences the equilibrium price and quantity in a market.

2. Opportunity Cost:

Opportunity cost refers to the value of the next best alternative forgone when making a decision. In other words, it is the cost of choosing one option over another. Understanding opportunity cost helps individuals and businesses assess the trade-offs involved in decision-making and evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of different choices.

3. Comparative Advantage:

The concept of comparative advantage explores the idea that individuals, businesses, and countries can benefit from specializing in producing goods or services in which they have a lower opportunity cost. By specializing and trading with others, participants can increase overall productivity and achieve higher levels of economic efficiency.

4. Marginal Analysis:

Marginal analysis involves examining the incremental changes or benefits associated with an additional unit of a good or service. It helps individuals and businesses make decisions by comparing the additional costs versus the additional benefits obtained from an action. Marginal analysis is crucial for optimizing resource allocation and maximizing utility or profit.

5. Elasticity:

Elasticity measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded or supplied to changes in price or other factors. Price elasticity of demand, for example, indicates how sensitive the quantity demanded is to changes in price. Understanding elasticity is essential for businesses in determining pricing strategies and predicting consumer behavior.

Exploring Different Economic Systems

Economics also involves studying different economic systems that govern the allocation of resources and the distribution of goods and services. Three primary economic systems exist:

1. Market Economy:

A market economy, also known as capitalism or a free-market system, relies on market forces of supply and demand to determine resource allocation and prices. In this system, individuals and businesses have the freedom to make economic decisions based on their self-interest. Competition plays a vital role in driving innovation, efficiency, and economic growth.

2. Command Economy:

A command economy, also known as socialism or communism, is characterized by central planning and government control over resource allocation and production. In this system, the government determines what goods and services are produced, how they are produced, and how they are distributed among the population.

3. Mixed Economy:

A mixed economy combines elements of both market and command economies. Most modern economies fall into this category, where the government intervenes to varying degrees to regulate markets, provide public goods, and address market failures. Mixed economies strive to balance individual freedoms and market efficiency with social welfare and equitable distribution.

Understanding the different economic systems helps us appreciate the complexities and nuances of economic decision-making and the impact of various systems on societies and individuals.

In the next section, we will explore a selection of the best podcasts suitable for beginners who are eager to dive deeper into the world of economics. These podcasts provide an excellent starting point for gaining a solid understanding of economic principles and concepts.

Top Podcasts for Beginners in Economics

For beginners embarking on their journey to learn economics, finding the right podcasts can be a valuable starting point. The following podcasts offer engaging, informative, and beginner-friendly content that introduces foundational economic concepts, explores real-world applications, and sparks curiosity. Let’s explore these top podcasts for beginners in economics:

“Freakonomics Radio” by Stephen J. Dubner

Freakonomics Radio

“Freakonomics Radio” is a critically acclaimed podcast hosted by Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the best-selling book “Freakonomics.” With its unique blend of economics, social science, and unexpected insights, the podcast aims to uncover the hidden side of everyday life. Dubner and his guests explore a wide range of topics, from behavioral economics and decision-making to the economics of crime, education, and technology.

The podcast’s storytelling approach captivates listeners and offers a fresh perspective on economic principles. Each episode delves into thought-provoking concepts, such as incentives, unintended consequences, and the power of data analysis. For beginners, “Freakonomics Radio” provides an accessible and entertaining introduction to the economic way of thinking.

Noteworthy episodes for beginners in economics include “The Hidden Side of Sports,” which explores the economics behind professional sports leagues, and “The Upside of Quitting,” which discusses the concept of sunk costs and the importance of knowing when to walk away from unproductive endeavors. These episodes provide real-world examples that illustrate economic principles and their applications.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “Freakonomics Radio” include gaining a deeper understanding of how incentives shape human behavior, recognizing the unintended consequences of policies and decisions, and developing critical thinking skills to analyze economic issues in everyday life.

“Planet Money” by NPR

Planet Money

“Planet Money” is an award-winning podcast produced by NPR (National Public Radio) that aims to make economics accessible, engaging, and entertaining for all listeners. The podcast covers a wide range of economic topics, from global financial markets to personal finance and everything in between. Its storytelling approach, along with expert interviews and insightful analysis, makes complex economic concepts relatable and understandable.

With a focus on real-world stories and current events, “Planet Money” provides a unique perspective on how economics impacts our daily lives. The hosts take listeners behind the scenes of economic phenomena, unraveling the intricate web of economic forces that shape our world. By exploring economic concepts through engaging narratives, “Planet Money” helps beginners grasp the connections between seemingly unrelated events and economic principles.

Noteworthy episodes for beginners in economics include “The Invention of Money,” which traces the origins and evolution of money, and “The Risk Farmers,” which explores the concept of risk and the insurance industry. These episodes provide a solid foundation for understanding key economic concepts and their practical applications.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “Planet Money” include gaining insights into the functioning of financial markets, understanding the impact of economic policies on individuals and societies, and developing a broader perspective on the global economy.

“EconTalk” by Russ Roberts


“EconTalk” is a long-running podcast hosted by Russ Roberts, an economist and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. The podcast features in-depth conversations with leading economists, scholars, and thinkers from various fields. “EconTalk” explores a wide range of economic topics, including economics as a social science, economic history, and the intersection of economics with philosophy, politics, and culture.

The conversational format of “EconTalk” allows for a deep exploration of economic ideas and their implications. Roberts engages his guests in thought-provoking discussions, providing listeners with a nuanced understanding of economic theories and their real-world significance. The podcast encourages critical thinking and challenges conventional wisdom, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of economic analysis.

Noteworthy episodes for beginners in economics include “The Price of Everything,” which examines the role of prices in coordinating economic activity, and “The Power of Economic Thinking,” which discusses the benefits and limitations of economic reasoning in decision-making. These episodes provide valuable insights into the economic way of thinking and its applications in various contexts.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “EconTalk” include gaining a broader perspective on economic issues, understanding the interdisciplinary nature of economics, and developing analytical skills to evaluate economic arguments and policies.

“The Indicator from Planet Money” by NPR

The Indicator from Planet Money

“The Indicator from Planet Money” is a shorter, bite-sized podcast produced by NPR and hosted by Cardiff Garcia and Stacey Vanek Smith. This podcast offers quick, insightful episodes that explain economic concepts and trends in a concise and accessible manner. The hosts provide analysis and commentary on current economic news, making it relevant and engaging for beginners seeking to understand the economic forces at play.

“The Indicator” explores a wide range of topics, from the impact of technology and automation on the job market to the effects of trade policies and economic indicators. By focusing on specific indicators and trends, the podcast helps beginners grasp the implications of economic events and policies in a digestible format.

Noteworthy episodes for beginners in economics include “The Mystery of the Shrinking Middle Class,” which examines the changing dynamics of income distribution, and “The Cost of Being Black in Tulsa,” which explores the economic disparities faced by Black Americans. These episodes shed light on the socioeconomic challenges and inequalities that economics seeks to understand and address.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “The Indicator from Planet Money” include gaining a better understanding of economic indicators and their significance, staying informed about current economic trends, and recognizing the interplay between economic factors and societal issues.

“The Wealth of Nations” by Adam Smith

The Wealth of Nations

“The Wealth of Nations” podcast, inspired by Adam Smith’s seminal work of the same name, offers an exploration of economic ideas and theories. Hosted by a team of economists, the podcast dives deep into economic concepts, historical perspectives, and the evolution of economic thought. Each episode delves into a particular aspect of economics, providing beginners with a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

“The Wealth of Nations” examines the foundations of classical economics, the role of markets, and the principles of capitalism. By tracing the intellectual history of economic thought, the podcast helps beginners understand the origins of economic theories and their relevance in the modern world. The hosts present complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner, making it ideal for those new to economics.

Noteworthy episodes for beginners in economics include “The Invisible Hand,” which explores Adam Smith’s concept of spontaneous order in markets, and “Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative Advantage,” which explains the benefits of trade and specialization. These episodes lay the groundwork for understanding key economic principles and the historical context in which they emerged.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “The Wealth of Nations” include gaining a historical perspective on economic thought, understanding the foundations of classical economics, and appreciating the role of markets in driving economic growth and prosperity.

Advanced Podcasts for In-Depth Understanding of Economics

For those seeking a deeper understanding of economics and wanting to explore advanced topics, several podcasts cater to the intellectually curious. These podcasts go beyond the basics and engage in in-depth discussions, providing insights into complex economic theories, cutting-edge research, and thought-provoking analysis. Let’s dive into the world of advanced economics podcasts:

“Economics Detective Radio” by Garrett Petersen

Economics Detective Radio

“Economics Detective Radio” is a podcast hosted by Garrett Petersen, an economist with a passion for uncovering economic mysteries and delving into the nuances of economic research. The podcast features interviews with leading economists, researchers, and scholars who discuss their work and share insights into various economic topics.

Petersen’s inquisitive and analytical approach allows listeners to explore the depths of economic theory, empirical analysis, and policy implications. The podcast covers a wide range of subjects, including behavioral economics, economic history, public choice theory, and more. By examining cutting-edge research and economic debates, “Economics Detective Radio” provides advanced learners with a deeper understanding of complex economic issues.

Noteworthy episodes for advanced learners in economics include “The Economics of Slavery” with Daina Ramey Berry, which explores the economic aspects of slavery in the United States, and “The Economics of Immigration” with Giovanni Peri, which discusses the economic effects of immigration on host countries. These episodes offer nuanced perspectives and delve into topics that require a more comprehensive understanding of economic principles.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “Economics Detective Radio” include gaining exposure to advanced economic research and theories, understanding the complexities of economic phenomena, and honing critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate economic arguments.

“The Peter Attia Drive” by Peter Attia

The Peter Attia Drive

“The Peter Attia Drive” may not be solely focused on economics, but it features episodes that touch upon economics in the context of health, longevity, and human performance. Hosted by Peter Attia, a medical doctor and longevity expert, the podcast explores the intersection of science, health, and economics, providing a unique perspective on the economics of healthcare and wellness.

Attia’s guests include economists, healthcare professionals, and researchers who discuss the economic impact of healthcare policies, the cost of medical innovation, and the relationship between health and productivity. These discussions shed light on the economic implications of healthcare choices, the role of incentives in the healthcare industry, and the economic burden of chronic diseases.

Noteworthy episodes featuring economics-related discussions include “Michael Porter, Ph.D.: Bringing economic theory to healthcare delivery,” which examines the application of economic principles to improve healthcare delivery, and “John Arnold: A contrarian take on healthcare costs and policy,” which explores the complexities of healthcare costs and the potential for innovation in the industry.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “The Peter Attia Drive” include understanding the economic factors influencing healthcare systems, gaining insights into the costs and benefits of medical interventions, and exploring the economic implications of individual health choices.

“The Podcast” by Ryan Moran

The Podcast

“The Podcast” hosted by Ryan Moran offers advanced insights into the intersection of entrepreneurship, economics, and wealth creation. While primarily focusing on entrepreneurship, the podcast touches on economic principles, market dynamics, and the role of capitalism in driving economic growth and prosperity.

Through interviews with successful entrepreneurs and business leaders, “The Podcast” explores the economic principles underpinning successful businesses and wealth creation. The conversations delve into topics such as market competition, innovation, pricing strategies, and the impact of government policies on entrepreneurship.

Noteworthy episodes focusing on economic principles and entrepreneurship include “The Principles of Economic Behavior” with Richard Salsman, which discusses the principles that drive economic behavior and success in business, and “The Economics of Freedom” with Larry Reed, which explores the relationship between economic freedom and social progress.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “The Podcast” include gaining insights into the economic factors influencing entrepreneurship, understanding the principles behind successful businesses, and exploring the role of capitalism in fostering economic prosperity.

“Economic Update” by Richard D. Wolff

Economic Update

“Economic Update” is a podcast hosted by Richard D. Wolff, a renowned economist and professor emeritus of economics. The podcast provides critical and alternative perspectives on economic issues, challenging mainstream economic thought and exploring alternative economic models.

Through in-depth analysis and commentary, Richard D. Wolff examines topics such as inequality, capitalism, socialism, and economic crises. The podcast offers a fresh and thought-provoking take on economic events, policies, and trends, providing advanced learners with a deeper understanding of economic systems and their implications.

Noteworthy episodes exploring economic theories and current events include “Capitalism and Slavery” which examines the historical relationship between capitalism and slavery, and “The Economics of Pandemics” which discusses the economic consequences of pandemics and the role of government intervention.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “Economic Update” include gaining alternative perspectives on economic issues, understanding the limitations and criticisms of mainstream economic theories, and exploring alternative economic models and their potential implications.

“The Hidden Forces” by Demetri Kofinas

The Hidden Forces

“The Hidden Forces” hosted by Demetri Kofinas is a podcast that explores the forces and trends shaping the global economy, financial markets, and geopolitical events. The podcast features in-depth interviews with economists, investors, and experts from various fields who provide insights into the complex interplay between economic forces and society.

“The Hidden Forces” covers a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, central banking, technological disruptions, and geopolitical risks. By examining the hidden forces driving economic trends, Kofinas offers advanced learners a deeper understanding of the intricate connections between economics, politics, and global events.

Noteworthy episodes discussing economic trends and financial markets include “The Evolution of Money” which explores the history and future of money and “The Great Reset” which examines the potential economic implications of major global shifts.

Key takeaways and learning opportunities from “The Hidden Forces” include gaining insights into the complex interactions between economics and other fields, understanding the global forces shaping the economy, and developing a broader perspective on economic trends and events.


