best polyamory podcast

Introduction to Polyamory and Podcasts

Polyamory, a term derived from the Greek words “poly” (meaning many) and “amor” (meaning love), refers to the practice of having multiple consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships simultaneously. This modern relationship style challenges the traditional notions of monogamy and allows individuals to explore and form meaningful connections with multiple partners. As society becomes more open and accepting of diverse relationship structures, the interest in polyamory has grown significantly.

With the rise of polyamory, there has also been an increase in the demand for educational resources and support networks that cater to individuals navigating this unique relationship style. One of the most accessible and popular mediums for acquiring knowledge and insights about polyamory is podcasts. These audio-based platforms offer a wealth of information, personal stories, expert advice, and discussions on a wide range of topics related to polyamory.

The Rise of Polyamory in Modern Relationships

Polyamory has gained considerable recognition and acceptance in recent years as people challenge societal norms and seek alternative relationship structures that align with their personal values and desires. This shift is fueled by a growing understanding that love and intimacy are not limited resources and that individuals can experience deep connections with multiple partners simultaneously.

The exploration of polyamory allows individuals to break free from the constraints of monogamy and embrace a lifestyle that promotes open communication, emotional honesty, and ethical non-monogamy. It provides a framework for building relationships that prioritize consent, trust, and mutual respect.

The Benefits of Podcasts for Learning about Polyamory

In the digital age, podcasts have emerged as an invaluable tool for disseminating information and connecting individuals with shared interests. Polyamory podcasts have become particularly popular due to their ability to reach a wide audience and deliver educational content in an engaging and accessible format.

Podcasts offer a unique combination of storytelling, expert interviews, personal anecdotes, and in-depth discussions that can provide valuable insights and guidance for individuals interested in polyamory. They create a sense of community and connection, allowing listeners to feel understood and supported as they navigate the challenges and joys of polyamorous relationships.

Understanding the Purpose of the Blog Post

The purpose of this blog post is to provide an in-depth analysis and comprehensive guide to finding the best polyamory podcasts available. We will delve into the key factors to consider when choosing a podcast, review and discuss the top polyamory podcasts in detail, explore additional resources for further exploration of polyamory, and provide tips for getting the most out of polyamory podcasts.

Whether you are new to the concept of polyamory or have been practicing it for years, this blog post aims to equip you with the knowledge and resources to enhance your understanding, improve your relationships, and foster a sense of community within the polyamory world.

In the next sections, we will explore the factors to consider when choosing a polyamory podcast, review and analyze the top podcasts in the field, provide additional resources for further exploration, and offer practical tips for maximizing the benefits of polyamory podcasts. Let’s dive in!

Key Factors for Choosing the Best Polyamory Podcast

When it comes to selecting the best polyamory podcast, there are several key factors to consider. These factors will ensure that you find a podcast that aligns with your interests, provides reliable information, and offers a supportive and inclusive community. Let’s explore these factors in detail:

Expertise and Credibility of the Hosts

One of the most crucial factors to consider when choosing a polyamory podcast is the expertise and credibility of the hosts. The hosts should have a solid understanding of polyamory, its principles, and the challenges that may arise within polyamorous relationships. Look for hosts who have personal experience with polyamory or who are recognized experts in the field.

Hosts who possess professional qualifications, such as therapists, relationship coaches, or educators, can provide valuable insights and guidance based on their expertise. Their knowledge and background will ensure that the information shared on the podcast is accurate, well-informed, and grounded in ethical practices.

Diversity and Inclusivity in the Podcast’s Content

Polyamory is a diverse and inclusive community that encompasses individuals from various backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, and relationship configurations. It is important to choose a podcast that reflects this diversity and offers content that resonates with your own experiences and identities.

Consider podcasts that cover a wide range of topics related to polyamory, such as communication, jealousy, boundary-setting, and relationship dynamics. Look for podcasts that highlight the experiences and perspectives of marginalized voices within the polyamory community, including people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and individuals with disabilities. This inclusivity ensures that you receive a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of polyamory.

Production Quality and Format of the Podcast

The production quality and format of a podcast play a significant role in the overall listening experience. A well-produced podcast with clear audio, engaging narration, and smooth editing can enhance your comprehension and enjoyment of the content. On the other hand, a podcast with poor audio quality or inconsistent pacing can be distracting and hinder your ability to absorb the information effectively.

Consider the format of the podcast as well. Some podcasts follow an interview-style format, where hosts bring on guests to share their experiences and insights. Others may focus on storytelling, personal anecdotes, or a combination of formats. Choose a format that aligns with your preferred learning style and keeps you engaged throughout each episode.

Range of Topics Covered

Polyamory is a multifaceted and complex subject, and the best polyamory podcasts should reflect this depth by covering a wide range of topics. Look for podcasts that address both the practical and emotional aspects of polyamory. They should provide guidance on navigating jealousy, building healthy communication practices, managing time and resources, and fostering emotional intimacy.

Additionally, consider podcasts that explore the intersectionality of polyamory with other aspects of life, such as parenting, religion, mental health, and social justice. A podcast that tackles these interconnected topics will offer a more holistic understanding of polyamory and its implications for various facets of your life.

Engagement with the Polyamory Community

A great polyamory podcast should actively engage with the polyamory community, fostering a sense of connection and belonging for its listeners. Look for podcasts that encourage listener participation through Q&A sessions, audience-submitted stories, or interactive discussions on social media platforms.

Podcasts that collaborate with other experts, influencers, or organizations within the polyamory community demonstrate a commitment to creating a broader network of support and knowledge-sharing. By engaging with the wider community, the podcast creates opportunities for listeners to expand their understanding, gain diverse perspectives, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Considering these key factors will help you narrow down your search for the best polyamory podcast that suits your needs and preferences. Now, let’s delve into the specific podcasts that have made a significant impact in the polyamory community and explore their unique features.

Top Polyamory Podcasts and Their Unique Features

In this section, we will explore and review some of the top polyamory podcasts available today. Each podcast offers its own unique features, perspectives, and insights into the world of polyamory. Let’s dive in and discover what makes these podcasts stand out:


“Multiamory” is a highly regarded podcast that delves deep into the complexities of polyamory, offering a wealth of information and personal anecdotes. Hosted by Dedeker Winston, Emily Matlack, and Jase Lindgren, this podcast covers a wide range of topics, from communication skills to jealousy management, from relationship structures to self-care within polyamory.

What sets “Multiamory” apart is the expertise and diverse backgrounds of the hosts. Dedeker Winston is a relationship coach and author, Emily Matlack is a sex educator, and Jase Lindgren brings a scientific perspective as a researcher. Their combined knowledge and experiences create a dynamic and well-rounded podcast that appeals to both newcomers and experienced practitioners of polyamory.

The podcast’s format includes engaging discussions, interviews with experts, and listener Q&A sessions. The hosts approach each topic with empathy, humor, and a commitment to providing practical advice. They also explore ethical non-monogamy beyond polyamory, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in alternative relationship styles.

“Polyamory Weekly”

“Polyamory Weekly” is one of the longest-running polyamory podcasts, hosted by Cunning Minx. With over 600 episodes, this podcast has established itself as a reliable source for information and support within the polyamory community. Cunning Minx brings her personal experiences and extensive knowledge to the table, providing a wealth of insights and perspectives.

The podcast covers a wide range of polyamory-related topics, including communication, jealousy, relationship agreements, and ethical non-monogamy. Cunning Minx often invites guests to share their stories and expertise, offering diverse perspectives and experiences. The podcast also features listener questions and feedback, creating a sense of community and interactivity.

What sets “Polyamory Weekly” apart is its emphasis on inclusivity and representation. The podcast actively seeks out voices from marginalized communities within the polyamory world, amplifying their stories and addressing important social justice issues. This commitment to diversity makes “Polyamory Weekly” a valuable resource for individuals seeking a broader and more inclusive understanding of polyamory.

“The Love, Sex, and Dating Podcast”

Hosted by Dr. Emily Morse, “The Love, Sex, and Dating Podcast” explores various aspects of relationships, love, and sexuality. While not exclusively focused on polyamory, this podcast offers valuable insights and advice for individuals navigating non-traditional relationship styles, including polyamory.

Dr. Emily Morse is a renowned sexologist, therapist, and author, known for her expertise in the field of human sexuality. Her podcast covers a wide range of topics, such as communication skills, sexual health, and personal growth within relationships. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, Dr. Emily Morse provides practical advice and explores the evolving landscape of modern relationships.

“The Love, Sex, and Dating Podcast” stands out for its emphasis on sexual empowerment and personal growth. Dr. Emily Morse encourages listeners to embrace their desires, explore their boundaries, and cultivate healthy relationships. This focus on personal development makes the podcast a valuable resource for individuals seeking to navigate both the emotional and sexual aspects of polyamory.

Additional Resources for Exploring Polyamory

In addition to polyamory podcasts, there are a plethora of resources available that can further enhance your understanding and exploration of polyamorous relationships. These resources encompass books, websites, online communities, social media accounts, and even therapy services. Let’s explore some of these resources in detail:

Books on Polyamory

Books provide a wealth of knowledge and personal narratives that can expand your understanding of polyamory. Here are a few notable books to consider:

  • “The Ethical Slut” by Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton: Considered a classic in the polyamory community, this book explores ethical non-monogamy, communication, and personal growth within polyamorous relationships.

  • “More Than Two” by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert: This comprehensive guide delves into the complexities of polyamory, covering topics such as jealousy, boundaries, and communication skills.

  • “Opening Up” by Tristan Taormino: This book offers practical advice and personal stories about various forms of non-monogamy, including polyamory, exploring topics such as jealousy, emotional intimacy, and sexual health.

Websites and Online Communities

The internet provides a vast array of websites and online communities dedicated to polyamory. These platforms offer informational resources, support networks, and opportunities for discussion. Here are a few notable websites and communities to explore:

  • More Than Two: This website, inspired by the book of the same name, offers a wealth of articles, essays, and resources on polyamory, including advice on navigating relationships and managing emotions.

  • This website provides a comprehensive resource for individuals interested in polyamory, featuring articles, forums, and FAQs on various aspects of polyamorous relationships.

  • Reddit: r/polyamory: This online community on Reddit serves as a platform for discussions, advice, and support for individuals practicing or interested in polyamory. It offers a space for sharing experiences, asking questions, and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Social Media Accounts and Influencers

Social media platforms have become popular spaces for engaging with polyamory content and connecting with influencers who share their experiences and insights. Here are a few notable social media accounts and influencers to follow:

  • Instagram: @polyamoryadvice offers practical tips and advice for navigating polyamorous relationships, while @polyamorypositive promotes positivity and inclusivity within the polyamory community.

  • Twitter: @PolyRoleModels, run by Kevin Patterson, provides educational content and resources on polyamory, intersectionality, and social justice.

  • YouTube: “Polyamory School” offers a video series that covers various aspects of polyamory, including communication, jealousy, and relationship dynamics.

Polyamory Conferences and Events

Attending polyamory conferences and events can be an enriching experience, providing opportunities to connect with other polyamorous individuals, attend workshops, and learn from experts in the field. Some notable conferences and events include:

  • Poly Living: This conference, held annually in various locations, offers workshops, discussions, and social events for individuals interested in polyamory.

  • Beyond the Love: This conference focuses on creating a supportive and educational space for individuals practicing or curious about polyamory, offering workshops and panels on topics ranging from communication to ethical non-monogamy.

Therapy and Counseling Services

Professional therapy and counseling services can provide valuable support for individuals navigating polyamorous relationships. Finding a therapist who is knowledgeable and experienced in polyamory can help you address specific challenges, enhance your communication skills, and explore personal growth within the context of polyamory. Consider seeking therapy services from professionals who specialize in non-monogamous relationship dynamics.

These additional resources, including books, websites, online communities, social media accounts, conferences, and therapy services, can complement your polyamory podcast listening experience, provide further insights, and help you connect with a broader community of polyamorous individuals. Exploring a combination of these resources can support your personal growth and enhance your understanding of polyamorous relationships.

Tips for Getting the Most out of Polyamory Podcasts

Polyamory podcasts can be a valuable resource for learning, self-reflection, and personal growth within the polyamorous community. To maximize the benefits of these podcasts, here are some tips to consider:

Actively Listen and Take Notes

When listening to polyamory podcasts, it’s important to actively engage with the content. Take notes on key points, insights, and strategies that resonate with you. Jotting down important ideas can help you internalize the information and apply it to your own relationships. It also serves as a reference for future reflection and discussion.

Active listening involves giving your full attention to the podcast, minimizing distractions, and immersing yourself in the conversation. Take the time to absorb the information and reflect on how it relates to your own experiences. By actively engaging with the content, you can deepen your understanding of polyamory and enhance your personal growth.

Engage with the Podcast Community

Most polyamory podcasts have a vibrant and engaged community of listeners. Engaging with this community can provide additional support, insights, and a sense of belonging. Consider joining online forums, social media groups, or attending virtual meetups related to the podcast. Participating in discussions, sharing your experiences, and seeking advice from others can enrich your journey in polyamory.

Interacting with fellow listeners and the podcast hosts allows you to gain diverse perspectives, learn from others’ experiences, and build connections with like-minded individuals. Engaging with the podcast community creates a space for support, validation, and growth within the polyamory journey.

Seek Complementary Resources

While polyamory podcasts are a valuable resource, it’s important to seek out complementary resources to deepen your understanding and explore different perspectives. Supplement your podcast listening with books, articles, academic research, and other forms of media that delve into polyamory and non-monogamous relationships.

Diverse resources offer different viewpoints, research findings, and personal stories that can broaden your understanding of polyamory. They allow you to explore topics in more depth and gain a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in polyamorous relationships. By seeking out a variety of resources, you can develop a well-rounded perspective and make informed decisions that align with your values and goals.

Apply Lessons to Personal Experiences

Polyamory podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge and insights, but their true value lies in how you apply that knowledge to your own life. Reflect on the episodes and consider how the concepts discussed can be integrated into your own polyamorous relationships.

Apply the communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and self-reflection practices discussed in the podcasts to your personal experiences. Experiment with different approaches, adapt them to fit your specific circumstances, and evaluate their effectiveness. Remember that every polyamorous relationship is unique, so it’s important to tailor the insights gained from the podcasts to your own situation.

Continuously Update Podcast Selections

As the field of polyamory evolves and new podcasts emerge, it’s essential to continuously update and diversify your podcast selection. Stay informed about new podcasts, host changes, and emerging voices within the polyamory community.

By regularly exploring new podcasts, you expose yourself to fresh perspectives, evolving discussions, and the latest research on polyamory. This continuous learning and exploration can keep you engaged, informed, and connected to the ever-growing polyamory community.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your polyamory podcast listening experience. Actively engage with the content, connect with the podcast community, seek out complementary resources, apply the lessons learned to your personal experiences, and stay open to new podcast discoveries. These strategies will support your growth and understanding as you navigate the intricacies of polyamorous relationships.


