best warhammer podcast


Warhammer, a tabletop miniature wargame, has captured the imagination of countless players and enthusiasts around the world. With its rich lore, intricately designed models, and strategic gameplay, Warhammer has become a phenomenon that continues to thrive year after year. As the popularity of the game has grown, so too has the demand for quality content related to Warhammer.

In the digital age, podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium for delivering engaging and informative discussions on various topics. The Warhammer community, in particular, has embraced podcasts as a way to delve deeper into the game, explore tactics and strategies, discover new releases, and engage with like-minded individuals.

In this comprehensive blog post, we aim to guide you in finding the best Warhammer podcast that suits your preferences and interests. We will explore the various factors to consider when choosing a podcast, such as format, episode length, audio quality, hosts’ expertise, topics covered, guest appearances, and community engagement. By understanding these criteria, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision and discover podcasts that resonate with you.

Throughout this blog post, we will delve into five top Warhammer podcasts that have garnered immense popularity within the community. Each podcast will be thoroughly examined, providing an overview of the show, introducing the hosts and their expertise, discussing the format, episode length, and frequency, highlighting the topics covered, guest appearances, and community engagement. By delving into the pros and cons of each podcast, we will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what each show offers.

Furthermore, we will also include listener reviews and recommendations, showcasing the thoughts and opinions of fellow Warhammer enthusiasts. By compiling these reviews, we aim to present a well-rounded perspective on the podcasts, allowing you to gain insights into the experiences of others and discover podcasts that align with your interests.

In conclusion, this blog post will serve as your ultimate guide to finding the best Warhammer podcast. Whether you are a veteran player seeking to expand your knowledge or a newcomer looking to immerse yourself in the world of Warhammer, podcasts offer a unique and valuable resource. So, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together and discover the podcasts that will enrich your Warhammer experience.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Warhammer Podcast

When it comes to choosing a Warhammer podcast, there are several key factors to consider that will greatly impact your listening experience. Each podcast has its own unique style, format, and content, so it’s important to evaluate these factors before diving into a new show. By understanding what you value most in a podcast, you can ensure that you find one that aligns with your interests and preferences.

1. Podcast Format and Episode Length

The format of a podcast plays a significant role in how the content is delivered and consumed. Some podcasts follow a conversational style, where hosts engage in discussions and share their insights and experiences. Others may have a more structured format, such as interviews with industry experts or deep dives into specific aspects of the Warhammer universe. Consider which format appeals to you the most and enhances your understanding and enjoyment of the game.

Additionally, episode length can vary greatly among different podcasts. Some episodes may be shorter, running around 30 minutes to an hour, while others can extend beyond two hours. Take into account your personal preferences and the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to listening to a podcast. Longer episodes may provide more in-depth discussions and analysis, but they also require a larger time commitment.

2. Frequency of Podcast Episodes

The frequency of podcast episodes is another important factor to consider. Some podcasts release new episodes weekly, while others may have a bi-weekly or monthly schedule. Think about how often you want to receive fresh content and stay up to date with the latest Warhammer news and discussions. If you prefer a consistent flow of episodes, podcasts with a higher frequency might be more suitable for you.

3. Quality of Audio and Production

The audio quality and production value of a podcast greatly impact the overall listening experience. Clear and crisp audio ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the discussions without distractions or frustration. Pay attention to podcasts that invest in high-quality microphones, sound editing, and production techniques, as they tend to provide a more professional and enjoyable experience.

4. Expertise and Credibility of the Hosts

The expertise and credibility of the hosts can greatly influence the quality of the content and discussions. Look for hosts who have a deep understanding of the Warhammer universe, whether through years of playing the game, involvement in the community, or professional experience within the industry. Experienced hosts can provide valuable insights, analysis, and perspectives that enhance your understanding and appreciation of Warhammer.

5. Variety of Topics Covered

Consider the range of topics covered by a podcast and whether they align with your areas of interest. Some podcasts focus on specific aspects of Warhammer, such as painting techniques, army building strategies, or lore discussions. Others may have a broader scope, covering various aspects of the game and its surrounding community. Determine which topics you find most engaging and seek out podcasts that cater to those interests.

6. Guest Appearances and Interviews

Podcasts that feature guest appearances and interviews with notable individuals within the Warhammer community can provide unique insights and perspectives. These guests may include game designers, authors, tournament champions, or influential figures in the community. If you value hearing from a diverse range of voices and gaining insider knowledge, podcasts with guest appearances may be particularly appealing to you.

7. Engaging and Entertaining Delivery Style

The delivery style of the hosts greatly impacts the overall enjoyment of a podcast. Look for hosts who are engaging, charismatic, and able to keep the discussion lively and entertaining. A well-presented podcast can make learning about Warhammer a fun and engaging experience, ensuring that you eagerly anticipate each new episode.

8. Community Engagement and Listener Interaction

Some podcasts actively engage with their audience by incorporating listener questions and feedback into their episodes. This level of community engagement can foster a sense of inclusion and involvement, allowing you to contribute to the discussions and feel connected to the larger Warhammer community. Consider whether you value this type of interaction when choosing a podcast.

9. Availability on Different Podcast Platforms

Lastly, consider the availability of the podcast on different platforms. Ensure that the podcast you choose is accessible on your preferred platform, whether it be Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or others. Having a seamless listening experience across your devices will make it easier to stay connected and up to date with the latest episodes.

By considering these factors when choosing a Warhammer podcast, you can find a show that aligns with your interests, enhances your knowledge of the game, and provides an enjoyable listening experience. Now let’s dive into the top Warhammer podcasts and explore what each one has to offer.

Top Warhammer Podcasts

In this section, we will delve into the top Warhammer podcasts that have gained widespread recognition and acclaim within the community. These podcasts have established themselves as trusted sources of information, entertainment, and discussions for Warhammer enthusiasts. Each podcast offers its own unique style, content, and perspective on the game, providing an array of options for listeners to choose from. So, without further ado, let’s explore the top Warhammer podcasts in detail.

The Independent Characters

Overview of the Podcast: The Independent Characters podcast is a long-standing and highly regarded show within the Warhammer community. Known for its in-depth discussions and analysis, this podcast covers all aspects of Warhammer, including the various game systems, painting and modeling techniques, and the rich lore that underpins the universe.

Hosts and Their Expertise: The Independent Characters is hosted by a team of dedicated Warhammer enthusiasts who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Each host has a deep understanding of the game and its intricacies, allowing for engaging discussions and insightful perspectives.

Format, Episode Length, and Frequency: The podcast typically follows a conversational format, with hosts engaging in discussions on specific topics or interviewing notable individuals within the community. Episodes tend to range from one to two hours in length, providing ample time for in-depth exploration of the subject matter. The frequency of episodes varies, with new content released on a bi-weekly basis.

Topics Covered and Guest Appearances: The Independent Characters podcast covers a wide range of topics, including army tactics, hobby tips, lore discussions, and analysis of new releases. Additionally, the podcast regularly features guest appearances from renowned figures in the Warhammer community, allowing listeners to gain insights from a diverse range of perspectives.

Community Engagement and Listener Interaction: The Independent Characters actively engages with its audience through various channels, including social media and a dedicated website. The hosts encourage listener interaction by addressing questions and feedback on the show, fostering a sense of community involvement and connection.

Pros and Cons: One of the main strengths of The Independent Characters podcast lies in its comprehensive and in-depth discussions. The hosts’ expertise and passion for the game shine through, providing listeners with valuable insights and analysis. However, the lengthier episodes may not be suitable for those seeking shorter, bite-sized content, and the bi-weekly release schedule may leave some craving more frequent updates.

The Honest Wargamer

Overview of the Podcast: The Honest Wargamer podcast is a popular choice among Warhammer players who seek a competitive edge. This show focuses on tournament play, army list building, and strategic insights to help players improve their game and succeed in competitive settings.

Hosts and Their Expertise: The Honest Wargamer is hosted by a team of seasoned players, tournament organizers, and industry insiders who possess extensive experience in competitive Warhammer play. Their expertise lends credibility to the discussions and advice offered on the podcast.

Format, Episode Length, and Frequency: The podcast follows a conversational format, with hosts engaging in discussions on various aspects of competitive play. Episodes typically range from one to two hours in length, allowing for in-depth analysis and exploration of strategies. The frequency of episodes varies, with new content released on a weekly basis.

Topics Covered and Guest Appearances: The Honest Wargamer focuses on topics such as army composition, meta analysis, tournament reports, and interviews with top players and tournament organizers. The show often features guest appearances from renowned players and industry experts, providing valuable insights and perspectives on competitive Warhammer.

Community Engagement and Listener Interaction: The Honest Wargamer actively engages with its audience through live streaming of podcast recordings, allowing listeners to participate in real-time discussions and ask questions. The hosts also interact with the community through social media platforms, responding to comments and engaging in discussions with listeners.

Pros and Cons: The Honest Wargamer stands out for its focus on competitive play and its depth of strategic analysis. The hosts’ expertise and the regular inclusion of guest appearances from top players and organizers make this podcast invaluable for those seeking to improve their tournament performance. However, the narrow focus on competitive play may limit its appeal to casual players or those interested in other aspects of Warhammer.


Overview of the Podcast: Garagehammer is a beloved Warhammer podcast that has been entertaining and informing listeners for years. The show covers a wide range of topics, including game system updates, army reviews, painting and modeling techniques, and engaging discussions on various aspects of the Warhammer hobby.

Hosts and Their Expertise: Garagehammer is hosted by a group of passionate Warhammer enthusiasts who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the podcast. With their love for the game and their commitment to fostering a positive community, the hosts provide a welcoming and engaging environment for listeners.

Format, Episode Length, and Frequency: The podcast follows a conversational format, with hosts engaging in lively discussions on different aspects of Warhammer. Episodes typically range from one to two hours in length, allowing for in-depth exploration of the topics at hand. Garagehammer releases new episodes on a regular basis, providing consistent and reliable content for its audience.

Topics Covered and Guest Appearances: Garagehammer covers a wide range of topics related to Warhammer, including army tactics, hobby tips, lore discussions, and interviews with notable figures in the community. The hosts strive to provide a balanced mix of content that caters to both casual and competitive players, ensuring that there is something for everyone.

Community Engagement and Listener Interaction: Garagehammer actively engages with its listeners through various platforms, including social media and their dedicated website. The hosts encourage listener interaction by addressing questions, comments, and feedback on the show. They also organize contests, giveaways, and community events to foster a sense of camaraderie among their audience.

Pros and Cons: One of the standout features of Garagehammer is its dedication to creating a positive and inclusive community. The hosts’ enthusiasm and warmth shine through, making listeners feel like they are part of a larger Warhammer family. Additionally, the podcast’s broad coverage of topics ensures that there is something for every type of Warhammer enthusiast. However, some listeners may find the episode length to be a bit too long, and the conversational style may not appeal to those seeking a more structured and focused approach.

The Long War

Overview of the Podcast: The Long War podcast is a go-to resource for Warhammer players interested in the competitive aspect of the game. This podcast focuses on providing strategic insights, army list analysis, and meta discussions to help players improve their tournament performance and stay up to date with the latest competitive trends.

Hosts and Their Expertise: The Long War is hosted by a team of experienced players, hobbyists, and industry insiders who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the podcast. Their extensive experience in competitive play and involvement in the community enable them to provide valuable insights and analysis.

Format, Episode Length, and Frequency: The Long War follows a conversational format, with hosts engaging in discussions on various aspects of competitive play. Episodes typically range from one to two hours in length, allowing for in-depth analysis and exploration of strategies. The podcast releases new episodes on a regular basis to ensure that listeners stay informed about the ever-evolving competitive landscape.

Topics Covered and Guest Appearances: The Long War covers a wide range of topics related to competitive Warhammer, including army analysis, meta discussions, tournament reports, and interviews with top players and industry experts. The show often features guest appearances from renowned players and organizers, providing additional perspectives and insights.

Community Engagement and Listener Interaction: The Long War actively engages with its audience through various channels, including social media platforms and a dedicated website. The hosts encourage listener interaction by addressing questions, comments, and feedback on the show. They also provide opportunities for listeners to participate in contests and giveaways, fostering a sense of community involvement.

Pros and Cons: The Long War excels in providing valuable insights and analysis for players interested in competitive Warhammer. The hosts’ expertise and the inclusion of guest appearances from top players and industry experts make this podcast a valuable resource for those seeking to improve their tournament performance. However, the narrow focus on competitive play may limit its appeal to casual players or those interested in other aspects of the hobby.

The Warhammer Community Podcast

Overview of the Podcast: The Warhammer Community Podcast is an official podcast produced by Games Workshop, the company behind the Warhammer franchise. This podcast offers a behind-the-scenes look at the development of Warhammer products, exclusive interviews with designers and authors, and discussions on various aspects of the game.

Hosts and Their Expertise: The Warhammer Community Podcast is hosted by members of the Games Workshop team, including designers, authors, and other industry professionals. Their insider knowledge and firsthand experience with the development process provide listeners with unique insights into the world of Warhammer.

Format, Episode Length, and Frequency: The podcast follows a structured format, with each episode focusing on a specific topic or theme. The length of episodes varies, typically ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. The frequency of episodes can vary as well, with new content released on a regular basis to keep listeners updated on the latest Warhammer news and developments.

Topics Covered and Guest Appearances: The Warhammer Community Podcast covers a wide range of topics, including new releases, game updates, lore discussions, and interviews with notable individuals from the Warhammer community. The podcast often features guest appearances from game designers, authors, and other industry figures, providing listeners with unique perspectives and insider information.

Community Engagement and Listener Interaction: The Warhammer Community Podcast actively engages with its audience through social media platforms and the official Warhammer Community website. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions and provide feedback, which may be addressed in future episodes. This level of engagement fosters a sense of community involvement and allows fans to have their voices heard.

Pros and Cons: One of the main strengths of The Warhammer Community Podcast is its official affiliation with Games Workshop. The podcast provides listeners with exclusive insights into the development process and access to interviews with key individuals in the Warhammer community. The structured format ensures that each episode is focused and informative. However, some listeners may prefer a more independent perspective or a wider range of topics beyond what is officially sanctioned by Games Workshop.

Listener Reviews and Recommendations

In addition to exploring the top Warhammer podcasts, it is valuable to consider the opinions and experiences of fellow Warhammer enthusiasts. Listener reviews and recommendations provide unique insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different podcasts, allowing you to gain a broader perspective when making a decision.

As you dive deeper into the Warhammer community, you will find numerous online forums, social media groups, and dedicated websites where fans share their thoughts and recommendations on podcasts. Take the time to read through these reviews and recommendations, paying attention to common themes, standout features, and any concerns or criticisms raised by listeners.

Positive reviews can highlight the engaging and informative nature of a podcast, praising hosts for their expertise, the quality of discussions, and the sense of community fostered by the show. Look for podcasts that consistently receive positive feedback, as this is a strong indicator of a quality production.

However, it’s also important to consider any negative reviews or concerns raised by listeners. These criticisms may touch on areas such as audio quality, content repetition, or lack of diversity in perspectives. While individual preferences may differ, patterns in negative feedback can help you identify potential drawbacks or limitations of certain podcasts.

By compiling and analyzing listener reviews and recommendations, you can gain valuable insights into the experiences of other Warhammer enthusiasts. Consider the feedback alongside the factors discussed earlier to make an informed decision and choose a podcast that aligns with your interests and preferences.

With the exploration of top Warhammer podcasts and the insights from listener reviews, you are well-equipped to find a podcast that suits your needs. However, before we conclude, let’s summarize the top podcasts discussed and offer some final thoughts on the significance of podcasts in the Warhammer community.


