Podcast Growth Case Study Excedr

When we began our partnership with this client, their primary objective was to establish a method for generating inbound deal flow for their company. We identified podcasting as the ideal platform to achieve this goal, and we set out to assist them in growing their podcast into one of the top 50 life sciences podcasts in less than two months. Now, let me share the strategies we employed to accomplish this feat.

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Podcast SEO

When it came to podcast SEO, our main focus was on assisting the client in optimizing their show to ensure its visibility for keywords relevant to their company within podcasting apps. They specifically aimed to rank for keywords like “biotech” or “biotech startups,” so we concentrated on optimizing their podcast by incorporating these keywords into the podcast descriptions, show notes, titles, and other relevant areas. Additionally, we established a system to ensure the longevity of these optimizations.

By implementing effective podcast SEO techniques and combining them with download numbers, it becomes much easier to rank for the desired target keywords that are closely associated with the client’s brand. This comprehensive approach increases the chances of attracting the right audience and generating organic growth for the podcast.

Paid ads

After successfully implementing organic growth through podcast SEO, we complemented it with a paid advertising strategy. Our paid ad strategy revolved around promoting snippets of the podcast to individuals in the United States who expressed an interest in biotech. We executed a campaign for the client, conducting tests with various creatives and identifying the most effective ones. We then allocated the entire ad budget to those high-performing creatives.

Additionally, we assisted the client in determining the number of downloads required to secure a position in the top 50 life sciences category and the necessary quantity to rapidly ascend the ranks. This strategic approach enabled them to establish themselves as a prominent leader in their industry swiftly and effectively. By combining organic growth tactics with targeted paid advertising, we ensured maximum visibility and accelerated growth for the client’s podcast.

Email newsletter

As part of our long-term strategy, we are focused on growing the client’s newsletter. In the initial month, we collected thousands of email addresses from individuals in the biotech industry in the United States, and then we organized them into a targeted newsletter. Over the course of the first two months, we were able to expand the subscriber base to approximately 5,000.

The results have been quite promising, with a 40% open rate and a 5% click-through rate. This newsletter has become a significant distribution channel for the client, and we anticipate it will continue to play a crucial role in the long term.

Moving forward, we plan to add around 4,000 new subscribers to the newsletter each month, ensuring its continuous growth and impact. This strategic approach will provide the client with a steadily expanding audience and a valuable platform for sharing their content and engaging with their target audience indefinitely.

Organic social media clips

In addition to the aforementioned strategies, another key aspect of our work with this client involves creating organic social media clips for them to share across their social media channels. This approach not only helps them increase their organic reach and distribution but also provides their team with valuable content that can be utilized across various platforms.

By publishing these clips on their social media channels, they are able to capture the attention of a wider audience and generate inbound interest. This, in turn, serves as an entry point for individuals who are interested in appearing on their podcast. The organic social media clips act as a catalyst for engagement and outreach, opening doors for potential guests who wish to participate in their podcast discussions.

By leveraging social media in this manner, we help the client expand their network, attract relevant guests, and foster ongoing growth and engagement within their podcasting community.


The impact that our work has had on the company thus far has been remarkable. It has resulted in a significant increase in inbound opportunities, allowing the CEO to establish valuable relationships with other industry CEOs. Moreover, it has provided leverage for the sales team to close deals by offering potential clients the opportunity to be featured on the podcast as an added incentive.

Furthermore, our efforts have created a robust content engine for the client’s team, enabling them to generate content at scale that resonates with their target audience. This streamlined content creation process has proven to be highly advantageous for the company.

Overall, the podcast has become a substantial business asset, with its influence poised to grow even further in the long term. It has provided the company with expanded visibility, valuable connections, and a means to create and distribute content efficiently. As time goes on, the podcast’s significance as a strategic business tool is expected to continue growing, serving as a valuable asset for the company’s sustained success.



